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Guide to the Baltic and Russian Methodism Collection

Prepared by Roger Clayton, Student Assistant and Mark C. Shenise, Associate Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History, Madison, New Jersey


Overview of Records

Record Creator: Kimbrough, S T, collector
Title: Baltic and Russian Methodism Collection
Dates: 1887- 2008
Abstract: Material collected and photocopied by S T Kimbrough relating to the history of Methodism in the Baltic region and Russia. This includes sveral books and newspapers. It also includes the papers of Bishop Nuelsen.
Extent: 6.3 cubic feet
Resource ID: gcah.ms.4831

History Note

The Methodist Episcopal Church first entered Russia during the late 19th century. By 1874, a few Finnish men, who were members of the Swedish Annual Conference, felt that the church needed to have a presence in both Finland and Russia. It took ten years for Finland to get their first appointed pastor. Russian Methodism had to wait another five years before any formal activity could be realized. Bishop Charles H. Fowler with Helsinki minister, B. A Carlson, rented a house on Vasili Ostroff in St. Petersburg to start the new mission. By November of that same year, the first Methodist congregation was organized with seven members. All of the workers at that time came from Finland, including Sister Anna Eklund, who aided George A. Simons as the officially appointed missionary to the St. Petersburg work. By 1911, there were nineteen appointments to be filled in western Russia. Two additional congregations were set up in Siberia as well.

During the First World War and Russian Revolution, Methodist Episcopal charges had only six pastors. Simons left the field in October 1918 to which Sister Eklund stepped in and filled the resultant leadership vacuum. Later bishops John Nuelsen and Raymond Wade visited the work on a haphazard basis until 1939. Once the Second World War really began taking its toll on the Soviet population, the Methodist Church faded into obscurity. A small Methodist remnant survived and was later reinvigorated in 1989 with the General Board of Global Ministries Russian Initiative.

Southern Methodism Mission to Russia was divided between Harbin, Manchuria, Nikolsk, Siberia, in the east along with Klarysew, Poland, in the west and whose work primarily focused on the White Russians. The Harbin work was an outgrowth of the established mission work in Korea. When native Korean Southern Methodists migrated north to flee from Japanese occupation, they tended to settle in the Harbin area where many Russians lived as well. The mission was officially established in 1921 under the leadership of Bishop Walter Lambuth. At that time he sent W.G. Cram, J. S. Ryang and Chung Chai Duk to Manchuria as full time missionaries. Under their leadership the work flourished to a point that in 1924 more than one thousand persons were members of the church with an additional five thousand in regular attendance.

By 1927, Soviet officials barred the presiding bishop from visiting the area to give episcopal oversight. All of the workers were now from Korea who focused their efforts on Korean speaking congregations. The work in Siberia took off after Bishop Boaz sent George Erwin to Vladivostok in 1921. Erwin later transferred to Harbin because of the same Soviet pressure that faced the Manchurian mission. Here he ministered among the ethnic Russians with great success until 1927 when it was dismantled. Korean congregations continued to struggle for another ten years.

Polish work began as an extension of the 1918-1919 Centenary Commission's effort to give relief to war ravaged eastern Poland through preaching and social missionand money for Methodist missions. The mission was technically started on June 5, 1919 when the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, voted it an official mission work. Relief became the primary objective of the mission due to deprivation from World War 1. Unlike its filial work in the east, the Polish work survived and continues to this day.

Scope Note

The largest element of the collection consists of Methodist newspapers from Estonia, Latvia and Russia. The time span for these periodicals range from 1909 to 1940. Here the researcher will find a written record of the church's main activities in these specific geographic areas. Many of the periodicals are not in English but their native tongues. There are, however, some English language documents with the most important being the index for the Russian Christian Advocate. General administration records are the next section within the collection. Various minutes make up the bulk of these records. Other documents include histories of the areas, one local church set of records, an Estonian Book of Discipline (1927), and other ephemera. One of the unique aspects of this collection is Bishop Nuelsen's records while serving as bishop for the Baltic-Russia area. These records were separated out from the general administrative records in order to highlight Nuelsen's work for these annual conferences during the turbulent times they both found themselves in. Most of the documents found here are photocopies. The orginal records can be found at various institutions in the Russian-Baltic region.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Series: Publications

Series: Administration

Series: Bishop John Nuelsen

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Baltic and Russian Methodism Collection, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions regarding this collection.

