GCAH Catalogs Home Page > Archival Finding Aids Home Page> Guide to the Records of the Women's Missionary Association of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.


Biographical Note

Scope and Content


Preferred Citation

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Subject Terms

Container List [ + ]

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Guide to the Records of the Women's Missionary Association of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.

Prepared by the Staff of the Archives Center

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History, Madison, New Jersey


Overview of Records

Record Creator: Church of the United Brethren in Christ (New constitution). Women's Missionary Association
Title: Records of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Women's Missionary Association
Date Span: 1872-1946
Abstract: The collection is made up of administrative material from the Church of the United Brethren in Christ Women's Missionary Society and its Local Branches. It also contains publications and ephemera.
Quantity: 6.38 cubic feet
Resource ID: gcah.rg.4086

History Note

The Woman's Missionary Association of the United Brethren in Christ began with the establishment by Lizzie Hoffman of the Miami Annual Conference Woman's Missionary Association on May 9, 1872. Other conferences created their own branches, using the Miami branch as a model. On October 21, 1875, a national Woman's Missionary Association (WMA) was formed by representatives of nine conference branches, entirely independent of the General Board of Missions, but in cooperation with it. The WMA was recognized by the 1877 General Conference.

In 1876, Emily Beeken, the first missionary of the Woman's Missionary Association, was sent to Africa with orders to open a school in Rotifunk, Sierra Leone.

The Woman's Missionary Association was incorporated and the first Board of Trustees was elected in 1881. In 1882, the associations established a Chinese mission school in Portland, Oregon. The association also began publishing The Woman's Evangel that year.

At the Board of Trustees Meeting on July 24th 1917, the name of the Woman's Missionary Association was changed to the Women's Missionary Association. When the Church of the United Brethren in Christ merged with the Evangelical Church in 1946, the Women's Missionary Association merged with the Woman's Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church to form the Women's Society of World Service.

Scope Note

This collection is made up of administrative material from the Women's Missionary Society and its local branches. It also contains publications and ephemera.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Series: Administration

Series: Ephemera

Series: Local Branches

Series: Publications

Series: Sierra Leone

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Records of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Women's Missionary Association, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the items' call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

Denominational agency journals, reports and committee minutes are open to the public unless they have been closed in accordance with requirements specified in the Discipline. Denominational agency staff office records are closed for twenty-five (25) years after creation. Personnel records are closed for at least 75 years. Appeals can be made to the General Commission on Archives and History, P. O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940.

Restrictions on Use

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Subject Terms

Additional Creators - Corporate
Churchof the United Brethren in Christ (New constitution). Woman's Missionary Association.
Subject Names - Personal
Hoffman, Lizzie.
Subject Names - Corporate
Church of the United Brethren in Christ (New constitution). Woman's Missionary Association
Subject Topics
Women in church work
Women missionaries.
Subject Geographic
Sierra Leone.

