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Biographical Note

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Subject Terms

Container List [ + ]

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Guide to the Records of the Methodist Federation for Social Action

Prepared by Romina Cahiwat, student assistant and L. Dale Patterson, Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History, Madison, New Jersey

(Published for the Drew University Methodist Library)

Overview of Records

Record Creator: Methodist Federation for Social Action
Title: Records of the Methodist Federation for Social Action
Dates: 1907- 1998
Abstract: Methodist Federation for Social Action was the first unofficial agency, or caucus, for the denomination. Its focus was on social action and justice. It was instrumental in the formulation of the Methodist Social Creed which was later adopted by the Federal Council of Churches. The records contain minutes, position papers, reports, correspondence and artifacts.
Extent: 27.0 cu. feet
Resource ID: drew.in.2402

History Note

TThe Methodist Federation for Social Service was formed in 1907 by ministers and laymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church who had a concern for social justice and social action. Early leaders were Harry F. Ward, later of Union Seminary and co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, Bishop Francis J. McConnell, George Coe, Ward Tippy, and Frank Mason North. Under Ward's guidance the group authored the Social Creed, which was adopted by the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1908 and later by the Federal Council of Churches. In its early days the organization was supported by the denomination. In the 1950s, the denomination distanced itself from the Federation, now called the Methodist Federation for Social Action, as the Federation became embroiled in the McCarthy-era investigations. The Federation has continued to speak to the denomination and to work with other social concern agencies of the denomination for social justice.

Scope Note

The records contain executive committee minutes and correspondence, minutes of the national meeting and staff meeting minutes, position papers, reports, correspondence, financial records, budgets and artifacts. There are also information on student and area chapters, press releases, publications including files of their periodical, the Social Questions Bulletin, as well as Federal Bureau of Investigation files obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The bulk of the material dates from the late 1940s through the early 1960s during the tenure of the Federation's chief executive officer, Jack McMichael.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Series: Administration
subseries: 1982 Membership Survey
subseries: Administrative Committee
subseries: Executive Committee
subseries: Financial
subseries: General Conference 1948
subseries: General Conference 1952
subseries: General Conference 1976
subseries: General Conference 1980
subseries: General Conference 1984
subseries: General Conference 1988
subseries: General Conference 1992
subseries: National Meeting
subseries: Staff Meeting Minutes
subseries: Study Committee
Series: Artifacts
Series: Chapters
Series: Correspondence
subseries: Chamberlain
subseries: Executive Committee
subseries: General
subseries: Lee Ball
subseries: McClain
subseries: McMichael
subseries: Mecartney
subseries: Public Texts
subseries: Ward
Series: FBI Files
Series: Issues
subseries: Commission on Propaganda Analysis
subseries: General
subseries: Israel/Palestine Peace Pilgrimage
subseries: Mecartney
subseries: Mundt Bill
Series: Press Releases
Series: Programmatic Resolutions
Series: Publications
subseries: Newsletter
subseries: Periodicals
subseries: UCCD Action Bulletin
Series: Reports
Series: Resources
Series: Scrapbooks
Series: Social Questions Bulletin
subseries: Editorial Correspondence
subseries: Issues
Series: Subject Files

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Records of the Methodist Federation for Social Action, Methodist Collection - Drew University, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

Copyright still owned by Drew. Permissions to publish must be directed to Drew

Restrictions on Use

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Related Material

Records of the General Board of Church and Society

Records of the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries

Subject Terms

Additional Creators - Personal
Ball, Lee
McClain, George
McMichael, Jack.
Ward, Harry F.
Subject Topics
Church and industry
Church and labor
Church and state
Church controversies
Civil disobedience
Conduct of life
Human rights
Peace movements
Social ethics
Social justice
Social reformers
Social service.
Church and social problems

