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Records of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women

David Evans, Roger Clayton, Myong Shin Jeon, Brent Sharpe, Keirnan Wilson, Sharnice Jones, Student Assistants and Mark C. Shenise, Associate Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church


Overview of Collection

Record Creator: United Methodist Church (U.S.). General Commission on the Status and Role of Women
Title: Records of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women
Title: COSROW Collection
Date Span: 1968-2012
Abstract: The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) was established by the 1972 General conference of The United Methodist Church. Emerging from the social climate of the Civil Rights era of the 1960s, the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women was conceived when a 1968 report presented by the Women's Society of Christian Service, known today as United Methodist Women,requested that a study commission be established to research the involvement, or lack thereof, on women in all aspects of the United Methodist Church. The Commission understood itself as an advocate for affirmative action, personnel policies, grievance procedures and as an ally to victims of sexual harassment. Over time, it has sought to eradicate discriminatory language, combat homophobia and provide regional training for those interested in challenging sexism and other forms of oppression.
Extent: 70.57 cubic feet
Identification: gcah.rg.4951

History Note

The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) was established by the 1972 General conference of The United Methodist Church. Emerging from the social climate of the Civil Rights era of the 1960s, the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women was conceived when a 1968 report presented by the Women's Society of Christian Service, known today as United Methodist Women,requested that a study commission be established to research the involvement, or lack thereof, on women in all aspects of the United Methodist Church. By 1972, a group of fifty women from the Wheadon United Methodist Church in Illinois, which would later become the Women's Caucus, joined the Women's Division in supporting the idea of a new commission that would address the various levels of access that women had to power in the life of the church. All of this coalesced when Thelma Stevens, a Women's Caucus representative, presented a proposal to establish a quadrennial commission that would address the inclusion of women in all levels of decision making in the United Methodist Church.

After the proposal was accepted and ratified the General Conference charged the new commission with the responsibility of fostering awareness of problems and issues related to status and role of women with special focus on full participation in the life of the church at least commensurate with its total membership in the United Methodist Church. In the tradition of the Woman's Division, and other predecessors, the commission continued to accumulate statistics documenting the presence of women in the life of the Methodist Church. The Commission understood itself as an advocate for affirmative action, personnel policies, grievance procedures and as an ally to victims of sexual harassment. Over time, it has sought to eradicate discriminatory language, combat homophobia and provide regional training for those interested in challenging sexism and other forms of oppression.

Scope and Content Note

The records of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) encompass its beginnings as a general agency and continues up to the early twenty-first century. Its primary role is advocacy for women both within and beyond United Methodism. Over time advocacy would be expanded beyond just women roles and acceptance as leaders. Responsibilities in their defined mission include workplace and sexual harassment, equitable leadership roles and benefits in relation to gender and race, legislation to General Conference such as changing language usage in the Book of Discipline to codify improvements for women and social issues relating thereof. These are but a few examples of its advocacy work for the denomination.

In order to support, empower and educate the denomination on all levels within COSROW’s defined responsibilities can be found in the Advocacy, Audio-Visuals, Connectional Ministries and Printed Matter series. Here the researcher will find a plethora of avenues by which COSROW fulfills its mission through multimedia, mailings, newsletters such as the Yellow Ribbon and The Flyer, correspondence, creation and submission of petitions to General Conference along with organizing and informing delegates, worship resources reflecting various women’s concerns and expressions, pamphlets, workshops and monitoring seminaries and all the boards and agencies throughout the connectional structures within the larger church.

COSROW is highly organized in the sense of resourcing and utilizing its membership both on the general church and annual conference levels. The creation of a talent bank in which to draw upon not only for its own qualitative work but also to network skilled individuals is but one of the creative ways COSROW optimizes its impact on the church despite its small staff. The records illustrate how the role of monitoring became a defining part of its work. Social justice issues related to women and children are amply documented in the files. The genesis of using non-gender specific language issue to promote inclusiveness within United Methodism can be traced here as well.

The Financial and Administration series reflects how COSROW ran its organization and implemented its mission on a daily basis. Minutes of the various committees, reports on the work and funding of the commission, along with membership records and the General Secretary’s office files make up the primary documents in this series. A researcher will notice multiple files on the same topics. The reason for this duplication rests upon the original organizational structure the commission utilized for an egalitarian General Secretariat rather than a typical top-down corporate management structure found in other United Methodist agencies. Later COSROW adapted the latter structure out of necessity. On another note it should be noted that COSROW often recorded their meetings in various media platforms which became the official record.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.