Container List

Series: Administration

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1611-4-1: 1 The Otterbein Press - Group Annuity Contract (Dispose in 2021) 1941-1947
2283-2-5: 1 Treasurer's Report by Conference 1896-1907
2283-2-5: 2 Treasurer's Report by Conference 1908-1911
2283-2-5: 3 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1872-1887
2283-2-5: 4 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1872-1887
2283-2-5: 5 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1887-1893
2283-2-5: 6 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1887-1893
2283-2-5: 7 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1894-1898
2283-2-5: 8 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1894-1898
2283-2-5: 9 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1898-1900
2283-2-6: 1 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1898-1900
2283-2-6: 2 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1900-1902
2283-2-6: 3 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1900-1902
2283-2-6: 4 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1902-1903
2283-2-6: 5 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1902-1903
2283-2-6: 6 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1904-1905
2283-2-6: 7 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1904-1905
2283-2-6: 8 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 1 1905-1906
2283-2-6: 9 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee - Folder 2 1905-1906
2283-2-6: 10 Minutes of the Board of Trustees 1906-1907
2283-2-7: 1 Minutes of the Board of Trustees 1909-1913
2283-2-7: 2 Minutes of the Board of Trustees 1913-1919
2283-2-7: 3 Minutes of the Board of Trustees 1920-1924
2283-2-7: 4 Minutes of the Board of Trustees 1925-1929
2283-2-7: 5 Minutes of the Joint Committee of the Woman's Missionary Association and Home, Frontier, and Foreign Missionary Society 1902-1910
2283-2-7: 6 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1930
2283-2-7: 7 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1931
2283-2-7: 8 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1932
2283-2-7: 9 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1933
2283-2-7: 10 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1934
2283-2-7: 11 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1935
2283-2-7: 12 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1936
2283-2-8: 1 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1937
2283-2-8: 2 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1938
2283-2-8: 3 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1939
2283-2-8: 4 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1940
2283-2-8: 5 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1941
2283-2-8: 6 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1942
2283-2-8: 7 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1943
2283-2-8: 8 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1944
2283-2-8: 9 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1945
2283-2-8: 10 Minutes of Trustees, Officers and Staff Meeting 1946
2283-2-8: 11 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1922
2283-2-8: 12 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1923
2283-2-8: 13 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1924
2283-2-8: 14 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1925
2283-2-8: 15 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1926
2283-2-8: 16 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1927
2283-2-8: 17 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1928
2283-2-8: 18 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1929
2283-2-8: 19 Annual Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the Board of Directors of the Foreign Missionary Society 1930
2283-2-8: 20 Financial Statistics 1920
2283-2-8: 21 Quadrennial Report of the Woman's Missionary Association to the 1881 General Conference 1881
2283-2-8: 22 Tenth Quadrennial Report of the Woman's Missionary Association to the 1917 General Conference 1917
2283-2-8: 23 Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the 1925 General Conference 1925
2283-2-8: 24 Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the 1933 General Conference 1933
2283-2-8: 25 Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the 1937 General Conference 1937
2283-2-8: 26 Report of the Women's Missionary Association to the 1945 General Conference 1945
2283-2-8: 27 Program of the First Otterbein Girls' Congress 1933
2283-2-8: 29 Cashbook and List of Africa and China Mission Children and their Supporters 1876-1878
2283-2-8: 30 Treasurer's Daybook 1878-1890.
2283-2-8: 31 Treasurer's Account book and Current Events 1890-1894
2283-2-8: 32 Ledger 1881-1905
2283-3-4: 1 Constitution and Helps of the Woman's Missionary Association 1906
2283-3-4: 2 Constitution and Helps of the Woman's Missionary Association Undated
2283-3-4: 3 Constitution of the Woman's Missionary Association and an Address 1878
2283-3-4: 4 Constitutions of the Woman's Missionary Association 1881-1883
2283-3-4: 5 Constitution of the Woman's Missionary Association 1909
2283-3-4: 6 Constitution of the Woman's Missionary Association 1916
2283-3-5: 10 Minutes of the Sixth Annual Meeting 1881
2283-3-5: 11 Meeting Minutes 1911
2283-3-5: 12 Meeting Minutes 1936
2283-3-5: 13 Meeting Minutes 1937
2283-3-5: 14 Meeting Minutes, January - April 1938
2283-3-5: 15 Meeting Minutes, July-November 1938
2283-3-5: 16 Meeting Minutes, January - October 1939
