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Biographical Note

Scope and Content


Preferred Citation

Restrictions on Access

Restrictions on Use

Subject Terms

Container List [ + ]

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Guide to the Seattle Episcopal Area Records

Prepared by Myong Shin Jeon, Student Assistant and Mark C. Shenise, Associate Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History, Madison, New Jersey


Overview of Records

Record Creator: United Methodist Church (U.S.). Seattle Episcopal Area
Title: Seattle Episcopal Area Records
Dates: 1959-2004
Abstract: The records of the Seattle Episcopal Area reflect the administrative duties of the bishop in charge. he main focus of the collection is on administering United Methodism in the Seattle area. Two general agencies are well represented, namely, the General Board of Church and Society and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
Extent: 14.85 cu. feet
Resource ID: gcah.rg.4777

History Note

The records of the Seattle Episcopal Area reflect the administrative duties of the bishop in charge. Bishops are elected by the Jurisdictional Conference. Episcopal assignments are determined by the Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy in consultation with the College of Bishops. Each bishop assumes his or her post on the first day of September following the Jurisdictional meeting. A bishop, however, cannot serve in an area where his or her latest membership was held.

Bishops are set apart as a separate ministry to oversee and supervise the districts and charges within their appointed geographic area. The denomination authorizes these ministers to guard the faith, order, liturgy, doctrine and discipline of the general church. District superintendents are appointed by the bishop to help administer the denominational directives in specific geographic areas. Bishops ordain, consecrate, commission and appoint the clergy to specific churches and ministries under their immediate charge. Bishops are also expected to serve the larger church through the general agencies, boards and commissions. They are in many ways the faces of the denomination when General Conference is no longer in session.

Scope Note

The collection reflects the many facets of episcopal work on local, national and international levels. The main focus of the collection is on administering United Methodism in the Seattle area. District records and general correspondence files give a clear picture of church everyday life. Along with the general correspondence, there are correspondence files directed only to bishops. The Pacific Northwest was a stronghold for the former Evangelical United Brethren Church and there are important EUB historical episcopal records included within the collection. Two general agencies are well represented, namely, the General Board of Church and Society and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Social issues such as gambling and homosexuality, with its subsequent manifestation of Holy Unions, are well represented. Each topic gives a comprehensive viewpoint of the issues involved. Many of these records are currently under the twenty-five-year restriction. In the W. Maynard Sparks series there is a section of bishop names which is really correspondence by Bishops Charles Golden and Jack Tuell. Sparks served in California which suggests he brought these files with him when appointed to the Portland and Seattle areas.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Series: Everett W. Palmer
Series: W. Maynard Sparks
Series: Wilbur Choy
Series: Melvin Talbert
Series: Calvin McConnell
Series: Elias Galvan

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Seattle Episcopal Area Records, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the items' call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

Denominational agency journals, reports and committee minutes are open to the public unless they have been closed in accordance with requirements specified in the Discipline. Denominational agency staff office records are closed for twenty-five (25) years after creation. Personnel records are closed for at least 75 years. Appeals can be made to the General Commission on Archives and History, P. O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940.

Restrictions on Use

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Subject Terms

Additonal Creators - Personal
: Barrett, Velma Jeannie
: Charlton, Ellie.
: Choy, Wilbur W. Y.
: Galvan, Elias Gabriel
: Golden, Charles Franklin
: McConnell, Calvin
: Sparks, W. Maynard
: Talbert, Melvin George
: Tuell, Jack M.
:Palmer, Everett W.
Subject Topics
Church and labor
Church and social problems
Church and state
Church anniversaries
Church colleges
Church management
Church property
Church work with gays
Churches, Methodist
Clergy-Salaries, etc.
Draft resisters
Education, Higher
Gambling, Religious aspects
Health facilities
International Relations
Social justice
Theology, Doctrinal
Agriculture - Economic aspects
Subject Geographic
Seattle (Wash.).
Washington State
Church bulletins.
Episcopal Addresses
News releases