Container List

Series: Administration
Sub-series: 1982 Membership Survey
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-4-1: 5 General Membership Survey - Part 1 [Restricted] 1982
2135-4-1: 6 General Membership Survey - Part 2 [Restricted] 1982
2135-4-1: 7 General Membership Survey - Part 3 [Restricted] 1982
2135-4-1: 8 General Membership Survey - Part 4 [Restricted] 1982
2135-4-1: 9 Subscribers Only [Restricted] 1982
2135-4-1: 10 Surveys with Comments [Restricted] 1982
2135-4-1: 11 Leadership Survey [Restricted] 1982
Sub-series: Administrative Committee
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-6-4: 7 Ad Interim Committee - Dec 27 1943
2133-6-4: 8 Ad Interim Committee - Sept 11 1944
2133-6-4: 9 Administrative Committee - Dec 21 1945
2133-6-4: 10 Administrative Committee Meeting 1946
2133-6-4: 11 Administrative Committee - March 8 1946
2133-6-4: 12 Administrative Committee - March 26 1946
2133-6-4: 13 Administrative Committee - May 2 1946
2133-6-4: 14 Administrative Committee - May 13 1946
2133-6-4: 15 Administrative Committee - June 3 1946
2133-6-4: 16 Administrative Committee - Sept 4 1946
2133-6-4: 17 Administrative Committee -Dec 20 1946
2133-6-4: 18 Administrative Committee - Jan 8 1947
2133-6-4: 19 Administrative Committee - Feb 14 1947
2133-6-4: 20 Administrative Committee - March 10 1947
2133-6-4: 21 Administrative Committee - April 15 1947
2133-6-4: 22 Administrative Committee - May 12 1947
2133-6-4: 23 Administrative Committee - May 26 1947
2133-6-4: 24 Administrative Committee - Sept 2 1947
2133-6-4: 25 Administrative Committee - Oct 8 1947
2133-6-4: 26 Administrative Committee - Nov 18 1947
2133-6-4: 27 Administrative Committee - Dec 10 1947
2133-6-4: 28 Administrative Committee - Jan 14 1948
2133-6-4: 29 Administrative Committee - Feb 8 1948
2133-6-4: 30 Administrative Committee - Feb 18 1948
2133-6-4: 31 Administrative Committee - March 8 1948
2133-6-4: 32 Administrative Committee - March 31 1948
2133-6-4: 33 Administrative Committee - May 12 1948
2133-6-4: 34 Administrative Committee - June 2 1948
2133-6-4: 35 Administrative Committee - June 30 1948
2133-6-4: 36 Administrative Committee - Sept 8 1948
2133-6-4: 37 Administrative Committee - Oct 6 1948
2133-6-4: 38 Administrative Committee - March 4 1949
2133-6-5: 1 Administrative Committee - May 31 1949
2133-6-5: 2 Administrative Committee - July 20 1949
2133-6-5: 3 Administrative Committee - Sept 19 1949
2133-6-5: 4 Administrative Committee - Oct 10 1949
2133-6-5: 5 Administrative Committee - Oct 24 1949
2133-6-5: 6 Administrative Committee - Nov 14 1949
2133-6-5: 7 Administrative Committee - Dec 5 1949
2133-6-5: 8 Administrative Committee - Feb 17 1950
2133-6-5: 9 Administrative Committee - March 23 1950
2133-6-5: 10 Administrative Committee - April 19 1950
2133-6-5: 11 Administrative Committee - May 25 1950
2133-6-5: 12 Administrative Committee - Sept 19 1950
2133-6-5: 13 Administrative Committee - Oct 27 1950
2133-6-5: 14 Administrative Committee - Mar 19 1951
2133-6-5: 15 Administrative Committee - May 12 1951
2133-6-5: 16 Administrative Committee - May 19 1951
2133-6-5: 17 Administrative Committee - Feb 6 1952
2133-6-5: 18 Administrative Committee - Mar 10 1952
2133-6-5: 19 Administrative Committee - Nov 10 1952
2133-6-5: 20 Administrative Committee - Jan 16 1953
2133-6-5: 21 Administrative Committee - Oct 13 1977
2133-6-5: 22 Administrative Committee - Nov 15 1977
2133-6-5: 23 Administrative Committee - Dec 22 1977
2133-6-5: 24 Administrative Committee - Jan 16 1978
2133-6-5: 25 Administrative Committee - Mar 20 1978
2133-6-5: 26 Administrative Committee - Apr 17 1978
2133-6-5: 27 Administrative Committee - May 18 1978
2133-6-5: 28 Administrative Committee - June 12 1978
2133-6-5: 29 Administrative Committee - Sept 19 1978
2133-6-5: 30 Administrative Committee - Oct 28 1978
2133-6-5: 31 Administrative Committee - Dec 18 1978
2133-6-5: 32 Administrative Committee - Jan 22 1979
2133-6-5: 33 Administrative Committee - March 5 1979
2133-6-5: 34 Administrative Committee - March 14 1979
2133-6-5: 35 Administrative Committee - Sept 10 1979
2133-6-5: 36 Administrative Committee - Oct 31 1979
2133-6-5: 37 Administrative Committee - Dec 5 1979
2133-6-5: 38 Administrative Committee - Jan 22 1981
2133-6-5: 39 Administrative Committee - May 7 1981
2133-6-5: 40 Administrative Committee - May 25 1982
2133-6-5: 41 Administrative Committee - Sept 9 1982
2133-6-5: 42 Administrative Committee - Dec 16 1982
2133-6-5: 43 Administrative Committee - Feb 22 1983
2133-6-5: 44 Administrative Committee - Apr 12 1983
2133-6-5: 45 Administrative Committee - May 31 1983
2133-6-5: 46 Administrative Committee - Oct 26 1983
Sub-series: Executive Committee
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-6-1: 1 Minutes of the Methodist Federation for Social Service 1907-1930
2133-6-1: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 19 1923
2133-6-1: 3 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 11 1927
2133-6-1: 4 Executive Committee Members, Annual Reports, etc. 1928-1944
2133-6-1: 5 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 20 1928
2133-6-1: 6 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 31 1928
2133-6-1: 7 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec. 3 1928
2133-6-1: 8 Executive Committee Minutes - May 20 1929
2133-6-1: 9 Executive Committee Minutes - October 7 1929
2133-6-1: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - April 21 1930
2133-6-1: 11 Executive Committee Minutes - June 18 1930
2133-6-1: 12 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 06 1930
2133-6-1: 13 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 27 1931
2133-6-1: 14 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 31 1932
2133-6-1: 15 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 2 1933
2133-6-1: 16 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 27 1934
2133-6-1: 17 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 18-19 1935
2133-6-1: 18 Executive Committee Minutes - May 25 1936
2133-6-1: 19 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 2 1936
2133-6-1: 20 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 17 1936
2133-6-1: 21 Executive Committee Minutes - May 6 1937
2133-6-1: 22 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 18 1937
2133-6-1: 23 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 10 1938
2133-6-1: 24 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 20 1939
2133-6-1: 25 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 01 1940
2133-6-1: 26 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 13 1941
2133-6-1: 27 Executive Committee Minutes - April 22 1941
2133-6-1: 28 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 27 1941
2133-6-1: 29 Report to Trustees of Robert Marshall Foundation 1941-1942
2133-6-1: 30 Executive Committee Minutes - May 26 1942
2133-6-1: 31 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 18 1943
2133-6-1: 32 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 08 1944
2133-6-1: 33 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 2 1944
2133-6-1: 34 Executive Committee Minutes - March 13 1945
2133-6-1: 35 Executive Committee Minutes - July 2 1945
2133-6-1: 36 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 18 1945
2133-6-1: 37 Executive Committee Minutes -Dec 2 1945
2133-6-1: 38 Executive Committee Minutes - March 18 1946
2133-6-2: 1 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 16 1946
2133-6-2: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 31 1946
2133-6-2: 3 Executive Committee Minutes 1947
2133-6-2: 4 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 2 1947
2133-6-2: 5 Executive Committee Minutes - March 17 1947
2133-6-2: 6 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 15 1947
2133-6-2: 7 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 27 1947
2133-6-2: 8 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 30 1948
2133-6-2: 9 Executive Committee Minutes - March 1948
2133-6-2: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - March 15 1948
2133-6-2: 11 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 27 1948
2133-6-2: 12 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 29 1948
2133-6-2: 13 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 29 1948
2133-6-2: 14 Executive Committee Minutes - April 16 1949
2133-6-2: 15 Executive Committee Minutes - April 23 1949
2133-6-2: 16 Executive Committee Minutes - May 14 1949
2133-6-2: 17 Executive Committee Minutes - July 17-18 1949
2133-6-2: 18 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 14 1949
2133-6-2: 19 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 29 1949
2133-6-2: 20 Executive Committee Minutes - July 17 1950
2133-6-2: 21 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 18 1950
2133-6-2: 22 Poll Responses 1951
2133-6-2: 23 Executive Committee Minutes - June 22 1951
2133-6-2: 24 Executive Committee Minutes - July 22 1951
2133-6-2: 25 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 10 1951
2133-6-2: 26 Executive Committee Minutes - May 22 1952
2133-6-2: 27 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 16 1952
2133-6-2: 28 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 2 1953
2133-6-2: 29 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 2 1953
2133-6-2: 30 Executive Committee Minutes - April 13 1953
2133-6-2: 31 Executive Committee Minutes - April 6 1972
2133-6-2: 32 Executive Committee Minutes - June 8 1972
2133-6-2: 33 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 4 1972
2133-6-2: 34 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 26 1973
2133-6-2: 35 Executive Committee Minutes - April 11 1973
2133-6-2: 36 Executive Committee Minutes - July 6-7 1973
2133-6-2: 37 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 26 1973
2133-6-2: 38 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 23 1974
2133-6-2: 39 Executive Committee Minutes - April 4 1974
2133-6-2: 40 Executive Committee Minutes - June 10 1974
2133-6-2: 41 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 2 1974
2133-6-2: 42 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 14 1975
2133-6-2: 43 Executive Committee Minutes - April 4-6 1975
2133-6-2: 44 Executive Committee Minutes - May 8 1975
2133-6-2: 45 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 11 1975
2133-6-2: 46 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 10 1975
2133-6-2: 47 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 10 1975
2133-6-3: 1 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 28 1976
2133-6-3: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 25 1976
2133-6-3: 3 Executive Committee Minutes - March 18 1976
2133-6-3: 4 Executive Committee Minutes - April 15 1976
2133-6-3: 5 Executive Committee Minutes - May 27 1976
2133-6-3: 6 Executive Committee Minutes - June 22 1976
2133-6-3: 7 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 29 1976
2133-6-3: 8 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 9 1976
2133-6-3: 9 Executive Committee Activities 1977-1978
2133-6-3: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 19 1977
2133-6-3: 11 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 8 1977
2133-6-3: 12 Executive Committee Minutes - March 16 1977
2133-6-3: 13 Executive Committee Minutes - April 23-24 1977
2133-6-3: 14 Executive Committee Minutes - May 17 1977
2133-6-3: 15 Executive Committee 1978
2133-6-3: 16 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 24-26 1978
2133-6-3: 17 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 9-11 1979
2133-6-3: 18 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 18 1980
2133-6-3: 19 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 13-15 1980
2133-6-3: 20 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 22-24 1982
2133-6-3: 21 Executive Committee Minutes - July 8-9 1982
2133-6-3: 22 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 21-23 1983
2133-6-3: 23 Executive Committee Minutes - Aug 11-14 1983
2133-6-3: 24 Post Denver April Meeting 1986
2133-6-3: 25 Executive Committee Minutes 1987
2133-6-3: 26 Executive Committee - Apr 24-30 1988
2133-6-3: 27 Committee Agenda - Aug 1 1988
2133-6-4: 1 Report Summary to Executive Committee - Jan 24 1989
2133-6-4: 2 National Executive Committee - Jan 26-30 1989
2133-6-4: 3 Ballots: Executive Committee 1947
2133-6-4: 4 Ballots: Executive Committee 1951
2133-6-4: 5 Ballots: Executive Committee - Folder 1 1952
2133-6-4: 6 Ballots: Executive Committee - Folder 2 1952
2136-3-1: 1 Reports of Charles C. Webber 1938
2136-3-1: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - Mar 27 1944
2136-3-1: 3 Annual Meeting Minutes - May 2 1944
2136-3-1: 4 Ad Interim Committee Minutes - May 16 1944
2136-3-1: 5 Ad Interim Committee Minutes - Oct 9 1944
2136-3-1: 6 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 2 1944
2136-3-1: 7 Executive Secretary Reports 1945-1948
2136-3-1: 8 Executive Committee 1946
2136-3-1: 9 National Membership Meeting - Garrett Biblical Institute - Dec 31-Jan 2 1946-1947
2136-3-1: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - Dec 27-29 1947
