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Biographical Note

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Guide to the Charles Fowler Papers

Prepared by Romina Cahiwat, Student Assistant, and Dale Patterson, Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History, Madison, New Jersey

(Published for the Drew University Methodist Library)

Overview of Records

Record Creator: Fowler, Charles Henry
Title: Charles Fowler Papers
Dates: 1872- 1912
Abstract: American Methodist Episcopal bishop. Fowler was active in the overseas mission work of the church, president of Northwestern University and editor of the Christian Advocate. The bulk of these papers were created during is episcopacy.
Extent: 1.17 cu. feet
Resource ID: drew.ms.2386

Biograhpical Note

Charles Henry Fowler (1837-1908) was born in Burford, Ontario, Canada on August 11, 1837. His family moved to Illinois in 1841, where he attended Rock River Seminary in 1851. He went to New York in 1855 to study at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary and was accepted into Genesee College that same year. He graduated with honors in 1859.

FFowler went back to Illinois with the intention of studying law, however he was converted and entered the ministry. He graduated from Garrett Biblical Institute in 1861. Following graduation, he was received in the Rock River Conference. He served Jefferson Street, Clark Street, Centenary, and Wabash Avenue churches in Chicago.

In 1872, Fowler was elected president of Northwestern University and served until 1876, when he was elected by the General Conference to serve as editor of The Christian Advocate. He was a member of General Conferences 1872-1880, and was elected to the episcopacy in 1884. After his election, Fowler traveled to overseas mission areas and helped found the University of Beijing and the University of Nanjing in China. At home, he was a co-founder of Nebraska Wesleyan University and the Twentieth Century Forward Movement. He died March 20, 1908 in New York.

Scope Note

The collection contains letters mostly from fellow bishops concerning matters of the Church and his election. Other correspondence also includes personal requests of Fowler. There are also scrapbooks with newspaper articles featuring Fowler and artifacts, including his address at Baltimore W. College. There are letters, scrapbooks and some photographs.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Series: Articles
Series: Artifacts
Series: Incoming Correspondence
Series: Outgoing Correspondence

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Bishop Fowler Papers, Methodist Collection - Drew University, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

Copyright still owned by Drew. Permissions to publish must be directed to Drew University, Madison, New Jersey

Restrictions on Use

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Subject Terms

Subject Topics
Church polity.
Education, Higher

Container List

Series: Articles
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-6-7: 19 Mission Rooms, Methodist Episcopal Church - Untitled Undated
2135-6-7: 20 Greatness of the Ministry Undated
2135-6-7: 21 Untitled Undated
2135-6-7: 22 Advocate Undated
2135-6-7: 23 Baltimore W. College Undated

Series: Artifacts
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-6-7: 24 Mallalieu Discount Tickets 1895-1896
2135-6-7: 25 Pictures and Memorial Address book 1885-1899
2135-6-7: 26 Scrapbook 1 1876-1877
2135-6-7: 27 Scrapbook 2 1878
2135-6-7: 28 Scrapbook 3 - Part 1 1880
2135-6-7: 29 Scrapbook 3 - Part 2 1880-1893
2135-6-7: 30 Scrapbook 3 - Part 3 1884
2135-6-7: 31 Scrapbook 3 - Part 4 1892-1893
2135-6-7: 32 Scrapbook 3 - Part 5 1892-1893
2135-6-7: 33 Scrapbook 3 - Part 6 1893-1894
2135-6-7: 34 Scrapbook 3 - Part 7 1894
2135-6-7: 35 Scrapbook 3 - Part 8 1894
2135-6-7: 36 Scrapbook 3 - Part 9 1894
2135-6-7: 37 Scrapbook 3 - Part 10 1895
2135-6-7: 38 Scrapbook 3 - Part 11 1895-1896
2135-6-7: 39 Scrapbook 3 - Part 12 1896
2135-6-7: 40 Scrapbook 3 - Part 13 Undated
2135-6-7: 41 Scrapbook 3 - Part 14 Undated
2135-6-7: 42 Photographs Undated
2135-6-7: 43 Certificates, Invitations, Correspondence Undated
2135-6-7: 44 Fowler Portrait Undated
2135-6-7: 45 Rev. George E. Strobridge - Jan. 6 1905