Container List

Series: Everett W. Palmer
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2322-7-6: 1 Bishop Glenn Randall Phillips Biographical 1964
2322-7-6: 2 Cabinet Retreat - Pacific Northwest Annual Conference 1966
2322-7-6: 4 Columbia River District 1962 - 1963
2322-7-6: 5 Columbia River District 1963 - 1964
2322-7-6: 6 Columbia River District 1965 - 1966
2322-7-6: 8 Columbia River District 1967 - 1968
2322-7-6: 9 Correspondence 1965 - 1968
2322-7-6: 10 Gambling in Seattle 1962
2322-7-6: 11 Senate Bill 360 - Gambling Tolerance Bill 1963
2322-7-6: 12 Referendum 34 - Legalization of Commercialized Gambling 1964
2322-7-6: 13 Referendum 34 - Legalization of Commercialized Gambling 1964
2322-7-6: 14 Historical - Seattle Area - Data re. Bishop Palmer 1967
2322-7-6: 15 Magnolia Situation 1964
2322-7-6: 16 Miscellaneous 1968 - 1970
2322-7-7: 1 Palmer, Everett Walter - Bishop 1971 - 1973
2322-7-7: 2 Photographs 1962 - 1968
2322-7-7: 3 Puget Sound District 1961 - 1962
2322-7-7: 5 Puget Sound District 1965 - 1966
2322-7-7: 6 Puget Sound District 1966 - 1967
2322-7-7: 8 Seattle District 1961 - 1962
2322-7-7: 9 Seattle District 1962 - 1963
2322-7-7: 10 Seattle District 1965 - 1966
2322-7-7: 11 Seattle District 1966 - 1967
2322-7-7: 12 Seattle District 1967 - 1968
2322-7-7: 14 Spokane Disrict 1962 - 1963
2322-7-7: 17 Research Data - Hays Park, Hillyard, Metzger (Spokane) Merger 1966
2322-7-7: 18 Spokane District 1967 - 1968
2322-7-7: 19 Tacoma District 1961 - 1962
2322-7-8: 1 Tacoma District 1966 - 1967
2322-7-8: 4 Vancouver District 1962 - 1963
2322-7-8: 8 Walla Walla District 1961 - 1962
2322-7-8: 12 Walla Walla District 1967 - 1968