Restrictions on Use

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Related Material

Administrative Files Series of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church

Administrative files of United Methodist Communications

Nuelsen Family Papers

Mission Biographical Reference Files

Records of the World Division of the General Board of Global Ministries

Missionary correspondence of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Records of the Mission Education and Cultivation Program Department of the General Board of Global Ministries

Missionary files series of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church

Bishop William Burt Collection

Mission Geographical Reference Files

Subject Terms

Additonal Creators - Personal
Nuelsen, John Louis.
Additional Creators - Corporate
Methodist Church (U.S.).
Methodist Episcopal Church, South
Methodist Episcopal Church
Subject Topics
Church history
Church work
Churches, Methodist
Subject Geographic

Container List

Series: Publications

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1597-6-1: 1 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1923 1923
1597-6-1: 2 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1923 continued 1923
1597-6-1: 3 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1923 continued 1923
1597-6-1: 4 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1924 1924
1597-6-1: 5 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1924 continued 1924
1597-6-1: 6 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1924 continued 1924
1597-6-2: 1 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1925 1925
1597-6-2: 2 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristlik Kaitsja) - Estonia - 1925 continued 1925
1597-6-2: 3 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aizstavis) - Estonia - 1940 1940
1597-6-2: 4 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aizstavis) - Estonia - 1940 continued 1940
1597-6-2: 5 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1925 1925
1597-6-2: 6 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1925 continued 1925
1597-6-3: 1 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1926 1926
1597-6-3: 2 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1926 continued 1926
1597-6-3: 3 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1927 1927
1597-6-3: 4 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1927 continued 1927
1597-6-3: 5 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1928 1928
1597-6-3: 6 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1928 continued 1928
1597-6-3: 7 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1928 continued 1928
1597-6-4: 1 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1931 1931
1597-6-4: 2 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1931 continued 1931
1597-6-4: 3 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1931 continued 1931
1597-6-4: 4 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1932 1932
1597-6-4: 5 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1934 1934
1597-6-4: 6 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1934 continued 1934
1597-6-5: 1 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Kiristigs Aisstahwis) - Latvia - 1934 continued 1934
1597-6-5: 2 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1922 1922
1597-6-5: 3 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1922 continued 1922
1597-6-5: 4 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1923 1923
1597-6-5: 5 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1923continued 1923
1597-6-5: 6 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1924 1924
1597-6-6: 1 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1924 continued 1924
1597-6-6: 2 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1929 1929
1597-6-6: 3 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1929 continued 1929
1597-6-6: 4 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1929 continued 1929
1597-6-6: 5 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1930 1930
1597-6-6: 6 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1930 continued 1930
1597-6-6: 7 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1930 continued 1930
1597-6-7: 1 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1933 1933
1597-6-7: 2 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1933 continued 1933
1597-6-7: 3 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1935 1935
1597-6-7: 4 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1935 continued 1935
1597-6-7: 5 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1935 continued 1935
1597-6-7: 6 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1936 1936
1597-6-8: 1 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1936 continued 1936
1597-6-8: 2 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1936 continued 1936
1597-6-8: 3 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1938 1938
1597-6-8: 4 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1938 continued 1938
1597-6-8: 5 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1938 continued 1938
1597-6-8: 6 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1939 1939
1597-6-8: 7 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1939 continued 1939
1597-7-1: 1 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - 1939 continued 1939
1597-7-1: 2 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1909 1909
1597-7-1: 3 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1909 continued 1910
1597-7-1: 4 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1910 1910
1597-7-1: 5 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1910 continued 1910
1597-7-1: 6 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1911 1911
1597-7-1: 7 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1912 1912
1597-7-1: 8 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1913 1913
1597-7-2: 1 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1914 1914
1597-7-2: 2 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1915 1915
1597-7-2: 3 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1915 continued 1915
1597-7-2: 4 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1916 1916
1597-7-2: 5 The Methodist Christian Advocate (Khristianski Pobornik) - Russia - 1917 1917
1597-7-2: 6 The Missionary Voice - 1921 1921
1597-7-2: 7 Methodism in Europe - 1912 1912
1597-7-2: 8 Methodist quarterly magazine - Russia - 1927 1927