2283-3-5: 17 Meeting Minutes, November - December 1939
2283-3-5: 18 Meeting Minutes, January - June 1940
2283-3-5: 19 Meeting Minutes, July - December 1940
2283-3-5: 20 Meeting Minutes, January-May 1941
2283-3-5: 21 Meeting Minutes, July - December 1941
2283-3-5: 22 Meeting Minutes, January - June 1942
2283-3-5: 23 Meeting Minutes, July - December 1942
2283-3-5: 24 Meeting Minutes, January - July 1943
2283-3-5: 25 Meeting Minutes, September - December 1943
2283-3-5: 26 Meeting Minutes, January - May 1944
2283-3-5: 27 Meeting Minutes, July - December 1944
2283-3-5: 28 Meeting Minutes 1945
2283-3-5: 29 Meeting Minutes 1946
2283-3-5: 30 Report to the Board of Home Missions and Church Erection 1926
2283-3-5: 31 Eighteenth Annual Report of the Corresponding Secretary of the Woman's Missionary Association c. 1893
2283-3-5: 32 Golden Jubilee Program 1922
2283-3-5: 33 Biennial Convention Program 1929
2283-3-5: 34 Membership Book 1881-1944
2283-3-5: 35 Minutes of a Mass Meeting to Organize a Ladies Missionary Association of the Miami, Ohio Annual Conference 1872
2284-3-4: 1 Expenses 1910-1917
2284-3-4: 2 Subscription List and Cashbook of the Evangel 1881-1891
2284-3-4: 3 Account with Publishing House 1902-1908
2284-3-4: 4 Ledger of Receipts for Special Funds 1887-1893
2284-3-4: 5 Ledger of Receipts for Special Funds 1893-1896
2284-3-4: 6 Woman's Parsonage Fund receipts 1900-1903
2284-3-4: 7 Ledger of accounts with Missionaries home on furlough 1901-1909
2284-3-4: 9 Financial journal of receipts of the general fund, account with Publishing House and list of Life members and directors 1892-1905
2284-3-4: 10 Financial journal of receipts and list of Life members, directors and patrons 1892-1896
2284-3-5: 1 Membership Book Undated
2284-3-5: 2 Membership Book c. 1912-1915
2284-3-5: 3 Life Memberships 1909-1911
2284-3-5: 4 Audit Report 1924
2284-3-5: 5 Audit Report 1926
2284-3-5: 6 Audit Report 1927
2284-3-5: 7 Audit Report 1928
2284-3-5: 8 Audit Report 1929
2284-3-5: 9 Audit Report 1930
2284-3-5: 10 Audit Report 1931
2284-3-5: 11 Audit Report 1932
2284-3-5: 12 Audit Report 1933
2284-3-5: 13 Audit Report 1934
2284-3-5: 14 Audit Report 1935
2284-3-5: 15 Audit Report 1936
2284-3-5: 16 Audit Report 1937
2284-3-5: 17 Audit Report 1938
2284-3-5: 18 Audit Report 1939
2284-3-5: 19 Audit Report 1940
2284-3-5: 20 Audit Report 1941
2284-3-5: 21 Audit Report 1942
2284-3-5: 22 Audit Report 1943
2284-3-5: 23 Audit Report 1944
2284-3-5: 24 Audit Report 1945
2284-3-5: 25 Audit Report 1946
2284-3-5: 26 Correspondence and Clippings to L.D. Miller from Mrs. Sara LaRosh 1910
2284-3-5: 27 Correspondence 1922
2284-3-5: 28 Volume of Synopsis of Letters of Missionary Candidates 1885-1904
2284-3-5: 29 Correspondence 1945
2284-3-5: 30 Mortgages 1885-1893
2284-3-5: 31 Warranty Deeds 1885-1914
2284-3-6: 1 Bequests 1883-1915
2284-3-6: 2 Correspondence regarding Incorporation 1901
2284-3-6: 3 Excerpts and reprints from the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1872-1873
2284-3-6: 4 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" and the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1874-1875
2284-3-6: 5 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1876
2284-3-6: 6 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" and the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1877
2284-3-6: 7 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" and the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1878
2284-3-6: 8 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" and the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1879
2284-3-6: 9 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" and the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1880
2284-3-6: 10 Excerpts and reprints from the "Telescope" and the "Visitor" regarding the Woman's Missionary Association and its Branches 1881-1882
2284-3-6: 11 Program of Twenty Sixth Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers 1901
2284-3-7: 1 Contract for the Construction of a Dispensary in Kwang Tung, China 1905
2284-3-7: 2 Property Survey Map of Ha Fong T'Suen, Canton, China 1909
2284-3-7: 4 Miller Seminary, China, Furnishings Undated
2284-4-1: 7 Annual Reports 1882-1892
2284-4-1: 8 Missionary Meeting Worship Service 1930
2284-4-1: 9 Annual Session of the Woman's Missionary Association Address by Dr. Mett Hatfield Undated
2284-4-1: 10 Brief History Undated
2284-4-1: 12 Constitution 1875
2284-4-2: 21 World Fellowship Dinner Program 1936
2284-4-2: 23 Otterbein Guild Program 1933
2284-4-2: 34 Board of Managers Program 1917
2284-4-2: 35 Biennial Convention Program 1925
2284-4-2: 36 Biennial Convention Program 1927
2284-4-2: 37 Biennial Convention Program 1929
2284-4-2: 38 Quadrennial Convention Program 1940
2284-4-2: 39 Quadrennial Convention Program 1944
2284-4-2: 41 Golden Jubilee Program 1922
2284-4-2: 66 Fourth Annual Meeting Minutes 1879
2284-4-2: 68 Constitution 1884
2284-4-2: 69 Constitution 1910
2284-4-2: 84 Quadrennial Reports 1944
2284-4-2: 85 Tenth Quadrennial Report of the Woman's Missionary Association Undated
2284-4-2: 86 Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting 1880
2284-4-2: 90 Fiftieth Anniversary Dinner Program 1925
2284-4-3: 1 Annual Reports 1918-1929
2284-4-3: 2 Minutes of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee 1903-1904
2284-4-3: 25 Correspondence Europe (In German and English) 1880-1888
2284-4-3: 26 Reports 1936-1938
2284-4-3: 27 Quadrennial Convention Program 1944