2136-3-1: 11 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 18 1948
2136-3-1: 12 National Membership Meeting Minutes - Sept 5,6 1951
2136-3-1: 13 Executive Committee Minutes - Mar 10 1952
2136-3-1: 14 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 22 1952
2136-3-1: 15 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 2 1952
2136-3-1: 16 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 10 1952
2136-3-1: 17 Executive Committee Minutes - Mar 30 1954
2136-3-1: 18 Executive Committee Minutes - Aug 12-14 1954
2136-3-1: 19 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes - Aug 13 1954
2136-3-1: 20 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 30 1954
2136-3-1: 21 Annual Meeting Minutes - July 25-27 1961
2136-3-1: 22 Annual Meeting Minutes - July 10-13 1962
2136-3-1: 23 Administrative Committee and Annual Meeting Minutes 1963
2136-3-1: 24 Annual Meeting Minutes - Apr 25 1964
2136-3-1: 25 Administrative Committee Minutes - Jan 21 1965
2136-3-1: 26 Administrative Committee Minutes - Mar 3 1966
2136-3-1: 27 Administrative Committee Minutes - Apr 7 1966
2136-3-1: 28 Administrative Committee Minutes - June 2 1966
2136-3-1: 29 Administrative Committee Minutes - Oct 6 1966
2136-3-1: 30 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 4 1967
2136-3-1: 31 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 6 1967
2136-3-1: 32 Executive Committee Minutes - June 1 1967
2136-3-1: 33 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 4 1968
2136-3-1: 34 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 4 1968
2136-3-1: 35 Executive Committee Minutes - June 6 1968
2136-3-1: 36 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 2 1969
2136-3-1: 37 Executive Committee Minutes - Mar 27 1969
2136-3-1: 38 Executive Committee Minutes - June 5 1969
2136-3-1: 39 Executive Committee Minutes - Nov 6 1969
2136-3-2: 1 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 8 1970
2136-3-2: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - Mar 19 1970
2136-3-2: 3 Executive Committee Minutes - May 21 1970
2136-3-2: 4 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 1 1970
2136-3-2: 5 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 7 1971
2136-3-2: 6 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 1 1971
2136-3-2: 7 Executive Committee Minutes - June 3 1971
2136-3-2: 8 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 4 1971
2136-3-2: 9 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 12 1972
2136-3-2: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - July 18 1973
2136-3-2: 11 Executive Committee Minutes 1974
2136-3-2: 12 Methodist Federation - Veterans 1975
2136-3-2: 13 Executive Committee Minutes 1977-1978
2136-3-2: 14 Membership Breakdowns 1980
2136-3-2: 15 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 19, 20 1984
2136-3-2: 16 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 30 1984
2136-3-2: 17 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 27-30 1984
2136-3-2: 18 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 18-21 1985
2136-3-2: 19 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 26-29 1985
2136-3-2: 20 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 11-13 1986
2136-3-3: 1 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 25-28 1986
2136-3-3: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - May 1-3 1987
2136-3-3: 3 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 10-13 1987
2136-3-3: 4 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 24-26 1988
2136-3-3: 5 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 26-30 1989
2136-3-3: 6 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 21-24 1989
2136-3-3: 7 Executive Committee Minutes - May 17-20 1990
2136-3-3: 8 Board Contacts 1991-1992
2136-3-3: 9 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 10-13 1991
2136-3-3: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 26-29 1991
2136-3-4: 1 Executive Committee Minutes - May 2-4 1992
2136-3-4: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - Feb 4-7 1993
2136-3-4: 3 Executive Committee Minutes - Sept 23-26 1993
2136-3-4: 4 Board of Directors Meetings (General) 1994-1995
2136-3-4: 5 Executive Committee Minutes - May 12-15 1994
2136-3-4: 6 Federation Handbook - January 1995
2136-3-4: 7 National Board of Directors Workbook - Jan 5-8 1995
2136-3-4: 8 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 19 1995
2136-3-4: 9 Executive Committee Minutes - Apr 13-15 1996
2136-3-4: 10 Executive Committee Minutes - Jan 9-12 1997
2136-3-5: 1 Executive Committee Minutes - Oct 16-18 1997
2136-3-5: 2 Executive Committee Minutes - May 7-10 1998
2136-3-5: 3 Personnel Undated
2136-3-5: 4 Staff Job Descriptions Undated
2135-4-1: 12 Executive Committee 1951-1954
Sub-series: Financial
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-6-8: 4 Financial Report 1929
2133-6-8: 5 Financial Report 1932
2133-6-8: 6 Financial Report 1933
2133-6-8: 7 Financial Report 1934
2133-6-8: 8 Report of Office Work 1934-1941
2133-6-8: 9 Report on Examination 1937-1938
2133-6-8: 10 Financial Report 1938
2133-6-8: 11 Financial Report 1939
2133-6-8: 12 Financial Report 1940
2133-6-8: 13 Financial Report 1941
2133-6-8: 14 Financial Report 1942
2133-6-8: 15 Financial Report 1943
2133-6-8: 16 Financial Report 1945
2133-6-8: 17 Financial Report 1946
2133-6-8: 18 Report Upon Eaxmination of Records - May 31 1946
2133-6-8: 19 Cash Bank Records 1947-1950
2133-6-8: 20 Financial Report 1947
2133-6-8: 21 Financial Report 1948
2133-6-8: 22 Financial Report 1949
2133-6-8: 23 Cash Book Records 1950-1951
2134-6-1: 1 Finance Committee 1950
2134-6-1: 2 Finance Report 1950
2134-6-1: 3 Money to Come 1950-1953
2134-6-1: 4 Finances - Money Raising - Part 1 1950-1952
2134-6-1: 5 Finances - Money Raising - Part 2 1950-1952
2134-6-1: 6 Finance Reports 1951
2134-6-1: 7 Finance Reports 1952
2134-6-1: 8 Finances 1974
2134-6-1: 9 Treasurer's Report - Jan 31 1975
2134-6-1: 10 Treasurer's Report - June 30 1975
2134-6-1: 11 Finances 1976
2134-6-1: 12 Statement of Assets and Debts - Dec 7 1976
2134-6-1: 13 Income and Proposed Budget 1977
2134-6-1: 14 Treasurer's Report - Jan 31 1979
2134-6-1: 15 Treasurer's Report - Apr 30 1979
2134-6-1: 16 Finance Appeals and Memos 1983-1986
2134-6-1: 17 Finances 1983
2134-6-1: 18 Finances and Membership 1984
2134-6-1: 19 Bequest Records 1986-1987
2134-6-1: 20 Finances 1986-1987
2134-6-1: 21 Finances 1986
2134-6-1: 22 Finance Committee 1987
2134-6-1: 23 Finances and Membership 1987
2134-6-1: 24 Expense Report 1988
2134-6-1: 25 Finances 1988
2134-6-1: 26 Income Report 1988
2134-6-1: 27 Finances 1989
2134-6-1: 28 Financial Reports Undated
2136-3-5: 5 Treasurer's Report 1954
2136-3-5: 6 Pre-1980 Finances 1974-1979
2136-3-5: 7 Finances 1979-1980
2136-3-5: 8 Financial Reports, Records 1980-1982
2136-3-5: 9 Current Financial Documents 1980-1983
2136-3-5: 10 Financial Reports 1982
2136-3-5: 11 H.F. Ward Biography Account 1982
2136-3-5: 12 Financial Records 1982
2136-3-5: 13 Budgets and Statements 1985-1995
2136-3-5: 14 Fund Raising Workshop 1990
2136-3-5: 15 Membership Campaign 1991
2136-3-5: 16 Financial Development Committee Minutes 1991-1995
2136-3-5: 17 Budget and Financial Overview 1992
2136-3-5: 18 Pledge Record 1992-1993
2136-3-5: 19 Cost Analysis of Appeals 1992-1994
2136-3-5: 20 Budget and Financial Overview 1993
2136-3-5: 21 Financial Report 1993-1994
2136-3-5: 22 Bequests Received 1993-1995
2135-4-1: 13 Finances 1954
2135-4-1: 14 Finances 1955
2135-4-1: 15 Finances 1956
2135-4-1: 16 Finances 1957
2135-4-1: 17 Finances 1958
2135-4-1: 18 Finances 1959
Sub-series: General Conference 1948
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-6: 1 General Conference 1948
Sub-series: General Conference 1952
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-6: 2 General Conference Analysis of Majority Resolution - Floor Debate 1952
2136-3-6: 3 General Conference Delegates, etc. 1952
2136-3-6: 4 The Press and General Conference 1952
Sub-series: General Conference 1976
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-6: 5 Daily SQB 1976
2136-3-6: 6 General Conference 1976
Sub-series: General Conference 1980
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-6: 7 General Conference 1979-1980
2136-3-6: 8 Award Dinner 1980
2136-3-6: 9 General Conference 1980
2136-3-6: 10 General Conference and Publicity on MFSA 1980
2136-3-6: 11 Other Newsletters 1980
2136-3-6: 12 Petitions and Positions 1980
2136-3-6: 13 Preliminary Inquiry Regarding Financial Contributions 1980
2136-3-6: 14 Press Releases (Not on MFSA) 1980
2136-3-6: 15 Study of Work 1980
Sub-series: General Conference 1984
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-6: 16 General Conference - Part 1 1983-1984
2136-3-7: 1 General Conference - Part 2 1983-1984
2136-3-7: 2 Daily SQB 1984
Sub-series: General Conference 1988
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-7: 3 Episcopal Elections 1987
2136-3-7: 4 "Newscope" and Press Reports 1987-1988
2136-3-7: 5 Briefing and Advocacy 1988
2136-3-7: 6 Daily SQB 1988
2136-3-7: 7 MFSA Ministries 1988
2136-3-7: 8 Plumblines 1988
2136-3-7: 9 Priorities 1988
Sub-series: General Conference 1992
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-3-7: 10 Daily SQB 1989-1991
2136-3-7: 11 Benefit Finances 1990
2136-3-7: 12 Benefit Promotional 1990
2136-3-7: 13 Petitions (Direct to General Conference) 1990
2136-3-7: 14 Petition for Annual Conferences 1990-1991
2136-3-7: 15 Briefing - Nov 14-16 1991
2136-3-7: 16 Advocacy 1991
2136-3-7: 17 Annual Conference Contacts 1991
2136-3-7: 18 Ball Award 1991
2136-3-7: 19 Benefit Program 1991
2136-3-7: 20 Budget and Finance 1991
2136-3-7: 21 Christianity and Crisis 1991
2136-3-7: 22 Coalition Building 1991
2136-3-7: 23 Commemorative and Sale Items 1991
2136-3-7: 24 Delegate Info 1991
2136-3-7: 25 Interpretation 1991
2136-3-7: 26 Ministry of Advocacy 1991
2136-3-7: 27 New York Conference Delegation 1991
2136-3-7: 28 Working Priorities 1991
2136-3-7: 29 Background 1991-1992
2136-3-7: 30 Ball Award 1991-1992
2136-3-7: 31 "Good News" etc. 1991-1992
2136-3-7: 32 Various Issues 1991-1992
2136-3-7: 33 Benefit Publicity 1992
2135-4-1: 1 Issue Coordinators/Plumblines - January [Restricted] 1992
2135-4-1: 2 Legislative Advocacy Committee - Basics - Notes-Minutes- Correspondence-Members 1992
2135-4-1: 3 "MFSA Ministries" 1992
2135-4-1: 4 Presentations on General Conference 1992
Sub-series: National Meeting
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-6-5: 47 National Meeting 1935
2133-6-5: 48 National Meeting 1936
2133-6-5: 49 National Meeting - May 5 1937
2133-6-5: 50 Report to National Conference - May 9 1939
2133-6-5: 51 National Meeting 1946
2133-6-5: 52 National Meeting Jan 2 1947
2133-6-5: 53 National Meeting - Part 1 1947
2133-6-5: 54 National Meeting - Part 2 1947
2133-6-5: 55 National Meeting - Part 3 1947
2133-6-5: 56 National Meeting - Part 4 1947
2133-6-6: 1 National Meeting 1948
2133-6-6: 2 Annual Meeting - Part 1 1948-1949
2133-6-6: 3 Annual Meeting - Part 2 1948-1949
2133-6-6: 4 Annual Meeting - Part 1 1950
2133-6-6: 5 Annual Meeting - Part 2 1950
2133-6-6: 6 Annual Meeting - Part 3 1950
2133-6-6: 7 Annual Meeting - Part 4 1950
2133-6-6: 8 Annual Meeting - Part 5 1950
2133-6-6: 9 Annual Meeting - Part 6 1950
2133-6-6: 10 Annual Meeting - Part 7 1950
2133-6-6: 11 Annual Meeting - Part 8 1950
2133-6-6: 12 Annual Meeting - Part 9 1950
2133-6-6: 13 National Membership Meeting 1951
2133-6-6: 14 National Meeting - Part 1 1951
2133-6-6: 15 National Meeting - Part 2 1951
2133-6-6: 16 National Meeting - Part 3 1951
2133-6-6: 17 National Meeting - Part 4 1951
2133-6-6: 18 National Meeting - Part 5 1951
2133-6-6: 19 National Meeting - Part 6 1951
2133-6-6: 20 National Meeting - Part 7 1951
2133-6-6: 21 Annual Meeting 1965
2133-6-6: 22 Annual Meeting 1973
2133-6-6: 23 Annual Meeting 1974
2133-6-6: 24 Annual Meeting - Part 1 1975
2133-6-7: 1 Annual Meeting - Part 2 1975
2133-6-7: 2 National Meeting 1976
2133-6-7: 3 National Meeting 1977
2133-6-7: 4 National Meeting 1978
2133-6-7: 5 National Meeting - Part 1 1978
2133-6-7: 6 National Meeting - Part 2 1978
2133-6-7: 7 National Meeting - Part 3 1978
2133-6-7: 8 National Meeting 1979
2133-6-7: 9 National Meeting - Apr 13-15 1980
2133-6-7: 10 National Meeting - Jul 4 - 6 1981
Sub-series: Staff Meeting Minutes
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-6-7: 11 Staff Meeting - July 20 1945
2133-6-7: 12 Staff Meeting - Sept 25 1945
2133-6-7: 13 Staff Meeting Minutes - Oct 5 1945
2133-6-7: 14 Staff Meeting - Apr 30 1946
2133-6-7: 15 Personnel Committee Minutes - Sept 26 1985
Sub-series: Study Committee
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-6-7: 16 Memorials Committee 1948
2133-6-7: 17 Study Committee Minutes - Dec 30 1949
2133-6-7: 18 Missional Sub-Committee #1 1989-1990
2133-6-7: 19 Missional Sub-Committee #2 1989-1990
2133-6-7: 20 Missional Sub-Committee #3 1989-1990
2133-6-7: 21 Missional Sub-Committee 1990
2133-6-8: 1 Committee to Study Homosexuality - Part 1 1990
2133-6-8: 2 Committee to Study Homosexuality - Part 2 1990
2133-6-8: 3 Committee to Study Homosexuality - Part 3 1990