Series: W. Maynard Sparks
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2322-7-8: 13 A 1970 - 1971
2322-7-8: 14 A 1968 - 1969
2323-2-1: 1 Ba - Bl 1970 - 1971
2323-2-1: 2 BA - BH 1968 - 1969
2323-2-1: 3 Bm - BZ 1970 - 1971
2323-2-1: 4 BI - Bz 1968 - 1969
2323-2-1: 5 C 1970 - 1971
2323-2-1: 6 C 1968 - 1969
2323-2-1: 7 D 1970 - 1971
2323-2-1: 8 D 1968 - 1969
2323-2-2: 1 E 1970 - 1971
2323-2-2: 2 E 1968 - 1969
2323-2-2: 3 F 1970 - 1971
2323-2-2: 4 F 1968 - 1969
2323-2-2: 5 G 1970 - 1971
2323-2-2: 6 G 1968 - 1969
2323-2-2: 8 Ha - Hh 1970 - 1971
2323-2-3: 1 Hh - Hz 1970 - 1971
2323-2-3: 2 H - Ha 1968 - 1969
2323-2-3: 3 He - Hu 1968 - 1969
2323-2-3: 5 I 1970 - 1971
2323-2-3: 6 I 1968 - 1969
2323-2-3: 7 J 1970 - 1971
2323-2-3: 8 J 1968 - 1969
2323-2-3: 9 K 1970 - 1971
2323-2-3: 10 K 1968 - 1969
2323-2-4: 1 La - Lc 1970 - 1971
2323-2-4: 2 Le - Lz 1970 - 1971
2323-2-4: 3 L 1968 - 1969
2323-2-4: 4 Mc 1970 - 1971
2323-2-4: 5 Mc 1968 - 1969
2323-2-4: 6 Ma - Mu 1970 - 1971
2323-2-4: 7 Mn - Z 1970 - 1971
2323-2-4: 8 Ma - Mn 1968 - 1969
2323-2-4: 9 Mo - Mz 1968 - 1969
2323-2-5: 1 N 1970 - 1971
2323-2-5: 2 N 1968 - 1969
2323-2-5: 3 O 1970 - 1971
2323-2-5: 4 O 1968 - 1969
2323-2-5: 5 Pa - g 1970 - 1971
2323-2-5: 6 Ph - Z 1970 - 1971
2323-2-5: 7 P 1968 - 1969
2323-2-5: 8 Q 1970 - 1971
2323-2-5: 9 Q 1968 - 1969
2323-2-5: 10 R 1968 - 1969
2323-2-5: 11 Ra - h 1970 - 1971
2323-2-6: 1 Ri - z 1970 - 1971
2323-2-6: 2 Sa - m 1970 - 1971
2323-2-6: 3 Sn - z 1970 - 1971
2323-2-6: 4 Sa - Sm 1968 - 1969
2323-2-6: 5 Sn - Sz 1968 - 1969
2323-2-6: 6 T 1970 - 1971
2323-2-6: 7 T 1968 - 1969
2323-2-7: 1 U 1970 - 1971
2323-2-7: 2 U 1968 - 1969
2323-2-7: 3 V 1970 - 1971
2323-2-7: 4 V 1968 - 1969
2323-2-7: 5 Wa - Wg 1970 - 1971
2323-2-7: 6 Wa - We 1968 - 1969
2323-2-7: 7 Wh - z 1970 - 1971
2323-2-7: 8 Wh - Wz 1968 - 1969
2323-2-7: 9 X - Y - Z 1970 - 1971
2323-2-7: 10 X - Y - Z 1968 - 1969
2323-2-7: 11 Bishop: Amstutz, Hobart B. 1975 - 1980
2323-2-7: 12 Bishop: Brashares, Charles W. 1977
2323-2-7: 13 Bishop: Copeland, Kenneth W. 1962 - 1973
2323-2-8: 1 Bishop: Ensley, Francis Gerald 1963 - 1973
2323-2-8: 2 Bishop: Franklin, Marvin A. 1961 - 1964
2323-2-8: 4 Bishop: Garber, Paul N. 1961 - 1970
2323-2-8: 5 Bishop: Golden Charles F. 1972
2323-2-8: 6 Bishop: Gum, Walter C. 1965 - 1969
2323-2-8: 7 Bishop: Hagen, Odd 1965 - 1970
2323-2-8: 9 Bishop: R. D. Joshi 1971 - 1976
2323-2-8: 10 Bishop: Kennedy, Gerald H. 1969 - 1980
2323-2-8: 11 Bishop: King, Willis J. 1962 - 1976
2323-2-8: 12 King Loan Fund 1962 - 1968
2323-2-8: 13 Bishop: Lord, John Wesley 1962 - 1981
2323-2-8: 14 Bishop: Love, Edgar A. 1963 - 1975
2323-2-8: 15 Bishop: Martin, Paul E. 1966
2323-2-8: 16 Bishop: Nagbe, Stephen T. 1966
2323-2-8: 19 Bishop: Palmer, Everett W. 1964 - 1971
2324-2-1: 1 Bishop: Phillips, Glenn R. 1969 - 1970
2324-2-1: 2 Bishop: Pryor, Thomas M. 1964 - 1978
2324-2-1: 3 Bishop: Raines, Richard C. 1961 - 1972
2324-2-1: 4 Bishop: Rockey, Clement D. 1972 - 1975
2324-2-1: 5 Bishop: A. J. Shaw 1971 - 1972
2324-2-1: 6 Bishop: J. Owen Smith 1968 - 1970
2324-2-1: 7 Bishop: Stowe, W. McFerrin 1969 - 1981
2324-2-1: 10 Bishop: Voigt, Edwin E. 1963 - 1964
2324-2-1: 13 Bishop: Werner, Hazen G. 1962 - 1978
2324-2-1: 14 Columbia River District Correspondence - Troy M. Strong 1968 - 1969
2324-2-1: 15 Engagements Completed - January 1 - June 30, 1972 1972 - 1973
2324-2-1: 16 Engagements Completed - July 1 - December 31, 1971 1971 - 1972
2324-2-2: 1 Engagements Completed - January 1 - June 30, 1971 1970 - 1971
2324-2-2: 2 Engagements Completed - January 1 - June 30, 1971 1970 - 1971
2324-2-2: 3 Engagements Completed - July 1 - December 31, 1970 1970 - 1971
2324-2-2: 4 Engagements Completed - July 1 - December 31, 1970 1970 - 1971
2324-2-2: 5 Engagements Completed - January 1 - June 30, 1970 1969 - 1970
2324-2-2: 6 Engagements Completed - January 1 - June 30, 1970 1969 - 1970