Series: Ephemera

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2279-1-2: 20 Membership Certificate Undated
2279-1-2: 21 Membership Certificate 1890
2283-3-5: 36 "Our Missionaries in the United States" Poster Undated
2283-3-5: 37 "Our Missionaries" Poster Undated
2284-3-7: 5 Miller Seminary in China, Poster Undated
2284-3-7: 19 Roll Book of Jubilee Members 1922
2284-3-7: 20 Silver Anniversary Registration Book 1900
2284-3-7: 21 Domestic Corporation Certificates 1902-1906
2284-3-7: 22 "Monuments of Love" Poster Undated
2284-3-7: 23 Otterbein Guild Secretaries Poster Undated
2284-3-7: 24 Evangel Editors Poster c. 1943
2284-3-7: 25 Association Presidents Poster c. 1941
2284-3-7: 26 Miss Lizzie Hoffman Poster Undated
2284-3-7: 27 Golden Jubilee Membership Certificate Undated
2284-3-7: 28 General Secretaries Poster Undated
2284-4-1: 14 Pledge Card Undated
2284-4-1: 15 Otterbein Guild Certificate of Transfer 1919
2284-4-1: 16 Membership Certificate Undated
2284-4-2: 89 Silver Anniversary Program and Ribbon 1900
2284-4-3: 6 George Washington Carver, Kentucky Mission Photograph Undated
2284-4-3: 7 Kentucky Mission Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 8 Philippines Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 9 Santa Cruz, New Mexico Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 10 New Mexico Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 11 Otterbein Guildship Photograph Undated
2284-4-3: 12 Vera Blinn Grave Site Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 13 Mrs. Shuey First President Ladies Aid Society Photograph Undated
2284-4-3: 14 Mrs. C Fritz First President Ohio German Sisters Missionary Association Photograph 1921
2284-4-3: 15 Mrs. L.K. Miller, Woman's Missionary Association President; Mrs. B.F. Witt, Assistant Secretary, Woman's Missionary Association Photograph Undated
2284-4-3: 16 Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 17 Justina Showers, President Photograph Undated
2284-4-3: 18 Mary McLanachan Photograph 1930
2284-4-3: 19 "Our Missionaries" Poster Undated
2284-4-3: 20 "Our Missionaries in the United States" Poster 1946
2284-4-3: 21 "Our Missionaries to Africa" Poster Undated
2284-4-3: 22 "Our Foreign Missionaries" Posters Undated
2284-4-3: 23 "Our Missionaries in the United States" Poster Undated
2284-4-3: 24 "The Workers in our Spanish-American Schools, New Mexico" Poster Undated