Series: Artifacts
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-1-1: 1 Wall Chart - Labor Undated
2135-1-1: 2 Record - "Does this Nation Want The Bill of Rights or a Police State?" Undated
2135-5-6: 1 Rev. Don Chase Personal Interview 1978
2135-5-6: 2 Mark Chamberlain Interview - Nov 16 1977
2135-5-6: 3 Jack McMichael Interview - July 2 1978
2135-5-6: 4 Jack McMichael Interview - Audio 1978
2135-5-6: 5 Edgar Wahlberg Interview 1976
2135-5-6: 6 Annual Membership Meeting - July 9 1955
2135-5-6: 7 Photographs Undated
2135-5-6: 8 "The Mission of Harry F. Ward: Prophetic Religion and the United Front" - Video - Apr 28 1979
2135-5-6: 9 Rubber Stamp - "MFSA Urges: Support Textile Workers Boycott J.P. Stevens" Undated
2135-5-6: 10 Buttons Undated

Series: Chapters
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-7-3: 1 Chapter - Organizing Letter 1949
2133-7-3: 2 Chapter Reports 1974-1990
2133-7-3: 3 Student Chapter Promotion 1946-1950
2133-7-3: 4 Alabama 1945-1953
2133-7-3: 5 Arkansas 1947
2133-7-3: 6 Arlington 1947
2133-7-3: 7 Atlanta Central 1947-1949
2133-7-3: 8 Austin 1947-1950
2133-7-3: 9 Baltimore 1947-1948
2133-7-3: 10 Baton Rouge 1949-1950
2133-7-3: 11 Boston 1946-1952
2133-7-3: 12 Boulder 1947
2133-7-3: 13 California 1945-1948
2133-7-3: 14 California-Oriental Pacific-Japanese - May 9 1947
2133-7-3: 15 Central Alabama 1948-1951
2133-7-3: 16 Central Kansas 1945-1952
2133-7-3: 17 Central New York 1944-1952
2133-7-3: 18 Central Pennsylvania 1947-1951
2133-7-3: 19 Central Texas 1947-1948
2133-7-3: 20 Central West 1948-1952
2133-7-3: 21 Chicago 1949-1952
2133-7-3: 22 Cincinnati 1948-1952
2133-7-3: 23 Colorado 1947-1952
2133-7-3: 24 Colorado, Denver 1948-1952
2133-7-3: 25 Connecticut, Hartford 1947
2133-7-3: 26 Dakota 1948-1952
2133-7-3: 27 Delaware 1947-1953
2133-7-3: 28 Des Moines Area 1947
2133-7-4: 1 Detroit - Part 1 1946-1952
2133-7-4: 2 Detroit - Part 2 1946-1952
2133-7-4: 3 East Oklahoma 1946-1951
2133-7-4: 4 East Tennessee 1951
2133-7-4: 5 Erie - Part 1 1947-1952
2133-7-4: 6 Erie - Part 2 1947-1952
2133-7-4: 7 Florida Central 1947-1948
2133-7-4: 8 University of Florida 1947
2133-7-4: 9 Genessee 1946-1952
2133-7-4: 10 Greater St. Louis 1949
2133-7-4: 11 Grove City District (Erie) 1947
2133-7-4: 12 Houston 1946-1950
2133-7-4: 13 Idaho 1947-1952
2133-7-4: 14 Illinois 1947-1952
2133-7-4: 15 Indiana 1946-1950
2133-7-4: 16 Iowa - Des Moines 1946-1951
2133-7-4: 17 Kansas 1946-1948
2133-7-4: 18 Kansas, Baldwin 1947
2133-7-4: 19 Kentucky 1947-1948
2133-7-4: 20 Lexington 1947-1951
2133-7-4: 21 Little Rock 1947-1948
2133-7-4: 22 Louisiana 1946-1952
2133-7-4: 23 Lousiana Central 1947-1951
2133-7-4: 24 Louisville 1948
2133-7-4: 25 Maine 1949-1951
2133-7-5: 1 Memphis - Nov 5 1947
2133-7-5: 2 Michigan 1947-1951
2133-7-5: 3 Minnesota 1945-1952
2133-7-5: 4 Mississippi 1946-1952
2133-7-5: 5 Missouri 1945-1950
2133-7-5: 6 Montana 1946-1952
2133-7-5: 7 Nebraska 1947-1952
2133-7-5: 8 Newark 1947-1952
2133-7-5: 9 New England 1947-1952
2133-7-5: 10 New England Southern 1946-1952
2133-7-5: 11 New Hampshire 1947-1953
2133-7-5: 12 New Jersey 1945-1949
2133-7-5: 13 New Mexico-West Texas 1947-1951
2133-7-5: 14 New Orleans Area 1949
2133-7-5: 15 New York - Part 1 1945-1952
2133-7-5: 16 New York - Part 2 1945-1952
2133-7-5: 17 New York - Part 3 1945-1952
2133-7-6: 1 New York - Part 4 1945-1952
2133-7-6: 2 New York - Part 5 1945-1952
2133-7-6: 3 New York East Conference - Part 1 1945-1952
2133-7-6: 4 New York East Conference - Part 2 1945-1952
2133-7-6: 5 North Alabama 1947-1951
2133-7-6: 6 North Arkansas 1946-1952
2133-7-6: 7 North Carolina 1947-1951
2133-7-6: 8 North Carolina Central 1945-1952
2133-7-6: 9 North Dakota 1947-1952
2133-7-6: 10 North Georgia 1947-1952
2133-7-6: 11 North Indiana 1947-1951
2133-7-6: 12 North Iowa 1947-1950
2133-7-6: 13 North Mississppi 1946-1950
2133-7-6: 14 North New York Conference 1946-1950
2133-7-6: 15 North Texas 1946-1951
2133-7-6: 16 Northeast Ohio 1946-1951
2133-7-6: 17 Northwest Indiana 1946-1952
2133-7-6: 18 Northwest Texas Conference 1947-1951
2133-7-6: 19 Ohio - Part 1 1946-1952
2133-7-6: 20 Ohio - Part 2 1946-1952
2133-7-6: 21 Oregon - Part 1 1946-1951
2133-7-7: 1 Oregon - Part 2 1946-1951
2133-7-7: 2 Oregon Chapter History 1956-1973
2133-7-7: 3 Pacific Northwest - Part 1 1947-1952
2133-7-7: 4 Pacific Northwest - Part 2 1947-1952
2133-7-7: 5 Pacific Northwest - Part 3 1947-1952
2133-7-7: 6 Peninsula 1948-1951
2133-7-7: 7 Rock River 1951-1952
2133-7-7: 8 St. Louis 1946-1951
2133-7-7: 9 San Antonio 1947-1949
2133-7-7: 10 Savannah 1947-1950
2135-4-7: 5 Tracking Chapters 1976-1984
2135-4-7: 6 History 1982-1997
2135-4-7: 7 Annual Conference Activities 1985
2135-4-7: 8 Letters to Chapters 1992
2135-4-7: 9 Alabama-West Florida 1980-1982
2135-4-7: 10 Atlanta Contacts 1977
2135-4-7: 11 Boston 1965
2135-4-7: 12 California 1949-1960
2135-4-7: 13 California-Nevada 1960-1965
2135-4-7: 14 California-Nevada 1977-1983
2135-4-7: 15 Central Illinois 1979-1983
2135-4-7: 16 Chicago 1965
2135-4-7: 17 Cleveland 1964
2135-4-7: 18 Colorado 1983
2135-4-7: 19 Denver 1964
2135-4-7: 20 Desert Southwest 1980s
2135-4-7: 21 Detroit Feasability Group 1978
2135-4-7: 22 East Ohio 1980
2135-4-7: 23 Eastern Pennsylvania 1979-1984
2135-4-7: 24 Florida 1978-1984
2136-4-1: 1 Iowa 1976-1984
2136-4-1: 2 Louisiana 1980
2136-4-1: 3 Michigan 1984
2136-4-1: 4 Minnesota 1981-1983
2136-4-1: 5 Nebraska 1977-1984
2136-4-1: 6 New York - Part 1 1976-1991
2136-4-1: 7 New York - Part 2 1976-1991
2136-4-1: 8 New York - Part 3 1976-1991
2136-4-2: 1 New York Chapter Minutes 1981-1991
2136-4-2: 2 United Methodists for Church Renewal - New York 1972-1974
2136-4-2: 3 North Arkansas 1980-1981
2136-4-2: 4 Northern California 1973-1975
2136-4-2: 5 Northern Illinois 1977-1984
2136-4-2: 6 North Indiana 1977-1984
2136-4-2: 7 Northern New Jersey 1961-1982
2136-4-2: 8 North Texas 1982
2136-4-2: 9 Oregon - Part 1 1963-1974
2136-4-2: 10 Oregon - Part 2 1963-1974
2136-4-2: 11 Oregon-Idaho 1975-1983
2136-4-3: 1 Pacific Northwest 1980
2136-4-3: 2 Pacific and Southwest 1979-1983
2136-4-3: 3 Philadelphia 1947-1951
2136-4-3: 4 Pittsburgh 1945-1956
2136-4-3: 5 Rock River - See: Illinois 1946-1951
2136-4-3: 6 Rocky Mountain 1983
2136-4-3: 7 St. Paul 1946-1952
2136-4-3: 8 South Indiana 1979-1982
2136-4-3: 9 Southern Illinois 1982
2136-4-3: 10 Virginia 1980-1981
2136-4-3: 11 West Michigan 1992
2136-4-3: 12 Western Pennsylvania 1982
2136-4-3: 13 Wisconsin 1980-1983
2136-4-3: 14 Wyoming 1980-1983
2136-4-3: 15 Student Chapters: University of California 1947
2136-4-3: 16 Student Chapters: Garrett Biblical Institute 1947-1952
2136-4-3: 17 Student Chapters: University of Georgia 1946
2136-4-3: 18 Student Chapters: Georgia State College for Women 1946
2136-4-3: 19 Student Chapters: Harvard University 1951
2136-4-3: 20 Student Chapters: North Texas State College 1947-1948
2136-4-3: 21 Student Chapters: University of Texas 1947
2136-4-3: 22 Student Chapters: Texas Wesleyan College 1947
2136-4-3: 23 Student Chapters: Westminster Theological Seminary 1950
2136-4-3: 24 Student Chapters: Yale University 1946-1949