2324-2-2: 7 Engagements Completed - January 1 - June 30, 1970 1969 - 1970
2324-2-2: 8 Engagements Completed - June 1 - December 31, 1969 1969 - 1970
2324-2-2: 9 Engagements Completed - June 1 - December 31, 1969 1969 - 1970
2324-2-2: 10 Engagements Completed - June 1 - December 31, 1969 1969 - 1970
2324-2-3: 1 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Board of Bishops Minutes 1966 - 1968
2324-2-3: 2 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Board of Bishops Minutes 1966 - 1965
2324-2-3: 3 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Board of Bishops Minutes 1965 - 1963
2324-2-3: 4 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Board of Bishops Minutes 1962 - 1963
2324-2-3: 5 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Board of Bishops Minutes 1960 - 1962
2324-2-4: 1 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Board of Bishops Minutes 1958 - 1960
2324-2-4: 2 Evangelical United Brethren Church - The Christian Way 1950
2324-2-4: 3 Evangelical United Brethren Church - General Conference 1966
2324-2-4: 4 Evangelical United Brethren Church - General Council of Administration 1965
2324-2-4: 5 Evangelical United Brethren Church - General Council of Administration 1966
2324-2-4: 6 Evangelical United Brethren Church - General Council of Administration 1967 - 1968
2324-2-5: 1 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Miscellaneous 1963 - 1966
2324-2-5: 2 Evangelical United Brethren Church - Philomath College 1959 - 1967
2324-2-5: 3 Gambling Legislation - Senate Joint Resolution #5 Campagin 1972
2324-2-5: 4 Gambling Legislation - Senate Joint Resolution #5 Campagin 1972
2324-2-5: 5 German Correspondence 1965 - 1966
2324-2-5: 6 Northwest Canada Conference - Evangelical Church 1970
2324-2-5: 7 Northwest Canada Conference - Re. The Commission on Structure of Methodism Overseas and Autonomy 1968 - 1970
2324-2-5: 8 Northwest Canada Conference - Special Session - January 1970
2324-2-5: 9 Northwest Canada Conference - Personnel and Appointment Matters 1970
2324-2-6: 1 Northwest Cannada Conference - Blue Book 1971
2324-2-6: 2 Northwest Cannada Conference 1972
2324-2-6: 3 Pacific Northwest - General - Folder 1 1968 - 1970
2324-2-6: 4 Pacific Northwest - General - Folder 2 1968 - 1970
2324-2-6: 5 Pacific Northwest All District Superintendents Treasurer (E) 1968 - 1969
2324-2-6: 6 Pacific Northwest All District Superintendents (E+m) 1968 - 1969
2324-2-6: 7 Pacific Northwest (E) - Annual Conference 1969
2324-2-6: 8 Pacific Northwest (E) - Annual Conference - Agenda 1969
2324-2-6: 9 Pacific Northwest (E) - Annual Conference 1970
2324-2-6: 10 Pacific Northwest (E) - Boards and Commissions 1968 - 1969
2324-2-6: 11 Pacific Northwest - Correspondence 1966 - 1969
2324-2-7: 1 Pacific Northwest - Correspondence 1960 - 1965
2324-2-7: 4 Pacific Northwest - News Sheets 1961 - 1967
2324-2-7: 5 Pacific Northwest (E) - Quadrennial Emphasis and Fund for Reconciliation 1968 - 1969
2324-2-7: 6 Photographs 1968 - 1972
2324-2-7: 7 Sparks, Maynard - Miscellaneous 1970 - 1972
2324-2-7: 8 Puget Sound District Superintendent Correspondence - Frank E. Brown 1968 - 1971
2324-2-8: 1 Seattle District Superintendent Correspondence - Joe A. Harding 1968 - 1969
2324-2-8: 3 Special Issues - Correspondence re Legislative or Executive Action 1971 - 1972
2324-2-8: 4 Special Issues - Correspondence re Legislative or Executive Action 1968 - 1970
2324-2-8: 5 Spokane District Superintendent Correspondence - M. M. Finkbeiner 1968 - 1969
2324-2-8: 6 Study of the Ministry - Folder 1 1960 - 1966
2324-2-8: 7 Study of the Ministry - Folder 2 1960 - 1963
2324-2-8: 10 Vancouver District Superintendent Correspondence - Bruce G. Parker 1969 - 1970
2324-2-8: 11 Vancouver District Superintendent Correspondence - Bruce G. Parker 1968 - 1969