Series: Local Branches

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2283-2-8: 28 Meeting of Branch Otterbein Guild Secretaries, Dayton, Ohio 1939
2283-3-6: 1 Miami Annual Conference Corresponding Secretary Journal 1872
2283-3-6: 2 Miami Branch Minutes 1872-1873
2283-3-6: 3 Miami Branch Minutes 1872-1883
2283-3-6: 4 Miami Branch Minutes 1895-1911
2283-3-6: 5 Miami Branch Minutes 1912-1918
2283-3-6: 6 Miami Branch Minutes 1919-1929
2283-3-6: 7 Miami Branch Minutes 1929-1941
2283-3-6: 8 Miami Branch Minutes 1941-1946
2283-3-6: 9 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1912
2283-3-6: 10 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1913
2283-3-6: 11 Miami Branch Officer's Reports 1914
2283-3-7: 1 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1915
2283-3-7: 2 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1916
2283-3-7: 3 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1917
2283-3-7: 4 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1918
2283-3-7: 5 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1919
2283-3-7: 6 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1920
2283-3-7: 7 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1921
2283-3-7: 8 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1922
2283-3-7: 9 Miami Branch Officers Reports, Minutes and Programs 1923
2283-3-7: 10 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1924
2283-3-7: 11 Miami Branch Officers Reports and Programs 1925
2283-3-7: 12 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1926
2283-3-7: 13 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1930
2283-3-7: 14 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1938
2283-3-7: 15 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1939
2283-3-7: 16 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1940
2283-3-7: 17 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1941
2283-3-7: 18 Miami Branch Officers Reports 1945
2283-3-8: 1 Miami Branch Officers Reports Undated
2283-3-8: 2 Miami Branch Reports 1944-1946
2283-3-8: 3 Miami Branch Financial Reports 1906-1946
2283-3-8: 4 Miami Branch Notebook Undated
2283-3-8: 5 Miami Branch Plan of Work Undated
2283-3-8: 6 Miami Branch Monthly Prayer Calendar Undated
2283-3-8: 7 Standard of Excellence for Branches Undated
2283-3-8: 8 Miami Branch Programs 1893-1896
2283-3-8: 9 Miami Branch Seventieth and Seventy-First Annual Convention 1945
2283-3-8: 10 Miami Messenger 1942
2283-3-8: 11 Miami Branch Ballot Undated
2283-3-8: 12 Miami Branch News 1945-1946
2283-3-8: 13 Miami Branch Contingent Fund of Local Societies 1909
2283-3-8: 14 Miami Branch Ledger 1904-1908
2283-3-8: 15 Local Officers Miami Branch 1929-1932
2283-3-8: 16 Local Officers Miami Branch 1932-1935
2283-3-8: 17 Local Officers Miami Branch 1935-1936
2283-3-8: 18 Local Officers Miami Branch 1936-1938
2283-3-8: 19 Local Officers Miami Branch 1938-1939
2283-3-8: 20 Local Officers Miami Branch 1939-1941
2283-3-8: 21 Miami Branch Christian Patriotic Prayer in Chinese Undated
2283-3-8: 22 Miami Branch Quarterly Reports 1890-1912
2283-3-8: 23 Miami Branch History Undated
2283-3-8: 24 Wisconsin Branch Secretary's Book 1916-1923
2284-3-8: 1 Allegheny Branch History c. 1925
2284-3-8: 2 California Branch History 1926
2284-3-8: 3 Colorado Branch History 1924-1927
2284-3-8: 4 Columbia River Branch History 1923
2284-3-8: 5 East Ohio Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 6 East Pennsylvania Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 7 Erie Branch History c. 1926
2284-3-8: 8 Florida Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 9 Illinois Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 10 Indiana Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 11 Iowa Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 12 Kansas Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 13 Michigan Branch History 1926
2284-3-8: 14 Minnesota Branch History 1922-1926
2284-3-8: 15 Montana Branch History 1920-1924
2284-3-8: 16 Nebraska Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 17 New Mexico Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 18 Oklahoma Branch History 1922
2284-3-8: 19 Oregon Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 20 Pennsylvania Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 21 St. Joseph Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 22 Sandusky Branch History 1922-1929
2284-3-8: 23 Southeast Ohio Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 24 Virginia Branch History c. 1921-1923
2284-3-8: 25 West Virginia Branch History 1922-1926
2284-3-8: 26 White River Branch History 1922-1926
2284-3-8: 27 Wisconsin Branch History Undated
2284-3-8: 28 Allegheny Branch Life Members Undated
2284-3-8: 29 Allegheny Branch Life Directors and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 30 California Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 31 Colorado, New Mexico Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 32 East Ohio Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 33 East Pennsylvania Branch Life Members Undated
2284-3-8: 34 East Pennsylvania Branch Life Directors and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 35 Erie Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 36 Florida Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 37 Illinois Branch Life Members Undated
2284-3-8: 38 Illinois Branch Life Directors and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 39 Indiana Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 40 Iowa Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 41 Kansas Branch Life Members, Directors, and Staff Undated
2284-3-8: 42 Miami Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 43 Michigan Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 44 Minnesota Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 45 Missouri Branch Life Members and Directors Undated
2284-3-8: 46 Montana Branch Life Members Undated
2284-3-8: 47 Nebraska Branch Life Members, Directors and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 48 Oklahoma Branch Life Members and Directors Undated
2284-3-8: 49 Oregon Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 50 Pennsylvania Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 51 St. Joseph Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 52 Sandusky Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 53 South East Ohio Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 54 Tennessee Branch Life Members and Directors Undated
2284-3-8: 55 Virginia Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 56 West Virginia Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 57 White River Branch Life Members, Directors, and Patrons Undated
2284-3-8: 58 Wisconsin Branch Life Members, Directors, and Staff Undated
2284-3-8: 59 "History of Pennsylvania Branch Women's Missionary Association" Compiled by Mrs. P.R. Koontz 1927
2284-3-8: 60 "History of the Pennsylvania Branch from 1877- 1881 Undated
2284-3-8: 61 Corresponding Secretary's Letter sent to all Branches 1891-1899
2284-3-8: 62 Corresponding Secretary's Letter sent to all Branches 1900-1908
2284-4-1: 1 Wisconsin Branch Golden Jubilee Convection Program 1929
2284-4-1: 2 Minnesota Branch History 1939
2284-4-1: 3 Illinois Branch "The Bulletin" 1927
2284-4-1: 4 Ohio German Branch History Undated
2284-4-1: 5 East German Branch Eleventh Annual Report of the Treasurer 1891
2284-4-1: 6 Miami Branch Convention Program 1922
2284-4-2: 87 Miami Branch Convention Program 1941
2284-4-2: 88 Wisconsin Branch Article 1937
2284-4-3: 28 Miami Branch Otterbein Guilds Offerings 1914
2284-4-3: 29 Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Program California Annual Conference 1940
2292-4-4: 1 Unknown Local Branch Financial Ledger 1908