Series: Correspondence
Sub-series: Chamberlain
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-4-3: 4 General Correspondence 1951-1954
2135-4-3: 5 Mark's Materials 1955-1960
Sub-series: Executive Committee
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-7-1: 2 Executive Committee Correspondence 1941-1944
2133-7-1: 3 Executive Committee Correspondence 1948-1950
2133-7-1: 4 Executive Committee 1950
2133-7-1: 5 Executive Committee Meeting - Results of Poll - Part 1 1950-1952
2133-7-1: 6 Executive Committee Meeting - Results of Poll - Part 2 1950-1952
2133-7-1: 7 Executive Committee Meeting - Results of Poll - Part 3 1950-1952
Sub-series: General
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-6-2: 1 Men and Religion Forward Movement Correspondence 1911-1915
2134-6-2: 2 Correspondence - Part 1 1912-1918
2134-6-2: 3 Correspondence - Part 2 1912-1918
2134-6-2: 4 Correspondence - Part 3 1912-1918
2134-6-2: 5 Correspondence - Part 4 1912-1918
2134-6-2: 6 Correspondence 1913
2134-6-2: 7 College Evangelism Correspondence 1913-1918
2134-6-2: 8 Layman's Missionary Movement Correspondence 1914-1915
2134-6-2: 9 Correspondence 1914
2134-6-3: 1 Anthractic Coal Strike Correspondence 1915
2134-6-3: 2 Correspondence 1915
2134-6-3: 3 Correspondence 1916
2134-6-3: 4 Correspondence 1917
2134-6-3: 5 The Church and Labor Correspondence and Clippings - Part 1 1918-1919
2134-6-3: 6 The Church and Labor Correspondence and Clippings - Part 2 1918-1919
2134-6-3: 7 The Church and Labor Correspondence and Clippings - Part 3 1918-1919
2134-6-3: 8 The Church and Labor Correspondence and Clippings - Part 4 (Photocopied Items) 1918-1919
2134-6-3: 9 The Church and Labor Correspondence and Clippings - Part 5 (Photocopied Items) 1918-1919
2134-6-3: 10 Correspondence 1920-1925
2134-6-3: 11 H.F. Ward and Anti-Liberalism 1920-1936
2134-6-3: 12 Correspondence -Part 1 1920-1946
2134-6-3: 13 Correspondence -Part 2 1920-1946
2134-6-3: 14 Minister's Salaries, Correspondence and Clippings 1922-1937
2134-6-4: 1 Correspondence 1926
2134-6-4: 2 Miscellaneous Items - Part 1 1929-1963
2134-6-4: 3 Miscellaneous Items - Part 2 1929-1963
2134-6-4: 4 Correspondence 1930-1938
2134-6-4: 5 Temporary Merger of MFSS and Christian Social Action Movement - Part 1 1934-1935
2134-6-4: 6 Temporary Merger of MFSS and Christian Social Action Movement - Part 2 1934-1935
2134-6-4: 7 Temporary Merger of MFSS and Christian Social Action Movement - Part 3 1934-1935
2134-6-4: 8 Correspondence 1936
2134-6-4: 9 Correspondence 1946
Sub-series: Lee Ball
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-4-3: 6 MFSA 1951-1958
2135-4-3: 7 Operation Abolition 1961
2135-4-3: 8 General Correspondence 1957-1960
2135-4-3: 9 General Correspondence 1960
2135-4-3: 10 General Correspondence 1961
2135-4-3: 11 General Correspondence 1962
2135-4-3: 12 General Correspondence 1963
2135-4-3: 13 General Correspondence 1964
2135-4-3: 14 General Correspondence 1965
2135-4-3: 15 General Correspondence 1967
2135-4-3: 16 General Correspondence 1969
2135-4-3: 17 General Correspondence 1971
2135-4-3: 18 General Correspondence 1972
2135-4-3: 19 General Correspondence 1973
Sub-series: McClain
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-7-1: 9 General Correspondence - "A" 1975-1976
2133-7-1: 10 General Correspondence - "B" 1972-1975
2133-7-1: 11 General Correspondence - "C" 1974-1976
2133-7-1: 12 General Correspondence - "D" 1975
2133-7-1: 13 General Correspondence - "E," "F" 1975-1976
2133-7-1: 14 General Correspondence - "G" 1974-1975
2133-7-1: 15 General Correspondence - "H" - "J" 1973-1975
2133-7-1: 16 General Correspondence - "K," "L" 1974-1975
2133-7-1: 17 General Correspondence - "M" 1974-1975
2133-7-1: 18 General Correspondence - "N," "O" 1975
2133-7-1: 19 General Correspondence - "P," "Q" 1975
2133-7-2: 1 General Correspondence - "R" 1973-1975
2133-7-2: 2 General Correspondence - "S" 1974-1976
2133-7-2: 3 General Correspondence - "T" - "V" 1975
2133-7-2: 4 General Correspondence - "W" 1975
2133-7-2: 5 General Correspondence - "Y," "Z" 1975
2133-7-2: 6 A Request for Support of "A Critical Study of Capitalism and the Christian Faith in the Bicentennial Year" - Jan 20 1976
2133-7-2: 7 MFSA Correspondences 1977-1980
2133-7-2: 8 George McClain Correspondence 1982-1984
2133-7-2: 9 General Correspondence - Part 1 1985
2133-7-2: 10 General Correspondence - Part 2 1985
2133-7-2: 11 General Correspondence - Part 3 1985
2133-7-2: 12 General Correspondence - Part 1 1986
2133-7-2: 13 General Correspondence - Part 2 1986
2133-7-2: 14 General Correspondence - Part 3 1986
2133-7-2: 15 General Correspondence 1987
2135-4-3: 20 Ward 1983-1993
2135-4-3: 21 General Correspondence "A," "B" 1976
2135-4-3: 22 General Correspondence "C" 1976
2135-4-3: 23 General Correspondence "D" 1976
2135-4-3: 24 General Correspondence "E" - "G" 1976
2135-4-4: 1 General Correspondence "H" 1976
2135-4-4: 2 General Correspondence "I," "J" 1976
2135-4-4: 3 General Correspondence "K," "L" 1976
2135-4-4: 4 General Correspondence "M," "N" 1976
2135-4-4: 5 General Correspondence "O," "P" 1976
2135-4-4: 6 General Correspondence "R" 1976
2135-4-4: 7 General Correspondence "S," "T" 1976
2135-4-4: 8 General Correspondence "U," "V" 1976
2135-4-4: 9 General Correspondence "W" 1976
2135-4-4: 10 General Correspondence "X" - "Z" 1976
2135-4-4: 11 General Correspondence "A," "B" 1977
2135-4-4: 12 General Correspondence "C" 1977
2135-4-4: 13 General Correspondence "D" 1977
2135-4-4: 14 General Correspondence "E" - "G" 1977
2135-4-4: 15 General Correspondence "H" 1977
2135-4-4: 16 General Correspondence "I," "J" 1977
2135-4-4: 17 General Correspondence "M," "N" 1977
2135-4-4: 18 General Correspondence "O," "P" 1977
2135-4-4: 19 General Correspondence "R" 1977
2135-4-4: 20 General Correspondence "S," "T" 1977
2135-4-4: 21 General Correspondence "U," "V" 1977
2135-4-4: 22 General Correspondence "W" 1977
2135-4-4: 23 MFSA Publicity and Correspondence 1979
2135-4-4: 24 General Correspondence 1974
2135-4-4: 25 Action Network Responses 1977-1978
2135-4-4: 26 McMichael Correspondence 1973
2135-4-5: 1 General Correspondence 1981-1982
2135-4-5: 2 General Correspondence 1983-1987
2135-4-5: 3 General Correspondence 1983-1989
2135-4-5: 4 General Correspondence 1991-1992
2135-4-5: 5 GC Petitions 1987-1988
2135-4-5: 6 General Correspondence - Part 1 1987
2135-4-5: 7 General Correspondence - Part 2 1987
2135-4-5: 8 General Correspondence - Part 1 1988
2135-4-5: 9 General Correspondence - Part 2 1988
2135-4-6: 1 General Correspondence - Part 1 1989
2135-4-6: 2 General Correspondence - Part 2 1989
2135-4-6: 3 General Correspondence 1986
2135-4-6: 4 General Correspondence 1985
2135-4-6: 5 General Correspondence 1983
2135-4-6: 6 General Correspondence 1984
2135-4-6: 7 Appeal Letters 1987-1991
2135-4-6: 8 General Correspondence 1992
2135-4-6: 9 Mission Intern Project/Jane Eesley 1991
2135-4-6: 10 General Correspondence 1981
2135-4-6: 11 General Correspondence 1982
2135-4-7: 1 General Correspondence 1990
2135-4-7: 2 General Correspondence 1991
2135-4-7: 3 General Correspondence 1993
2135-4-7: 4 Jack McMichael 1984-1985
Sub-series: McMichael
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-6-4: 10 General Correspondence 1944
2134-6-4: 11 General Correspondence 1944-1952
2134-6-4: 12 General Correspondence 1944-1953
2134-6-5: 1 General Correspondence - Part 1 1945
2134-6-5: 2 General Correspondence - Part 2 1945
2134-6-5: 3 General Correspondence - Part 1 1946
2134-6-5: 4 General Correspondence - Part 2 1946
2134-6-5: 5 General Correspondence - Part 3 1946
2134-6-5: 6 General Correspondence 1946-1952
2134-6-5: 7 General Correspondence 1947
2134-6-5: 8 General Correspondence 1947-1949
2134-6-5: 9 General Correspondence - Part 1 1948
2134-6-5: 10 General Correspondence - Part 2 1948
2134-6-5: 11 General Correspondence - Part 3 1948
2134-6-5: 12 General Correspondence - Part 1 1949
2134-6-5: 13 General Correspondence - Part 2 1949
2134-6-5: 14 General Correspondence - Part 1 1950
2134-6-5: 15 General Correspondence - Part 2 1950
2134-6-5: 16 General Correspondence - Part 3 1950
2134-6-5: 17 General Correspondence - Part 1 1951
2134-6-6: 1 General Correspondence - Part 2 1951
2134-6-6: 2 General Correspondence - Part 1 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 3 General Correspondence - Part 2 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 4 General Correspondence - Part 3 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 5 General Correspondence - Part 4 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 6 General Correspondence - Part 5 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 7 General Correspondence - Part 6 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 8 General Correspondence - Part 7 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 9 General Correspondence - Part 8 1951-1952
2134-6-6: 10 General Correspondence - Part 1 1952
2134-6-6: 11 General Correspondence - Part 2 1952
2134-6-6: 12 General Correspondence - Part 1 1952-1953
2134-6-6: 13 General Correspondence - Part 2 1952-1953
2134-6-6: 14 General Correspondence - Part 3 1952-1953
2134-6-6: 15 General Correspondence - Part 4 1952-1953
2134-6-6: 16 General Correspondence - Part 5 1952-1953
2134-6-6: 17 General Correspondence - Part 1 1953
2134-6-6: 18 General Correspondence - Part 2 1953
2134-6-6: 19 General Correspondence - Part 3 1953
2134-6-6: 20 General Correspondence - Part 4 1953
2134-6-6: 21 General Correspondence undated
2134-6-7: 1 Webber Correspondence 1944-1945
2134-6-7: 2 Dr. Ernest Fremont Correspondence 1944-1946
2134-6-7: 3 Lewis O. Hartman Correspondence 1944-1946
2134-6-7: 4 Dr. Harry F. Ward Correspondence 1944-1946
2134-6-7: 5 The Why-How-What of Social Action Conferences 1944-1946
2134-6-7: 6 McMichael Iteneraries, Expense Accounts and Speaking Engagements 1945-1946
2134-6-7: 7 John Swomley Correspondence 1945-1950
2134-6-7: 8 McMichael Correspondence - Part 1 1945-1953
2134-6-7: 9 McMichael Correspondence - Part 2 1945-1953
2134-6-7: 10 McMichael Correspondence - Part 3 1945-1953
2134-6-7: 11 McMichael Correspondence - Part 4 1945-1953
2134-6-7: 12 Contributors - SQB 1946
2134-6-7: 13 Action Responses 1946-1947
2134-6-7: 14 William Cochran Correspondence 1946-1947
2134-6-7: 15 MFSA Action - Other Organizations 1946-1947
2134-6-7: 16 Communist Trial 1947
2134-6-7: 17 Kansas City (Waltman - Miller) 1947-1948
2134-6-7: 18 Action Ideas 1947-1950
2134-6-7: 19 Gilbert LeSourd Correspondence 1947-1951
2134-6-7: 20 Harry F. Ward Correspondence 1947-1951
2134-6-8: 1 Annual Meeting Correspondence 1948
2134-6-8: 2 Libel Suit (Woltman) and Press Analysis 1948
2134-6-8: 3 Dr. Willard Uphaus - National Religion and Labor Foundation 1948-1951
2134-6-8: 4 Exchanges 1949
2134-6-8: 5 Mindzenty Case 1949
2134-6-8: 6 Portland 1949
2134-6-8: 7 C.R. Miller - "What Everybody Should Know About Propaganda" 1949
2134-6-8: 8 Letters to Chapter Leaders 1949-1950
2134-6-8: 9 Bishop Francis J. McConnell Correspondence 1949-1951
2134-6-8: 10 McConnell Correspondence - Part 1 1950
2134-6-8: 11 McConnell Correspondence - Part 2 1950
2134-6-8: 12 Post Wilberforce Press and Correspondence 1950
2134-6-8: 13 Walter G. Muelder Correspondence 1950-1951
2134-6-8: 14 Dillon W. Throcknorton Correspondence 1950-1952
2134-6-8: 15 MFSA "Pro" Letters 1950-1952
2134-6-8: 16 Correspondence with Public Officials 1951
2134-6-8: 17 Letters to Public Officials 1952
2134-6-8: 18 Coe - re Bequest 1952-1953
2134-6-8: 19 Ward Correspondence 1960-1961
2133-7-1: 1 Ward Correspondence 1963-1964
2135-4-2: 2 General Correspondence 1947-1952
2135-4-2: 3 General Correspondence - Part 1 1952-1953
2135-4-2: 4 General Correspondence - Part 2 1952-1953
2135-4-2: 5 General Correspondence 1952
2135-4-2: 6 General Correspondence - Part 1 1951-1952
2135-4-2: 7 General Correspondence - Part 2 1951-1952
2135-4-2: 8 General Correspondence - Part 3 1951-1952
2135-4-2: 9 General Correspondence - Part 4 1951-1952
2135-4-2: 10 Reverend Andrew Turnipseed 1947-1950
2135-4-2: 11 Dr. Corliss Hargraves 1946-1951
2135-4-2: 12 J.W. Haywood 1947
2135-4-2: 13 John C. Granberry - "The Emancipator" 1945-1949
2135-4-2: 14 Bishop Lewis Hartman 1947-1951
2135-4-2: 15 Form Letters 1946-1950
2135-4-2: 16 Form Letters 1952
2135-4-2: 17 Reverend Wilbur Grose 1947
2135-4-2: 18 Reverend Robert Howe 1947
2135-4-3: 1 Resignation Letters 1951-1952
Sub-series: Mecartney
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-4-3: 2 General Correspondence 1949-1950
2135-4-3: 3 Barnett-Swomley 1945-1950
Sub-series: Public Texts
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-7-1: 8 McMichael Public Texts 1946
Sub-series: Ward
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-4-2: 1 Death of Harry Ward 1967