Series: Incoming Correspondence
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-6-5: 26 Bishop Edward G. Andrews 1873-1906
2135-6-5: 27 H. Bannister - July 8 1874
2135-6-5: 28 Bishop J.W. Bashford 1906-1907
2135-6-5: 29 David H. Bates - March 2 1908
2135-6-5: 30 Thomas Francis Bayard - Dec. 22 1885
2135-6-5: 31 Bishop J. Berry Undated
2135-6-5: 32 John L. Beverage 1874
2135-6-5: 33 L.J. Birney Undated
2135-6-5: 34 M.M. Bovard 1886-1887
2135-6-5: 35 T. Bowman 1887
2135-6-5: 36 John Braden - Oct. 8 1879
2135-6-5: 37 Bishop J.C. Broomfield Undated
2135-6-5: 38 Wallace E. Brown - March 12 1907
2135-6-5: 39 James Monroe Buckley 1894-1903
2135-6-5: 40 William Burt 1897-1906
2135-6-5: 41 Henry Anson Buttz 1906
2135-6-5: 42 Schuyler Colfax Undated
2135-6-5: 43 Bishop Earl Cranston 1894-1914
2135-6-5: 44 Joseph Cook 1879-1889
2135-6-5: 45 George Richard Crooks 1879
2135-6-5: 46 Joseph Cummings 1874-1875
2135-6-5: 47 James R. Day 1904
2135-6-5: 48 Howard Duffield - Oct 12 1904
2135-6-5: 49 Arthur Edwards Undated
2135-6-5: 50 Edward Eggleston - June 6 1876
2135-6-5: 51 John Ferguson - Feb. 9 1905
2135-6-5: 52 Clinton B. Fisk - Aug. 20 1879
2135-6-5: 53 Bishop J.N. Fitzgerald 1887-1907
2135-6-5: 54 Robert Forbes - March 18 1903
2135-6-5: 55 Cyrus Foss 1887-1906
2135-6-5: 56 Andrew Gronblas Undated
2135-6-5: 57 Frank C. Haddock - Nov. 14 1899
2135-6-5: 58 John William Hamilton 1892-1930
2135-6-5: 59 M. Colbert Harris 1877-1905
2135-6-5: 60 William L. Harris 1882-1887
2135-6-5: 61 Bishop Joseph C. Hartzell 1898-1907
2135-6-5: 62 E.D. Haven - Jan. 19 1875
2135-6-5: 63 Bishop G. Haven 1873-1879
2135-6-5: 64 Bishop Theodore S. Henderson 1906-1919
2135-6-5: 65 Bishop Ivan Lee Holt - Nov. 13 1930
2135-6-6: 1 J.B. Heingeley 1904-1908
2135-6-6: 2 L. Hitchcock 1879
2135-6-6: 3 George Hughes 1876
2135-6-6: 4 Jesse L. Hurlburt 1894
2135-6-6: 5 John F. Hurst 1876-1901
2135-6-6: 6 Thomas C. Iliff - July 17 1900
2135-6-6: 7 Eben Samuel Johnson - Nov. 27 1906
2135-6-6: 8 Bishop Isaac Willam Joyce 1892-1903
2135-6-6: 9 William V. Kelley - Jan. 8 1880
2135-6-6: 10 Daniel P. Kidder - June 18 1878
2135-6-6: 11 John Lanahan 1894
2135-6-6: 12 Charles J. Little - March 18 1904
2135-6-6: 13 Bishop Charles E. Locke 1903-1908
2135-6-6: 14 John A. Logan 1872-1876
2135-6-6: 15 Orrington Lunt 1878-1879
2135-6-6: 16 R. S. Maclay 1882
2135-6-6: 17 Bishop William F. McDowell 1904-1906
2135-6-6: 18 Bishop Francis John McConnell - Jan. 1 1908
2135-6-6: 19 Bishop Willard F. Mallalieu 1878-1910
2135-6-6: 20 Wiilliam McKinley - Nov. 8 1894
2135-6-6: 21 Bishop S.M. Merrill 1887-1897
2135-6-6: 22 R. Miller - Sept. 14 1905
2135-6-6: 23 R. J. Miller - May 8 1899
2135-6-6: 24 Bishop David H. Moore 1898-1908
2135-6-6: 25 John P. Newman 1890
2135-6-6: 26 Thomas Nicholson - March 8 1895
2135-6-6: 27 W.X. Ninde 1888-1900
2135-6-6: 28 W.F. Oldham - March 11 1904
2135-6-6: 29 A. J. Palmer - June 19 1890
2135-6-6: 30 Charles Parkhurst 1897-1908
2135-6-6: 31 J. O. Peck - Jan. 5 1877
2135-6-6: 32 J. T. Peck - May 20 1874
2135-6-6: 33 Lovick Pierce - Oct. 7 1876
2135-6-6: 34 James H. Potts - Nov. 19 1900
2135-6-6: 35 Theodore Price - May 4 1884
2135-6-6: 36 James Morley Punshon - Oct. 14 1871
2135-6-6: 37 William A. Quayle - May 18 1905
2135-6-6: 38 John M. Reid - Sept. 6 1866
2135-6-6: 39 Henry Wade Rogers - Feb. 25 1891
2135-6-6: 40 James F. Rusling - June 18 1877
2135-6-6: 41 Bishop I.B. Scott - Jan. 26 1907
2135-6-6: 42 Bishop M. Simpson 1869-1891
2135-6-6: 43 Thomas Bowman Stephenson - Aug. 3 1898
2135-6-7: 1 Melville E. Stone - Sept. 11 1891
2135-6-7: 2 Homer Clyde Stuntz - Jan. 14 1903
2135-6-7: 3 S. C. Swallow - Nov. 12 1900
2135-6-7: 4 G.W. Switzer Undated
2135-6-7: 5 Bishop James Mills Thoburn - March 13 1889
2135-6-7: 6 W. W. Van Orsdel - Jan. 11 1894
2135-6-7: 7 Bishop John H. Vincent 1874-1912
2135-6-7: 8 Leonard W. Volk - Sept. 15 1875
2135-6-7: 9 Bishop John M. Walden 1887-1910
2135-6-7: 10 Bishop Frank W. Warne 1903-1912
2135-6-7: 11 Elizabeth Ilift Warren - Sept. 22 1900
2135-6-7: 12 Bishop Henry White Warren 1877-1929
2135-6-7: 13 William Fairfield Warren 1905
2135-6-7: 14 W. L. Watkinson - Jan. 28 1907
2135-6-7: 15 Arthur H. Wilde - Jan. 30 1905
2135-6-7: 16 A. W. Wilson - May 10 1890
2135-6-7: 17 Bishop Luther Barton Wilson 1905-1907
2135-6-7: 18 Mrs. William Butler to Mrs. Fowler 1907