Series: Publications

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2283-3-4: 7 Constitution and Handbook 1917
2283-3-4: 8 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1919
2283-3-4: 9 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1927
2283-3-4: 10 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1929
2283-3-4: 11 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1933
2283-3-4: 12 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1937
2283-3-4: 13 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1941
2283-3-4: 14 Constitution and Handbook Revised 1945
2283-3-4: 15 "Stewardship of All of Life" Undated
2283-3-4: 16 "History of the Woman's Missionary Association of the United Brethren in Christ 1902
2283-3-4: 17 "Our Girls and Women at Work" Proving Our Faith 1940
2283-3-4: 18 "Worship Pathways Twelve Missionary Worship Programs for Adults and Youth" Undated
2283-3-4: 19 "Worship Pathways" Number Two Undated
2283-3-4: 20 "Worship Pathways" Number Four Undated
2283-3-4: 21 "Worship Pathways" Number Five Undated
2283-3-4: 22 "Worship Pathways" Number Six Undated
2283-3-4: 23 "Worship Pathways" Number Nine 1943
2283-3-4: 24 "Worship Pathways" Number Ten Undated
2283-3-4: 25 "Worship Pathways" Number Eleven 1945
2283-3-4: 26 "Worship Pathways" Number Twelve 1946
2283-3-4: 27 "Missionary Catechism" 1884
2283-3-4: 28 "Three and Thirty Missionary Games" Compiled by Florence E. Clippinger Undated
2283-3-4: 29 "Mary of Bethany A Soliloquy" Undated
2283-3-4: 30 "God's Family around the World" Ten Missionary and Stewardship Studies for Children Undated
2283-3-4: 31 "My Job against...a World Background." Undated
2283-3-4: 32 "Uprooted Americans" prepared by Mrs. Dale Phillippi Undated
2283-3-4: 33 "Anne's Thank-offering" by Marjorie Roberts Undated
2283-3-4: 34 "A Handbook for Missionary Workers" Undated
2283-3-4: 35 Standard of Excellence for Local Societies and chapters Undated
2283-3-4: 36 "Rules of Order for use in Local and Branch Societies" 1884
2283-3-4: 37 "Manual of the Woman's Missionary Association" 1894
2283-3-4: 38 "Living Together in God's Family" by S.S. Hough Undated
2283-3-4: 39 "Into the Highways and Hedges" Undated
2283-3-4: 40 "We're Children of One Father" Home and Foreign Missionary Project Booklet Undated
2283-3-4: 41 "Lets' Get Acquainted" by Rachel M. Brant c. 1945
2283-3-4: 42 "In Defense of Children" Undated
2283-3-5: 1 "History of the Women's Missionary Association" Jubilee edition by Mrs. L.R. Harford and Alice Bell 1921
2283-3-5: 2 "Stewardship Windows" Undated
2283-3-5: 3 "Jesus' Teaching for the Individual and the Group" by J. Stuart Innerst Undated
2283-3-5: 4 "The Tapestry of God's Kingdom" Undated
2283-3-5: 5 "When She Said" Undated
2283-3-5: 6 "Looking in on the Missionary Dollar at Work" Undated
2283-3-5: 7 "We Give Thanks" Undated
2283-3-5: 8 World Missions Advancement Day 1930
2283-3-5: 9 "Forty-Five Years Ago and Now" Undated
2284-3-7: 3 Manual China Mission 1894