Series: FBI Files
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-7: 1 McClain FBI Correspondence - Part 1 1981-1986
2134-7-7: 2 McClain-FBI Correspondence - Part 2 1981-1986
2134-7-7: 3 MFSA FBI Files Request 1981
2134-7-7: 4 MFSA: Section A - Bureau #61-3615 - Section 1 1923-1950
2134-7-7: 5 MFSA: Section - Bureau #61-3615 - Section 2 1950
2134-7-7: 6 MFSA 1950
2134-7-7: 7 MFSA: "3" - Folder 1 1950-1951
2134-7-7: 8 MFSA: "3" - Folder 2 1950-1951
2134-7-7: 9 MFSA 1951
2134-7-7: 10 MFSA: "6" 1953
2134-7-8: 1 MFSA: "9" - Folder 1 1953-1982
2134-7-8: 2 MFSA: "9" - Folder 2 1953-1982
2134-7-8: 3 MFSA: "12" - Section A - Part 1 1954-1955
2134-7-8: 4 MFSA: "13" - Section A - Part II - Folder 1 1955
2134-7-8: 5 MFSA: "13" - Section A - Part II - Folder 2 1955
2134-7-8: 6 MFSA: "15" - Folder 1 1956
2134-7-8: 7 MFSA: "15" - Folder 2 1956
2135-2-1: 1 MFSA: "17" - Folder 1 1957
2135-2-1: 2 MFSA: "17" - Folder 2 1957
2135-2-1: 3 MFSA: "20" 1958
2135-2-1: 4 MFSA: "21" - Folder 1 1959-1960
2135-2-1: 5 MFSA: "21" - Folder 2 1959-1960
2135-2-1: 6 MFSA: "22" - Folder 1 1962-1963
2135-2-1: 7 MFSA: "22" - Folder 2 1962-1963
2135-2-2: 1 MFSA: Section B - Bureau #61-3615 - Portion of Section 22 1964
2135-2-2: 2 MFSA: Section B - Bureau #61-3615 - Section 23 - Folder 1 1964-1965
2135-2-2: 3 MFSA: Section B - Bureau #61-3615 - Section 23 - Folder 2 1964-1965
2135-2-2: 4 MFSA: Section B - Bureau #61-3615 - Section 24 - Folder 1 1966-1969
2135-2-2: 5 MFSA: Section B - Bureau #61-3615 - Section 24 - Folder 2 1966-1969
2135-2-2: 6 MFSA: Enclosures 1940
2135-2-2: 7 MFSA: Enclosures 1940-1941
2135-2-2: 8 MFSA: Enclosures - Folder 1 1946-1949
2135-2-2: 9 MFSA: Enclosures - Folder 2 1946-1949
2135-2-3: 1 MFSA: Enclosures - Folder 1 1950-1953
2135-2-3: 2 MFSA: Enclosures - Folder 2 1950-1953
2135-2-3: 3 MFSA: Enclosures 1955
2135-2-3: 4 MFSA: Section - Enclosure to 61-3615 - Serial 22 (Part I) Undated
2135-2-3: 5 MFSA: Section - Enclosure to 61-3615 - Serial 22 (Part II) - Folder 1 Undated
2135-2-3: 6 MFSA: Section - Enclosure to 61-3615 - Serial 22 (Part II) - Folder 2 Undated
2135-2-4: 1 MFSA: Harry F. Ward - Folder 1 1922-1945
2135-2-4: 2 MFSA: Harry F. Ward - Folder 2 1922-1945
2135-2-4: 3 MFSA: Harry F. Ward - Folder 1 1954-1962
2135-2-4: 4 MFSA: Harry F. Ward - Folder 2 1954-1962
2135-2-4: 5 MFSA: Section C - Harry F. Ward 1963
2135-2-4: 6 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 1 1940-1949
2135-2-4: 7 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 2 1951-1953
2135-2-4: 8 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 3 1940-1954
2135-2-4: 9 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 4 - Folder 1 1954
2135-2-5: 1 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 4 - Folder 2 1954
2135-2-5: 2 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 6 1954
2135-2-5: 3 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 8 - Folder 1 1954-1955
2135-2-5: 4 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 8 - Folder 2 1954-1955
2135-2-5: 5 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 10 - Folder 1 1955
2135-2-5: 6 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 10 - Folder 2 1955
2135-2-5: 7 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 12 1955
2135-2-5: 8 MFSA: Jack McMichael - File #100-38808 - Section 13 1967-1968
2135-2-6: 1 MFSA: Jack McMichael 1941-1965
2135-2-6: 2 MFSA: Bureau File #100-38808 (enclosures) - File 44x - re Jack McMichael - Section B 1952
2135-2-6: 3 MFSA: Jack McMichael enclosures 1960-1967
2135-2-6: 4 MFSA: "Description of Following File Material" - 100-349525 (Section 1) - Lee Ball 1946-1962
2135-2-6: 5 MFSA: "Description of Following File Material" - 100-349525 (Section 2) - Lee Ball 1963-1968
2135-2-6: 6 MFSA: Lee Ball 1962
2135-2-6: 7 MFSA: "Description of Following File Material" - 9-11694 (Reproduced from Microfilm)- Lee Ball 1966
2135-2-6: 8 MFSA: "Description of Following File Material" - 100-349525 (Enclosure behind file 27) - Lee Ball Undated
2135-2-6: 9 MFSA: "Description of Following File Material" - 100-349525 (Enclosure behind file 56) - Lee Ball Undated
2135-2-6: 10 MFSA: 100-387497 - Section 1 - Mark Chamberlain 1952-1958
2135-2-7: 1 MFSA: 100-387497 - Section 3 - Mark Chamberlain - Folder 1 1964-1971
2135-2-7: 2 MFSA: 100-387497 - Section 3 - Mark Chamberlain - Folder 2 1964-1971
2135-2-7: 3 MFSA: Mark Anthony Chamberlain 1952-1963
2135-2-7: 4 MFSA: Winifred Chappell 1950-1967
2135-2-7: 5 MFSA: Duplication Fee Correspondence 1981
2135-2-7: 6 MFSA: Freedom of Information Act Issues 1983

Series: Issues
Sub-series: Commission on Propaganda Analysis
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-5: 5 Propaganda Pamphlet - Requests, etc. 1948
2134-7-5: 6 Commission on Propaganda Analysis 1948-1950
2134-7-5: 7 "Propaganda" by Clyde R. Miller - Promotion and Sale 1949
Sub-series: General
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-1: 1 Historic Materials File 1919-1949
2134-7-1: 2 Communist Affiliations within MFSA 1935-1954
2134-7-1: 3 Charles C. Webber Papers and Reports 1941-1943
2134-7-1: 4 Stepanic Case 1942-1947
2134-7-1: 5 Segregation 1942-1948
2134-7-1: 6 Anti-Semitism 1944-1946
2134-7-1: 7 South 1945-1947
2134-7-1: 8 Frank Littell 1945-1950
2134-7-1: 9 MFSA Committee to Cooperate with Organized Labor in the South 1946
2134-7-1: 10 Alson J. Smith 1946-1949
2134-7-1: 11 Michael Scott 1947
2134-7-1: 12 Southern Methodist University 1947
2134-7-1: 13 Southern Patriot 1947
2134-7-1: 14 Dr. Charles Schofield 1947-1950
2134-7-1: 15 Department of State - July 1 1949
2134-7-1: 16 Department of State Bulletin 1949
2134-7-1: 17 Social Security Administration 1949
2134-7-1: 18 Social Insurance Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill 1949
2134-7-1: 19 Steel Strike - Oct 10 1949
2134-7-1: 20 University of Southern California 1949
2134-7-1: 21 Department of Chrstian Social Relations and Local Church Activities 1948
2134-7-1: 22 House on American Committee 1948
2134-7-2: 1 Kansas City Follow-Up 1948
2134-7-2: 2 "The Nation" Ban 1948-1949
2134-7-2: 3 Crisis Leaflets 1949
2134-7-2: 4 Covenant Committee 1949-1950
2134-7-2: 5 Wilberforce Meeting Follow-Up 1950
2134-7-2: 6 High Correspondence - Part 1 1950
2134-7-2: 7 High Correspondence - Part 2 1950
2134-7-2: 8 High Correspondence - Part 3 1950
2134-7-2: 9 High Correspondence - Part 4 1950
2134-7-3: 1 High Correspondence - Part 5 1950
2134-7-3: 2 High Correspondence - Part 6 1950
2134-7-3: 3 High Correspondence - Part 7 1950
2134-7-3: 4 Scottsboro Boy 1950
2134-7-3: 5 Southern Regional Meeting 1951
2134-7-3: 6 Social Action in Methodist Church 1952
2134-7-3: 7 Southern Regional 1952
2134-7-3: 8 Board of Social and Economic Relations 1953
2134-7-3: 9 Sexism Project 1978
2134-7-3: 10 Social Principles/Creed 1982
2134-7-3: 11 Carthans-Collins (Cases) 1982-1983
2134-7-3: 12 Covenant of Compassion 1983
2134-7-3: 13 Red-Baiting United Methodist Voluntary Network 1983
2134-7-3: 14 Response to Elliott Wright/Baltimore Declaration 1984
2134-7-3: 15 Homosexuality 1984-1985
2134-7-3: 16 Bhopal Amicus 1985
2134-7-3: 17 Hymnal Revision 1985
2134-7-3: 18 South Africa and the Global Board of Pensions - Part 1 1985-1988
2134-7-4: 1 South Africa and the Global Board of Pensions - Part 2 1985-1988
2134-7-4: 2 South Africa and the Global Board of Pensions - Part 3 - article on corporate responsibility 1985-1988
2134-7-4: 3 MFSA and Global Board of Pensions Struggle (Records) 1986-1987
2134-7-4: 4 Louisville Global Board of Pensions Meeting 1986
2134-7-4: 5 MFSA Songsheet 1986
2134-7-4: 6 Sample Divestment Kit - Aug 1986
2134-7-4: 7 Election to Global Board of Pensions 1987
2134-7-4: 8 Global Board of Pensions Cincinnati 1987-1990
2134-7-4: 9 New York Conference: "Faith and Work" 1989
2134-7-4: 10 Lichtenberg 1989
2134-7-4: 11 Global Board of Pensions Meeting in Jacksonville 1989
2134-7-4: 12 Global Board of Pensions Meeting 1989
2134-7-4: 13 Global Board of Pensions 1989-1990
2134-7-4: 14 Circuit-Wise, Inc. 1990
2134-7-4: 15 Niagra Falls General Board of Pensions 1990
2134-7-4: 16 Pico-Korean Workers 1990
2136-4-6: 3 Mecartney-Bollinger 1950
2136-4-6: 4 Operation Freedom 1961-1971
2136-4-6: 5 House on Un-American Activities Committee 1952
2136-4-6: 6 J.P. Stevens Settlement 1977-1980
2136-4-6: 7 Christianity and Socialism 1978
2136-4-6: 8 Questionnaire on Sexism 1978
2136-4-6: 9 MFSA Action Network 1978-1979
2136-4-6: 10 Coalition for the Whole Gospel 1979-1980
2136-4-6: 11 MFSA News Releases 1979-1981
2136-4-6: 12 People and Systems 1980s
2136-4-6: 13 Draft of Membership Survey 1981
2136-4-6: 14 Action Network 1982
2136-4-6: 15 Anniversary Documents 1982-1988
2136-4-6: 16 College Musical Review of the United Methodist Church 1983
2136-4-6: 17 Crockett v. Reagan 1983
2136-4-7: 1 Cuba Trip 1983-1984
2136-4-7: 2 Originals 1983-1990
2136-4-7: 3 Schweibert Case 1984
2136-4-7: 4 Anti-Apartheid Originals 1984-1987
2136-4-7: 5 General Board of Global Ministries 1984-1989
2136-4-7: 6 Divestment Packet 1985
2136-4-7: 7 Corporate Responsibility 1985-1986
2136-4-7: 8 Sample Resolutions 1986
2136-4-7: 9 Conversation with Bishops - "In Defense of Creation" 1986
2136-4-7: 10 Apartheid Photos and Clippings 1986
2136-4-7: 11 Thinking it Through: United Methodists Look at the Church and Homosexuality 1986-1987
2136-4-7: 12 Cuervanaca Retreat 1986-1987
2136-4-7: 13 Apartheid Divestment - Part 1 1986-1991
2135-5-1: 1 Apartheid Divestment - Part 2 1986-1991
2135-5-1: 2 Names for Agency Pool 1987
2135-5-1: 3 General Board of Pensions - Galveston 1987
2135-5-1: 4 Homosexuality and the UMC 1987-1994
2135-5-1: 5 Action on Healing Symposium 1988
2135-5-1: 6 Shell Boycott 1988
2135-5-1: 7 Farm Worker Grape Boycott 1988-1990
2135-5-1: 8 MFSA Presentation to UM Committee to Study Homosexuality 1989
2135-5-1: 9 Committee to Study Homosexuality 1989
2135-5-1: 10 Dialogue with GBGM 1989
2135-5-1: 11 Mission Evangelism 1989-1991
2135-5-1: 12 General Electric Campaign 1989-1992
2135-5-1: 13 Holy Land Travel 1990
2135-5-1: 14 Denominational Investment Policy 1990
2135-5-1: 15 Global Board of Pensions - Boston 1990-1991
2135-5-1: 16 Salvadoran Coffee 1990-1991
2135-5-1: 17 Covert Operations Working Group 1990-1992
2135-5-1: 18 "Holy Union" 1990-1992
2135-5-1: 19 Spirituality and Justice Statement 1991
2135-5-1: 20 Plumbline Parishes 1991
2135-5-1: 21 Next Global Board of Pensions Meeting 1991
2135-5-1: 22 Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights Affiliation 1992
2135-5-1: 23 Columbus Anniversary 1992
2135-5-2: 1 Judicial Council and Homosexuality 1993
2135-5-2: 2 Evaluations 1993
2135-5-2: 3 General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits 1993
2135-5-2: 4 Sprint 1993
2135-5-2: 5 UM Men/Scouting 1993
2135-5-2: 6 Middle East Network of United Methodists (MENUM) 1993-1994
2135-5-2: 7 Theological Crisis Packet: Confessing Movement 1995
2135-5-2: 8 "In All Things Charity" 1997-1998
Sub-series: Israel/Palestine Peace Pilgrimage
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-5-2: 9 Yesh Gvul Background Information 1988-1989
2135-5-2: 10 Terry Boulata 1989
2135-5-2: 11 Creeping Transfer 1989
2135-5-2: 12 Non-Governmental Organization Synopsis 1989
2135-5-2: 13 Refuseniks-Yesh Gvul 1989
2135-5-2: 14 "Road to Peace" Conference - March 1989
2135-5-2: 15 Shrem, Shikheh, Hamlawi 1989
2135-5-2: 16 Trip/Advance Mailings 1989
2135-5-2: 17 Yesh Gvul Mailings 1989
2135-5-2: 18 Alawneh Cases 1990
2135-5-2: 19 Convocation for Middle East Peace 1990
2135-5-2: 20 "Living Stones" Mailings 1990
2135-5-2: 21 Press Releases 1990
2135-5-2: 22 UMC Mission in Jerusalem 1990
2135-5-2: 23 US Action Groups 1990
2135-5-2: 24 Yacov Ben Efrat Hanitzotz/Michael Schwartz 1990
2135-5-2: 25 Awad Case 1990-1991
2135-5-3: 1 Israel/Palestine Delegation 1991
2135-5-3: 2 UM Liaison in Jerusalem 1992-1993
2135-5-3: 3 Israel/Palestine Trip 1993
Sub-series: Mecartney
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-5: 1 National Council of American-Soviet Friendship 1941-1948
2134-7-5: 2 McMichael Response to House Committee on Un-American Activites 1944-1950
2134-7-5: 3 re Mecartney Document and Proposals 1948-1949
2134-7-5: 4 Federal Controversy - Albert E. Barnett 1948-1960
Sub-series: Mundt Bill
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-5: 8 Mundt Bill - Part 1 1949-1950
2134-7-5: 9 Mundt Bill - Part 2 1949-1950