Series: Outgoing Correspondence
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-6-5: 1 G.G. Farmer - Sept. 7 1875
2135-6-5: 2 Oliver - Feb. 8 1877
2135-6-5: 3 George N. Hill - May 1 1877
2135-6-5: 4 J.O. Peck - Dec. 14 1877
2135-6-5: 5 J.J. Hoag - May 10 1878
2135-6-5: 6 Reverend J. Fitzgerald - Sept. 7 1882
2135-6-5: 7 Mrs. Bentley - Nov. 6 1890
2135-6-5: 8 Wife - May 1891
2135-6-5: 9 Reverend John A. Edmunson - May 15 1894
2135-6-5: 10 Dr. George H. Goodsell - May 15 1894
2135-6-5: 11 Wife - Sept. 18 1894
2135-6-5: 12 Unknown 1894
2135-6-5: 13 S.W. McCaslin - Sept. 25 1896
2135-6-5: 14 S.H. Hicks 1896
2135-6-5: 15 Chauncey F. Black - January 1898
2135-6-5: 16 Unknown - Nov. 11 1900
2135-6-5: 17 Wife and Son - Oct. 6 1904
2135-6-5: 18 S.W. Bovine - April 10 1905
2135-6-5: 19 Bishop Spellmeyer - Sept. 18 1905
2135-6-5: 20 G.W. Switzer 1905
2135-6-5: 21 Rev. Wallace E. Brown - March 18 1907
2135-6-5: 22 J.W. Parmley - Feb. 19 1908
2135-6-5: 23 Moyra Undated
2135-6-5: 24 Unknown Undated
2135-6-5: 25 W. Hurst Undated