2284-3-7: 29 "History of the Woman's Missionary Association of the United Brethren in Christ" 1894
2284-3-7: 30 "The Ideal Fellowship Committee" Undated
2284-3-7: 31 "You Can Find a Way" Undated
2284-3-7: 32 "Preparing for Membership" Undated
2284-3-7: 33 "The Evangel" 50th Anniversary edition 1932
2284-3-7: 34 "Our First 70 Years" a play by Charlotte Owen Erisman 1944
2284-3-7: 35 Jubilee News Letter 1922
2284-3-7: 36 Pageant for the Jubilee in Dayton, Ohio 1922
2284-4-1: 11 Woman's Evangel used at the Chicago World's Fair 1893
2284-4-1: 13 Handbook Quiz Undated
2284-4-2: 1 "A History of the Woman's Missionary Association" 1887
2284-4-2: 2 "A History of the Woman's Missionary Association" 1890
2284-4-2: 3 "History of St. Joseph Branch Woman's Missionary Association" by Mrs. Char. L. Raymond 1938
2284-4-2: 4 "A Gift for God's House" Undated
2284-4-2: 5 "Called to the Colors!" By Mrs. E.B. Ward Undated
2284-4-2: 6 "One of Us" Undated
2284-4-2: 7 "A Previous Engagement" by Emma L. Burnett Undated
2284-4-2: 8 "What is the Gospel Worth to You?" by Mrs. Lida M. West Undated
2284-4-2: 9 "The Doing Without Box" by Mrs. E. C. Cronk Undated
2284-4-2: 10 "What My Money Will Do" Undated
2284-4-2: 11 "A Mother Who Had No Chance and a Daughter Who Had" By Belle Myers Undated
2284-4-2: 12 "On Thank Offering Day" c. 1917
2284-4-2: 13 "Birthday Party" Undated
2284-4-2: 14 "The Mantle of Elijah" Undated
2284-4-2: 15 "How a Temne Boy Found the Savior" by Mrs. Grace Evans Undated
2284-4-2: 16 "Fit for the Master's Use" By Minnie Buswell Spore Undated
2284-4-2: 17 "Her Sacrifice" By Mrs. Mary Wiesman" Undated
2284-4-2: 18 "Going Visiting in Japan" By Bene K. Knipp Undated
2284-4-2: 19 "Lighted to Lighten" by Elsie Hall Undated
2284-4-2: 20 "The Awakening of Mrs. Bryce" by Mrs. L.F. Gerber Undated
2284-4-2: 22 "Shall We Drop Her Name?" by Mrs. S.S. Stamm Undated
2284-4-2: 24 "Girls Who Have Wished Worked and Won" by Janet Gilbert Undated
2284-4-2: 25 "Missionary Education of Children" Undated
2284-4-2: 26 "Christian Race Attitudes in Children" Undated
2284-4-2: 27 "The Ideal Director of Children's Work" Undated
2284-4-2: 28 "World Wide Friendships for Children" c. 1937
2284-4-2: 29 "Sunshine Friends in New Mexico and the West Indies" c. 1938
2284-4-2: 30 "Here and There" c. 1939
2284-4-2: 31 "Our Friends" c. 1940
2284-4-2: 32 "New Friends for Boys and Girls" c. 1941
2284-4-2: 33 "These are My Neighbors" c. 1943
2284-4-2: 40 "A Rainbow Service for Mothers and Daughters" Undated
2284-4-2: 42 "The Autobiography of a Printing Press" Undated
2284-4-2: 43 "The Ideal Member" Undated
2284-4-2: 44 "The Ideal Collector" Undated
2284-4-2: 45 "An Ideal Patroness" Undated
2284-4-2: 46 "The Ideal Treasurer" Undated
2284-4-2: 47 "The Training of Missionary Mary" by Eleanor Porter Undated
2284-4-2: 48 "Finding the Truth" by Mrs. C. I. Mohler Undated
2284-4-2: 49 "Meet some of My Mende Friends and Neighbors" by Miss Minnie Eaton Undated
2284-4-2: 50 "Our Unfulfilled Responsibility" by Mrs. J. Hal Smith Undated