Series: Press Releases
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-6: 8 Press Releases 1950
2135-5-3: 4 Press Releases-Publicity (Past) 1974-1981
2135-5-3: 5 Proposals - Nov 8 1976
2135-5-3: 6 Press Releases 1978-1979

Series: Programmatic Resolutions
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-7-7: 11 Programmatic Resolutions - Administration and Executive Committees 1946
2133-7-7: 12 Programmatic Resolutions - National Meeting-Evanston, Illinois 1946
2133-7-7: 13 Programmatic Resolutions - Administration and Executive Committees 1947
2133-7-7: 14 Programmatic Resolutions - National Meeting-Kansas City, Missouri 1947
2133-7-7: 15 Programmatic Resolutions - Administrative and Executive Committees 1948
2133-7-7: 16 Programmatic Resolutions - National Meeting-Oskaloosa, Iowa 1948
2133-7-7: 17 Programmatic Resolutions - Administrative and Executive Committees 1949
2133-7-7: 18 Programmatic Resolutions - Administrative and Executive Committees 1950
2133-7-7: 19 Programmatic Resolutions - National Meeting-Wilberforce, Ohio 1950
2133-7-7: 20 Programmatic Resolutions - National Meeting-Evanston, Illinois 1951
2133-7-7: 21 Action Letter - Price Control 1941
2133-7-7: 22 Forward or Backward 1944
2133-7-7: 23 Action Letter - Labor U.C.C.D. 1945
2133-7-7: 24 The Federation and the Rural Problem 1945
2133-7-7: 25 MFSS Statement on Atomic Bomb 1945
2133-7-7: 26 6 Battles for Peace - Extend Democracy 1945-1946
2133-7-7: 27 Action Letter - Free Spain Now 1946
2133-7-7: 28 Action Letter - Henry Wallace 1946
2133-7-8: 1 National Health Bill - Testimony by Jack McMichael 1946
2133-7-8: 2 Letters to Conference Chapters that have accepted standards 1946?
2133-7-8: 3 Action Letter - Georgia Talmadge 1947
2133-7-8: 4 Taft-Hartley Labor Bill Action Letter 1947
2133-7-8: 5 Truman Doctrine (Greece, Turkey) Outlawing Communist Party Action Letter 1947
2133-7-8: 6 Action Letter - Rankin Committee 1947
2133-7-8: 7 Action Letter - Rankin Committee #2 1947
2133-7-8: 8 Universal Military Traning Action Letter 1947
2133-7-8: 9 Action Letter - Poll Tax 1950s?
2135-5-3: 7 Program of Study and Action 1948
2135-5-3: 8 Lee and Mae Ball 1973-1976
2135-5-3: 9 Field Team 1974
2135-5-3: 10 Alliance To End Repression 1976
2135-5-3: 11 Study/Action 1976
2135-5-3: 12 Walter Rogers Defense 1976

Series: Publications
Sub-series: Newsletter
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-6: 1 Yugoslavia 1950
2134-7-6: 2 "World Interpreter" 1950
Sub-series: Periodicals
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-6: 3 "The Churchman" 1958-1959
2134-7-6: 4 "Christianity and Crisis" 1958-1960
2134-7-6: 5 "The Catholic Worker" 1960-1961
2134-7-6: 7 "History II: Methodist Federation for Social Action" 1980
2135-5-3: 13 Crisis Leaflets, etc. 1930s
Sub-series: UCCD Action Bulletin
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2134-7-6: 6 United Christian Council for Democracy 1945-1947

Series: Reports
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2133-7-8: 10 Leaflets 1913-1946
2133-7-8: 11 Reports - Part 1 1915-1916
2133-7-8: 12 Reports - Part 2 1915-1916
2133-7-8: 13 Reports - Part 1 1919-1920
2133-7-8: 14 Reports - Part 2 1919-1920
2133-7-8: 15 Pamphlet Suggestions 1944-1945
2133-7-8: 16 Social Action Handbook 1944-1945
2133-7-8: 17 Reid Documents 1948-1952
2133-7-8: 18 J.B. Matthews Report 1950
2133-7-8: 19 Official Agency - For Social Action in Methodist Church 1950
2133-7-8: 20 MFSA Program of Study and Action 1950
2133-7-8: 21 General Conference Commission Reports 1952
2133-7-8: 22 Constitution of the Methodist Federation for Social Action 1953
2133-7-8: 23 Resolutions - Peace 1962
2133-7-8: 24 Resolutions 1965
2133-7-8: 25 Sample Resolution For Local Chapter on Shell Boycott 1970?
2133-7-8: 26 MFSA Action 1976-1978
2133-7-8: 27 About MFSA 1985-1988
2133-7-8: 28 Study of Homosexuality 1989-1992
2133-7-8: 29 Ball Award 1989
2133-7-8: 30 Ball Award 1990

Series: Resources
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-5-3: 14 Brochures 1977-1980
2135-5-3: 15 Worship Packets Undated
2135-5-3: 16 Study Guide: U.S.-Other Undated
2135-5-3: 17 Study Guide: Liberation Theology-General Undated
2135-5-3: 18 Study Guide: Latin American Liberation Theology Undated
2135-5-3: 19 Study Guide: South African Liberation Theology Undated
2135-5-3: 20 Study Guide: Korean Minjung Theology Undated
2135-5-3: 21 Study Guide: U.S.-Black Theology Undated
2135-5-3: 22 Study Guide: U.S.-Feminist Theology Undated

Series: Scrapbooks
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-3-7: 1 Scrapbook - Part 1 1910-1916
2135-3-7: 2 Scrapbook - Part 2 1910-1916
2135-3-7: 3 Scrapbook - Part 3 1910-1916
2135-3-7: 4 Scrapbook - Part 4 1910-1916
2135-3-7: 5 Scrapbook - Part 5 1910-1916
2135-3-7: 6 Scrapbook - Part 6 1910-1916

Series: Social Questions Bulletin
Sub-series: Editorial Correspondence
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-4-5: 18 Responses 1946
2136-4-5: 19 Future Bulletins 1946
2136-4-5: 20 Organization Responses 1946
2136-4-5: 21 Alson J. Smith 1946
2136-4-5: 22 Responses 1947-1952
2136-4-5: 23 Responses 1949
2136-4-6: 1 Responses 1950
2136-4-6: 2 Responses 1951
Sub-series: Issues
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2136-4-3: 25 Social Service Bulletin 1913
2136-4-3: 26 Social Service Bulletin 1924
2136-4-3: 27 Social Service Bulletin 1928
2136-4-3: 28 Social Service Bulletin 1929
2136-4-3: 29 Social Service Bulletin 1930
2136-4-3: 30 Social Service Bulletin 1931
2136-4-4: 1 Social Service Bulletin 1932
2136-4-4: 2 Social Service Bulletin 1933
2136-4-4: 3 SQB 1934
2136-4-4: 4 SQB 1935
2136-4-4: 5 SQB 1936
2136-4-4: 6 SQB 1937
2136-4-4: 7 SQB 1938
2136-4-4: 8 SQB 1939
2136-4-4: 9 SQB 1940
2136-4-4: 10 SQB 1941
2136-4-4: 11 SQB 1942
2136-4-4: 12 SQB 1943
2136-4-4: 13 SQB 1944
2136-4-4: 14 SQB 1945
2136-4-4: 15 SQB 1946
2136-4-4: 16 SQB 1947
2136-4-4: 17 SQB 1948
2136-4-5: 1 SQB 1949
2136-4-5: 2 SQB 1950
2136-4-5: 3 SQB 1951
2136-4-5: 4 SQB 1952
2136-4-5: 5 SQB 1953
2136-4-5: 6 SQB 1954
2136-4-5: 7 SQB 1956
2136-4-5: 8 SQB 1957
2136-4-5: 9 SQB 1960
2136-4-5: 10 SQB 1968-1970
2136-4-5: 11 SQB 1971
2136-4-5: 12 SQB 1972
2136-4-5: 13 SQB 1973
2136-4-5: 14 SQB 1975
2136-4-5: 15 SQB 1983-1989
2136-4-5: 16 SQB 1992
2136-4-5: 17 Other Periodicals 1939-1943

