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Guide to the Jenny Lind Collection

Prepared by Myong Shin Jeon, Student Assistant and Mark C. Shenise, Associate Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History, Madison, New Jersey


Overview of Records

Record Creator: Lind, Jenny
Title: Jenny Lind Collection
Dates: 1924-1979
Abstract: Jenny Sophia Lind (1893-1988), American Missionary was born on August 31, 1983 in Tioga, Pennsylvania. Lind was appointed a missionary on May 28, 1929 by the Woman�s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She served in China, Brazil and Japan. She died on March 27, 1988.
Extent: 1.87 cubic feet
Resource ID: gcah. ms. 4670

Biographical Note

Jenny Sophia Lind (1893- 1988), American Missionary, was born on August 31, 1983 in Tioga, Pennsylvania. Her father, August Lind, was born in Sweden on October 27, 1857 and came to America as a young man, locating at Morris Run for short time, later coming to Tioga, where he spent the rest of his life. He was married to Matilda Johnson who died June 10, 1920, and he was an active member of the Tioga Methodist Church during his entire life in Tioga. Her parents were of thrifty, industrious Swedish stock. She received her education in the Mansfield State Normal School, Pennsylvania; Missionary Training Institute, Nyack in New York; Hartford School of Missions and School of Religious Education (Bachelor of Religious Education). She worked as a pre-missionary employment for sixteen years in rural schools, Tioga in Pennsylvania (1912-1914), Alleghany County academy in Cumberland, Maryland (1914-1917), Kuling American School in China (1924-1926), and Public School in Morristown, New Jersey (1927-1928). She returned to the U.S.A. when the Kuling school was closed by Civil War.

Lind was appointed a missionary on May 28, 1929 by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church and return to China. She taught in Knowles Bible Training School, Kuikiang, China (September 1929-1935), Knowles-Rulison Joint School as well as Principal and Treasurer (November 1936-June 1942), Baldwin Girls School and Nanchang Academy, China (April 1948-June 1950), Colegio Americano, Porto Alegre, Brazil (March 1945-February 1947), at Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan (January 1951-February 1953), Fukuoka Jo Gakuin, Fukuoka, Japan (September 1954-July 1957), and Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan (September 1957-July 1960). After official retirement in 1961, she taught at the Kuling American School to Yokohama, Japan to 1964. Lind went furloughs (1935-September 1936; August 1942-March 1945). During that furloughs, she attended numerous schools of high education. She died on March 27, 1988.

Scope Note

The collection contains materials relating Lind's personal activities as a missionary. There are seventeenth diaries in this collection. They range in date from 1924 to1979. The years 1926 to 1928 and 1939 are missing. Entries in these diaries are only a few lines and discuss daily events, school activities, Bible meetings, and weather conditions. Many of the diaries reflect China's social unrest because of Western intervention. One diary makes note of mid to late twentieth century China and is a good resource for a student of Chinese culture as impacted by Protestant mission work. Another diary describes the military occupation in Kimkiang and communist regime in Nanchung. There is one more diary which describes historical sites of Egypt, the Middleast and Europe.

Correspondence is dated from 1935 to1962 and relates to family and friends, including "Memories of China" in 1951.

There are two memory scrapbook, dated 1960 and 1964 respectively, which were created by Lind's Bible Class Students. A third scrapbook is a 1959 graduation commemorative yearbook from Aoyama Woman's Junior College in Tokyo, Japan. The final part of this collection contains various clippings, programs, pamphlets, and photographs related to Lind's work and family.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

By record type and then by date within record type.

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Jenny Lind Collection, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions regarding this collection.

Restrictions on Use

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Related Material

Frances Bray collection.

Microfilm Edition of the Missionary files series of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church

Mission Biographical Reference Files

Drew University Methodist Collection Reference Files

Subject Terms

Subject Names - Corporate
Methodist Church (U.S.)
United Methodist Church (U.S.)
Methodist Episcopal Church
Subject Topics
Subject Geographic

Container List

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1601-5-1: 1 Autographs, Programs, Clippings and Photos 1927-1929
1601-5-1: 2 Diary 1924
1601-5-1: 3 Diary 1925
1601-5-1: 4 Diary 1929-1933
1601-5-2: 1 Diary 1935
1601-5-2: 2 Diary 1934-1938
1601-5-2: 3 Diary 1940-1944
1601-5-2: 4 Diary 1945-1949
1601-5-3: 1 Diary 1950-1954
1601-5-3: 2 Diary 1955-1959
1601-5-3: 3 Diary 1960-1964
1601-5-4: 1 Diary 1965-1969
1601-5-4: 2 Diary 1970-1971
1601-5-4: 3 Diary 1970-1974
1601-5-4: 4 Diary 1974
1601-5-4: 5 Diary 1975-1979
1601-5-4: 6 Clippings and Miscellaneous 1927-1970
1601-5-4: 7 Correspondence 1930-1978
1601-5-4: 8 Photographs 1940-1960
1601-5-5: 1 Graduation Commemoration Yearbook - Aoyama Woman's Junior College 1959
1601-5-5: 2 Memory Scrapbook 1960
1601-5-5: 3 Memory Scrapbook 1964