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Guide to the Zula Terry Papers

Bob Dillon, Student Intern

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church


Overview of Collection

Creator: Terry, Zula
Title: Guide to the Zula Terry Papers
Date Span: 1948-1965
Abstract: Zula Terry (1896-1986), American Missionary, was born in 1896. She was a missionary to Brazil. While there she worked in teaching and evangelism.
Extent: 0.18 cubic feet
Identification: gcah.ms.5350

Biographical or History Note

Zula Terry (1896-1986), American Missionary, was born in 1896. Zula graduated from the University of Texas with her B.A. and graduated from Peabody College with her M.A. Upon graduation Zula entered into missionary service with the Women's Missionary Council through the Texas Branch in 1925 and started work in 1926 as an education and church service organizer to Brazil. Her work centered on the Instituto Gymnasial and Porto Alegre along with other locations. In Porto Alegre Zula concentrated upon evangelism and organizing, training and overseeing indigenous Bible Women along the lines of the successful China Bible Women program. Besides her work mentioned above, other areas of ministries include the following: The Day School at the Institutional Church as superintendent of the Primary Department for Sunday School and part-time work at the Colegio Americano. Reflecting her experience as a missionary, Zula contributed an article to the Missionary Voice concerning the need for the Institutional Church in Porto Alegro in April 1934. Zula departed from the field on December 22, 1961 and died on January 24, 1986.

Sources Consulted A Model Home Base For Missions: Mary Decherd, The University Of Texas Epworth League, And The Brazil Mission by Robert W. Sledge Annual Report Woman's Council - M.E. Church, South, 1934 (p. 179, 181, 246) "Five Dollars and Myself": The History of Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1845-1939 by Robert W. Sledge (p. 272) New World Outlook - March 3, 1986 Woman's Division of Christian Service Minutes - 1961-1964 (Twenty-second Annual Meeting, January 9-14, 1962, p. 62) The Missionary Voice - "A Model Home Base for Missions: Mary Decherd, The University of Texas Epworth League, and the Brazil Mission" by Robert Sledge - October 1927

Scope and Content Note

Content consists of lecture notes, a college brochure of Colegio Americano, a newspaper from the same school and photographs of students from Colegio Americano and the Colegio Isabela Hendrix. Photographs are a black and white medium, dating between 1948 and 1955. Lecture notes are on the history of Brazil as well as its culture and the development of education under American and religious forces.


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Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Zula Terry Papers, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

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There are no restrictions on this collection.

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Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

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Methodist Episcopal Church, South
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Container List

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1600-2-6: 1 Presentation Notes
1600-2-6: 2 Photographs
1600-2-6: 3 Booklet: Colegio Americano
1600-2-6: 4 Newspaper: O Crisol Orgao Oficial Das Alunas Do Colegio Americano - November 1964