Series: Subject Files
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2135-2-7: 7 What the Methodist Federation of Social Action Stands For 1950
2135-2-7: 8 "A New Executive Secretary for a More Effective MFSA" - May 5 1950
2135-2-7: 9 American Civil Liberties Union 1948-1949
2135-2-7: 10 American Friends Service Committee - "AFSC Regional News" 1950
2135-2-7: 11 Anti-Federation 1948-1953
2135-2-7: 12 B'hai B'rith and Catholic Church - Prejudice 1945-1960
2135-2-7: 13 "Between the Lines" 1947-1948
2135-2-7: 14 Board of Publication 1950-1952
2135-2-7: 15 Capitalism 1947
2135-2-7: 16 Cartels 1947
2135-2-7: 17 Catholic-Protestant Relations 1945-1950
2136-2-1: 1 Catholicism 1946-1948
2136-2-1: 2 "The Catholic Worker" 1948-1949
2136-2-1: 3 China - Part 1 1944-1949
2136-2-1: 4 China - Part 2 1944-1949
2136-2-1: 5 China Questionnaire 1946-1948
2136-2-1: 6 "Christian Community" - March 1950
2136-2-1: 7 Christianity and Communism Articles, etc. 1951-1952
2136-2-1: 8 "Christianity and Crisis" 1948-1950
2136-2-1: 9 Church Anti-Liberalism 1946-1960
2136-2-1: 10 Church and Economic Issues 1947-1950
2136-2-1: 11 Church and Foreign Policy Issues 1946-1948
2136-2-1: 12 Church and Human Rights 1948
2136-2-1: 13 Church and Labor 1950
2136-2-2: 1 Church and Race Relations 1947
2136-2-2: 2 Church and Social Action 1942-1948
2136-2-2: 3 Church and State - Education, etc. 1946-1948
2136-2-2: 4 Church and Veterans 1946
2136-2-2: 5 "The Churchman" 1949-1950
2136-2-2: 6 Churchmen's Seminar 1947
2136-2-2: 7 "The CIO News" 1950
2136-2-2: 8 Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons 1947-1948
2136-2-2: 9 Civil Liberties 1944-1949
2136-2-2: 10 Civil Rights - Part 1 1946-1950
2136-2-3: 1 Civil Rights - Part 2 1946-1950
2136-2-3: 2 Civil Rights Congress 1947-1951
2136-2-3: 3 Civilian Public Service (Methodist CO's) 1947
2136-2-3: 4 Clair Cook 1955-1959
2136-2-3: 5 Cleveland Statements 1945-1951
2136-2-3: 6 Colonialism (Trusteeship) 1946-1947
2136-2-3: 7 Columbia, Tennessee Case 1946
2136-2-3: 8 Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy 1947-1950
2136-2-3: 9 Committee for Maritime Unity 1946
2136-2-3: 10 Communism Undated
2136-2-3: 11 Communism, Labor and Fifth Amendment 1954-1957
2136-2-3: 12 Communism and Religion - House on Un-American Activities Committee 1948-1952
2136-2-3: 13 Communism and Religion - Part 1 1947-1963
2136-2-4: 1 Communism and Religion - Part 2 1947-1963
2136-2-4: 2 Communist Party Trial - Part 1 1949
2136-2-4: 3 Communist Party Trial - Part 2 1949
2136-2-4: 4 "Concern" 1951
2136-2-4: 5 Congress of Industrial Organizations 1945-1948
2136-2-4: 6 Congressional Record 1944-1948
2136-2-4: 7 "Congressional Record" 1946
2136-2-4: 8 Conscientious Objectors 1943
2136-2-4: 9 Conscription - Part 1 1947-1950
2136-2-4: 10 Conscription - Part 2 1947-1950
2136-2-5: 1 Conscription - Part 3 1947-1950
2136-2-5: 2 Cooperatives - Part 1 1944-1948
2136-2-5: 3 Cooperatives - Part 2 1944-1948
2136-2-5: 4 Czechoslovakia 1948
2136-2-5: 5 Democracy 1948
2136-2-5: 6 Deportation Cases 1950
2136-2-5: 7 Dies-Rankin Committee 1946-1953
2136-2-5: 8 Discrimination in Education 1946-1947
2136-2-6: 1 Displaced Persons 1947-1950
2136-2-6: 2 John Foster Dulles 1949
2136-2-6: 3 Dumbarton Oaks and San Francisco - Part 1 1945
2136-2-6: 4 Dumbarton Oaks and San Francisco - Part 2 1945
2136-2-6: 5 Economic and Social Problems in the United Nations 1949-1950
2136-2-6: 6 Economic Cooperation Administration 1950
2136-2-6: 7 Economic Justice 1948-1950
2136-2-6: 8 Economic Order 1944-1949
2136-2-6: 9 Education 1946-1949
2136-2-7: 1 Education and Community Planning 1944-1949
2136-2-7: 2 Facts of the Trial of 12 1949
2136-2-7: 3 Fair Employment Practices Commission 1945-1946
2136-2-7: 4 "Far Eastern Survey" 1946-1947
2136-2-7: 5 Fascism 1944
2136-2-7: 6 Federal Bills 1945
2136-2-7: 7 Federal Council 1950-1953
2136-2-7: 8 Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America 1948-1949
2136-2-7: 9 Feinberg Law 1953
2136-2-7: 10 Ferguson Brothers Case 1946
2136-2-7: 11 Filibuster - March 1949
2136-2-7: 12 Film 1948
2136-2-7: 13 Food 1946-1950
2136-2-7: 14 Foreign Aid and Inflation 1947
2136-2-7: 15 Foreign Policy 1946-1947
2135-3-1: 1 Foreign Policy - American-Soviet Relations 1946-1950
2135-3-1: 2 Foreign Policy Aid to Europe 1947-1948
2135-3-1: 3 Foreign Policy: Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan 1947-1950
2135-3-1: 4 Full Employment 1945-1946
2135-3-1: 5 France 1944
2135-3-1: 6 Freedom of Information 1948
2135-3-1: 7 Freedom of Religion 1948
2135-3-1: 8 Genocide 1949
2135-3-1: 9 Georgia Governorship 1947
2135-3-1: 10 Georgia Power Company 1947
2135-3-1: 11 Germany 1944-1950
2135-3-1: 12 General Conferences 1900-1960
2135-3-1: 13 Great Britain 1945
2135-3-1: 14 Greece 1947-1948
2135-3-2: 1 Greece-Turkey Program 1946-1947
2135-3-2: 2 Greece and Turkey - Truman Doctrine 1946-1947
2135-3-2: 3 Guatemala: Phillips-Van Heusen Case 1992
2135-3-2: 4 Health 1945-1950
2135-3-2: 5 Historic Information - Part 1 1914-1961
2135-3-2: 6 Historic Information - Part 2 1914-1961
2135-3-2: 7 Historic Information - Part 3 1914-1961
2135-3-3: 1 House on Un-American Activities 1944-1950
2135-3-3: 2 Hydrogen Bomb 1950
2135-3-3: 3 Jean Field Committee 1950-1953
2135-3-3: 4 Joint Action Committee - Part 1 1946-1947
2135-3-3: 5 Joint Action Committee - Part 2 1946-1947
2135-3-3: 6 Labor - Part 1 1945-1950
2135-3-3: 7 Labor - Part 2 1945-1950
2135-3-3: 8 Labor - Part 3 1945-1950
2135-3-3: 9 Labor and Civil Liberty 1947
2135-3-3: 10 Latin America 1945-1948
2135-3-3: 11 Bishop Earl Ledden 1947-1949
2135-3-3: 12 Legislation 1950
2135-3-3: 13 Loyalty Checks 1949
2135-3-3: 14 Library Books and Publications on Order 1948-1950
2135-3-3: 15 Literature Lists of MFSA 1949
2135-3-3: 16 Lynching 1946-1950
2135-3-3: 17 George Marshall 1950
2135-3-4: 1 McCarran Bill - September 1950
2135-3-4: 2 Willie McGee Case 1949
2135-3-4: 3 Melish Case 1949-1950
2135-3-4: 4 Methodist Youth Movement 1947-1948
2135-3-4: 5 Mill Valley 1951
2135-3-4: 6 Clyde R. Miller 1952-1957
2135-3-4: 7 National Conference of Methodist Youth 1950
2135-3-4: 8 National Federation of Constitutional Liberties 1941
2135-3-4: 9 National Religion and Labor Foundation 1945-1950
2135-3-4: 10 Native Fascism (general and non-religious) 1945-1947
2135-3-4: 11 Native Religious Fascism 1944-1947
2135-3-4: 12 Overseas Relief 1946-1947
2135-3-4: 13 Bishop Oxnam Info Folder 1948-1953
2135-3-4: 14 The Press on MFSA 1952
2135-3-4: 15 Race - Part 1 1944-1947
2135-3-4: 16 Race - Part 2 1944-1947
2135-3-4: 17 Red Baiting 1949
2135-3-5: 1 Religion and Labor Foundation - Willard Uphaus 1947-1951
2135-3-5: 2 Rent Control 1945
2135-3-5: 3 "Reporter" 1945-1946
2135-3-5: 4 Report on Visit to Yugoslavia - May 1946
2135-3-5: 5 Resolutions on Current Issues 1948
2135-3-5: 6 Romania 1950
2135-3-5: 7 Socialism 1947
2135-3-5: 8 Soviet Union 1946-1947
2135-3-5: 9 Spain - Part 1 1944-1946
2135-3-5: 10 Spain - Part 2 1944-1946
2135-3-5: 11 SQB and Communism Undated
2135-3-5: 12 Supreme Court and Civil Liberties - October 1949
2135-3-5: 13 Suspect MFSA Affiliates 1946-1960
2135-3-5: 14 Sweden 1948
2135-3-5: 15 Taxation 1945-1947
2135-3-5: 16 Telephone Workers Defense Committee 1947
2135-3-5: 17 Tennessee Valley Authority 1946
2135-3-5: 18 Thompson Case 1948
2135-3-5: 19 Trade Union Service (Marvin Pallock) 1949
2135-3-5: 20 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1950
2135-3-6: 1 United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization 1949-1950
2135-3-6: 2 United Nations Organization 1947-1948
2135-3-6: 3 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 1944-1946
2135-3-6: 4 US Domestic Issues - Miscellaneous 1950
2135-3-6: 5 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1947-1949
2135-3-6: 6 Universal Military Training 1951-1952
2135-3-6: 7 Unofficial Status of MFSA 1950
2135-3-6: 8 Willard Uphaus 1956-1962
2135-3-6: 9 Vatican 1946
2135-3-6: 10 Vocation 1949
2135-3-6: 11 Harry F. Ward 1944-1960
2135-3-6: 12 Wilberforce Commission Reports 1950
2135-3-6: 13 Youth for Christ 1945-1946
2135-3-6: 14 Yugoslavia 1941-1948
2135-3-6: 15 Yugoslavia and Trieste 1946
2135-5-3: 23 Anti-Federation 1950-1952
2135-5-3: 24 American-Soviet Relations 1949-1950
2135-5-3: 25 Change of Name-Masthead 1961
2135-5-3: 26 Church and Anti-Semitism 1943-1946
2135-5-3: 27 Constitutional Liberties 1961-1962
2135-5-3: 28 House on Un-American Activities Committee 1956-1962
2135-5-3: 29 Incorporation 1966
2135-5-3: 30 Indonesia 1945-1946
2135-5-4: 1 Jackson, Mississippi 1964
2135-5-4: 2 Ashton Jones 1960-1962
2135-5-4: 3 MFSA and Circuit Riders 1952-1955
2135-5-4: 4 MFSA and McCarthyism 1979
2135-5-4: 5 Methodist Federation Fund 1973
2135-5-4: 6 Methodists for Church Renewal 1964
2135-5-4: 7 Methodist Rural Fellowship 1952
2135-5-4: 8 Drazha Mikhailovich 1946
2135-5-4: 9 Professor Clyde Miller - (League for Fair Play) 1949-1952
2135-5-4: 10 Militarization in America 1949
2135-5-4: 11 Military Assistance Program 1949
2135-5-4: 12 Minimum Wage 1948
2135-5-4: 13 Missionary Education Movement 1949
2135-5-4: 14 Mississippi Methodist Loyalty Oath 1952
2135-5-4: 15 Missouri Valley Association Undated
2135-5-4: 16 National Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act 1963
2135-5-4: 17 Pikeville Project-General - Part 1 1973-1974
2135-5-4: 18 Pikeville Project-General - Part 2 1973-1974
2135-5-4: 19 Race 1947-1950
2135-5-4: 20 Race - American Indians 1950
2135-5-4: 21 Race - Levittown Eviction Case 1951-1952
2135-5-4: 22 Reader's Digest 1944-1950
2135-5-4: 23 Reciprocal Trade Agreements 1948
2135-5-4: 24 Recommendations to the Woman's Division of Christian Service 1947
2135-5-4: 25 Religious Associates 1946-1947
2135-5-5: 1 Rosenberg Case 1952-1953
2135-5-5: 2 Temperance 1946
2135-5-5: 3 Wallace - Foreign Policy Speech and Controversy 1947
2135-5-5: 4 Wallace and Third Party Movement 1948
2135-5-5: 5 Harry F. Ward 90th Birthday Committee 1952-1963
2135-5-5: 6 Win the Peace Conference 1946-1947
2135-5-5: 7 Woltman Wrangle 1946-1948
2135-5-5: 8 Women's Society of Christian Service 1946-1949
2135-5-5: 9 Women's Rights Undated
2135-5-5: 10 "The World Community" 1946-1947
2135-5-5: 11 World Disarmament 1946
2135-5-5: 12 World Health Organization 1947-1950