Series: Wilbur Choy
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2323-3-1: 5 Audio Cassettes - Addresses and Sermons 1976 - 1979
2323-3-1: 6 Bishop Wilbur W. Y Choy (and Grace Ying Choy) - Biographical 1980
2323-3-1: 7 Re: Bishop Wilbur W. Y. Choy - Personal/Miscellaneous 1977 - 1980
2323-3-1: 8 Church and Society, Board of 1973 - 1976
2323-3-1: 10 Church and Society - General Welfare - Kemmerly, J. Robert - Correspondence Concerning Health Care Legislation 1973 - 1975
2323-3-1: 11 Church and Society, Board of - Letter and Statement Concerning Presidential actions - October 21 1973
2323-3-2: 1 Church and Society General Welfare - Health Care 1972 - 1977
2323-3-2: 2 Church and Society General Welfare - Health Care 1972 - 1977
2323-3-2: 3 Pacific Northwest Conference - Convocation on Evangelism in the Smaller Church - November 5-8 1980
2323-3-2: 4 Correspondence - Bishop Wilbur Choy 1976 - 1980
2323-3-2: 5 Correspondence of Controversial Issues Pacific Northwest Conference 1970 - 1974
2323-3-2: 6 Evangelism: Bishops Convocation on Evangelism and Ethnic Minority Local Church 1978
2323-3-2: 7 Evangelism: Bishops Convocation on Evangelism and Ethnic Minority Local Church 1978
2323-3-2: 8 Evangelism: Bishops Convocation on Evangelism and Ethnic Minority Local Church 1978
2323-3-2: 9 Evangelism: Bishops Convocation on Evangelism and Ethnic Minority Local Church 1978
2323-3-2: 10 Evangelism: Pacific Northwest - Contagious Congregation, Convocation on November 7-10 1979
2323-3-2: 11 Evangelism Event - World Methodist Council - Alan Walker - January 25 1979
2323-3-2: 12 Gambling - Follow-up and Enforcement of Law 1966
2323-3-2: 13 Gambling/State Lottery 1972 - 1973
2323-3-2: 14 Gambling Initiative #321 1976
2323-3-2: 15 Gambling Issue - State 1977
2323-3-2: 16 Gambling 1980
2323-3-3: 1 Investment Policy - Church 1972
2323-3-3: 2 Pacific Japanese Provisional Conference 1961 - 1974
2323-3-3: 3 Special Issues - Correspondence Concerning Legislative or Executive Action 1975 1972 - 1975
2323-3-3: 5 United Nations Day 1978 - 1979
2323-3-3: 6 Walla Walla District Superintendent Correspondence - W. F. Summerour 1969 - 1970
2323-3-3: 7 Western Jurisdiction - College of Bishops - Correspondnce 1968 - 1978
2323-3-3: 8 Western Jurisdiction - College of Bishops - Correspondnce 1968 - 1978
2323-3-3: 9 Western Jurisdiction - College of Bishops - Correspondnce 1968 - 1978

Series: Melvin Talbert
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2323-3-5: 2 Special Issues - Military Draft 1970

Series: Calvin McConnell
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)

Series: Elias Galvan
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)