2284-4-2: 51 "A Waiting Tribe" by Mrs. J. Hal Smith Undated
2284-4-2: 52 "Kawakatsu San: A Converted Prisoner of Japan" by Mrs. J. Hal Smith Undated
2284-4-2: 53 "From Prison to the Pastorate" by Mrs. J. Hal Smith Undated
2284-4-2: 54 "How Sadajiro Suda Found Christ" by Mrs. J. Hal Smith Undated
2284-4-2: 55 "Doing What You Can't" by Lucy Fairbanks Alvord Undated
2284-4-2: 56 "ABC's of the Women's Missionary Society in a Local Church" Undated
2284-4-2: 57 "A Dozen Objections Answered" Undated
2284-4-2: 58 "A Dozen and Three Objections Answered" Undated
2284-4-2: 59 "Our Suggestions for Costumes Worn on Mission Fields" Undated
2284-4-2: 60 "Let's Talk About Our Real Work" by Helen Barrett Montgomery Undated
2284-4-2: 61 "Service for the Reception of Members" Undated
2284-4-2: 62 "How the Message is Delivered" by Gladys Ward Undated
2284-4-2: 63 "Climbing the Heights" Undated
2284-4-2: 64 "A Missionary Clinic" 1918
2284-4-2: 65 "Thanksgiving Ann" by Kate W. Hamilton Undated
2284-4-2: 67 "A Bargain?" Undated
2284-4-2: 70 "For the Facing of this Hour!" c. 1943
2284-4-2: 71 Missionary Education 1942-1943 Latin America c. 1942
2284-4-2: 72 "A Manual of Spiritual Living" Undated
2284-4-2: 73 "A Time for Great Living" c. 1944
2284-4-2: 74 "Missionary Catechism" 1884
2284-4-2: 75 "Otterbein Guild Teller" Undated
2284-4-2: 76 "A Golden Opportunity" Undated
2284-4-2: 77 "The Ideal Member" Undated
2284-4-2: 78 "The Ideal Program Committee" Undated
2284-4-2: 79 "You Hold the Key" Undated
2284-4-2: 80 "And Who is My Neighbor?" Undated
2284-4-2: 81 "Treasures" Undated
2284-4-2: 82 "Thy Kingdom Come... Through a Sacred Partnership" A Manual of Spiritual Living c. 1946
2284-4-2: 83 "Four Trail Blazers" by Mrs. J. A. Gerlaugh Undated
2284-4-3: 30 "Doing What You Can't" by Lucy Fairbanks Alvord Undated
2284-4-3: 31 "There's a Call Comes Ringing" Undated
2284-4-3: 32 "Forward with Christ" Undated

Series: Sierra Leone

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2284-3-4: 8 Rotifunk School building fund and School Teacher's fund 1889-1895
2284-3-7: 6 Maps Undated
2284-3-7: 7 Land Indentures 1879
2284-3-7: 8 Land Indenture 1897
2284-3-7: 9 Land Indentures 1900
2284-3-7: 10 Land Conveyance 1906
2284-3-7: 11 The Last Will and Testament of McNeil Samuel Brown Esquire of Kissy, Retired Merchant 1930
2284-3-7: 12 Correspondence 1897
2284-3-7: 13 Dedication of the Martyr's Memorial Church Rotifunk 1904
2284-3-7: 14 Missionary Council report to Woman's Missionary Association of Meetings of Missionaries at Sierra Leone 1895-1898
2284-3-7: 15 Albert Academy Funding c. 1906
2284-3-7: 16 Ella Schenck Photograph Missionary killed in 1898 massacre Undated
2284-3-7: 17 Correspondence from Women and Girls regarding Jubilee celebration 1922
2284-3-7: 18 Pictures for African Scrapbook Undated
2284-4-3: 3 Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 4 School Photographs Undated
2284-4-3: 5 Dispensaries Photographs Undated