Series: Administration

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1597-7-3: 1 History of Methodism volume 1 - beginning to 1791 - Russia 1887
1597-7-3: 2 History of Methodism volume 2 - 1791 to 1887 - Russia 1887
1597-7-3: 3 Baltic and Slavic Bulletin of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia - 1925 to 1927 1925-1927
1597-7-3: 4 Minutes of the Finland and St. Petersburg Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church - 1908 1908
1597-7-3: 5 Minutes of the third annual meeting of the Siberia-Manchuria Mission (Russian Department) of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South 1924
1597-7-3: 6 Minutes of the fourth annual meeting of the Siberia-Manchuria Mission (Russian Department) of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South 1925
1597-7-6: 2 Methodist Church in Kybartai - administrative documents - small copy 1908
1597-7-6: 1 Methodist Church in Kybartai - administrative documents - large copy 1908
1597-7-6: 3 Lithuania Church Records Protocol Birzai 1923
1597-7-6: 4 Kristigs Uifftahwis - Latvia - small copy -1930 1930
1597-7-6: 5 Christian Advocate Publishing record from 1910 - incomplete 1910
1597-7-6: 6 The Romance of a Tract and Its Sequel - The story of an American Pioneer in Russia and the Baltic States 1928
1597-7-6: 7 George Simons Pamphlet with English Translation Undated
1597-7-6: 8 Estonian - First Discipline 1927
1597-7-6: 10 Letter from Bishop Hartzell about appropriations to theAfrica Diamond Jubilee Commission of The Methodist Episcopal Church 1909
1597-7-6: 11 George Simons - Reports of the Superintendent 1910-1911

Series: Bishop John Nuelsen

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1597-7-3: 7 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Austria - 1919-1938 1919-1938
1597-7-3: 8 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Austria - 1919-1938 continued 1919-1938
1597-7-3: 9 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Austria Hungary - 1912-1924 1912-1924
1597-7-3: 10 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Austria Hungary - 1912-1924 continued 1912-1924
1597-7-4: 1 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Austria Hungary - 1912-1924 continued 1912-1924
1597-7-4: 2 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Hungary - 1925-1929 1925-1929
1597-7-4: 3 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Hungary - 1925-1929 continued 1925-1929
1597-7-4: 4 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Hungary - 1930-1940 1930-1940
1597-7-4: 5 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Hungary - 1930-1940 continued 1930-1940
1597-7-4: 6 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Hungary - 1930-1940 continued 1930-1940
1597-7-5: 1 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Yugoslavia - 1919-1928 1919-1928
1597-7-5: 2 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Yugoslavia - 1919-1928 continued 1919-1928
1597-7-5: 3 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Yugoslavia - 1919-1928 continued 1919-1928
1597-7-5: 4 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Yugoslavia - 1929-1940 1929-1940
1597-7-5: 5 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Yugoslavia - 1929-1940 continued 1929-1940
1597-7-5: 6 Bishop John Nuelsen papers from Yugoslavia - 1929-1940 continued 1929-1940
1597-7-6: 9 Bishop John Nuelsen - General Undated