Audio Cassettes

Compact Discs






Video Tapes

Connectional Ministries
General Conferences

General Boards and Commissions


Annual Conferences

Local Churches


Printed Matter


Finance and Administration
Commission Members


Financial Records

Minutes and Reports

Personnel and Investigations RESTRICTED
Personnel Records RESTRICTED

Investigation Records RESTRICTED

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Records of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

Denominational agency journals, reports and committee minutes are open to the public unless they have been closed in accordance with requirements specified in the Discipline. Denominational agency staff office records are closed for twenty-five (25) years after creation. Personnel records are closed for at least 75 years. Appeals can be made to the General Commission on Archives and History, P. O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940

Use Access

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Related Material

Bishop Judith Craig Collection

Marjorie Matthews Papers

Rose Shearouse Thomason Papers

Records of the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns

Administrative records of the General Board of Discipleship

Records of the General Commission on Religion and Race of the United Methodist Church

Records of the Council of Bishops

Administrative files of United Methodist Communications

Mission Geographical Reference Files

Records of the World Division of the General Board of Global Ministries

Records of the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries

Records of the National Division of the General Board of Global Ministries

Administrative records of the Division of Human Relations and Economic Affairs of the General Board of Church and Society

Records of the General Commission on Archives and History

Subject Files Series Records

Nashville Area Episcopal Records

Index Terms

Subject Terms
Church work with minorities
Church work with women
Human rights
Political rights
Race relations-Religious aspects
Social ethics
Social justice
Theological seminaries, Methodist
Women clergy
Women in church work
Women's rights--Religious aspects--Christianity
Women, Methodist
Geographic Terms
United States
Genre Terms
Annual reports
Audio-visual materials
Communion sermons
Devotional literature
Sound recordings
Video tapes
Added Names - Persons
Burton, M. Garlinda
Drake, Raponzil
Fujiu, Kiyoko Kasai
Hixon, Stephanie Anna
Kim, Soomee
Long, Cecilia M.
Preciphs, Trudie Kibbe
Self, Nancy Grissom
Wiggins Hare, Dawn
Subject Names - Corporate Bodies
Function Terms
Status and Role of Women in the Church

Container List

Series: Advocacy

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-1: 1 Sex Role Stereotyping 1972-1975
2215-3-1: 2 Sex Role Stereotyping 1971-1973
2215-3-1: 3 Church School Curriculum: Sex Role Stereotyping 1973
2215-3-1: 4 Convocation on the Participation of Women 1976
2215-3-1: 5 Goals for the Participation of Women 1973-1977
2215-3-1: 6 Checklist on the Processes for Employing Women 1972-1982
2215-3-5: 1 Women in College 1973
2215-3-5: 2 Campus Ministry Caucus Newsletter 1973-1977
2215-3-5: 3 Philadelphia Task force on Women and Religion 1972-1977
2215-3-5: 4 Action Alert 1973-1975
2215-3-5: 5 "The Feminist Movement and the Church" by Nan Self 1974
2215-3-5: 10 Perkins School of Theology Proposals 1971-1985
2215-3-5: 11 Thesis Consultation 1972-1973
2215-3-6: 7 Graduate Theological Union Office of Women's Affairs 1971-1978
2215-3-6: 9 Boston Theological Institute Women's Theological Coalition 1974-1976
2215-3-7: 1 Boston Theological Institute Women's Theological Coalition 1974-1976
2215-3-9: 10 Monitoring Instruments 1980-1986
2215-4-2: 22 Black Women and the Churches: Triple Jeopardy 1972
2215-6-1: 1 Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 1987-1988
2215-6-2: 4 Duke Divinity School 1978-1986
2215-6-2: 5 Duke Divinity School 1981-1986
2215-6-3: 1 Boston University Press 1981-1982
2215-6-3: 2 Boston School of Theology: Richards 1981-1982
2215-6-3: 3 Boston School of Theology: Affirmative Action 1980-1982
2215-6-3: 4 Boston School of Theology: Affirmative Action 1977-1981
2215-6-3: 5 Correspondence 1987-1988
2215-6-3: 7 Boston School of Theology: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry 1981-1988
2215-6-3: 9 University Senate 1987-1988
2215-6-3: 10 Boston School of Theology Outgoing Correspondence 1986-1988
2215-6-3: 11 Boston School of Theology Incoming Correspondence 1986-1988
2215-6-3: 12 Boston School of Theology Labor Agreements 1980-1984
2215-6-3: 13 Boston School of Theology Mail 1976-1987
2215-6-4: 1 Boston School of Theology: Nesmith 1978-1988
2215-6-4: 2 Boston School of Theology Office 1978-1980
2215-6-4: 3 Boston School of Theology News 1983-1988
2215-6-4: 4 Recruit 1981-1982
2215-6-4: 5 Supportive 1979-1988
2215-6-4: 6 Boston School of Theology Structures 1984-1988
2215-6-4: 7 Boston School of Theology Westling 1987-1988
2215-6-4: 8 Seminary Reports 1985-1987
2215-6-4: 10 Monitoring Boston School of Theology 1984-1988
2215-6-4: 11 Monitoring Boston School of Theology 1985-1988
2215-6-4: 13 Claremont School of Theology 1982-1983
2215-6-4: 14 Drew Theological School 1984-1985
2215-7-3: 5 Monitoring Seminaries: St. Paul School of Theology 1984
2216-2-8: 16 Asian Women Seminar 1974
2216-2-8: 17 Steps in a Model for Action 1972-1982
2216-2-8: 19 Gay Study Bibliography 1973-1975
2216-2-8: 21 Sisters and Brothers Sing 1972-1982
2216-2-8: 22 Coalition Task Force on Women and Religion 1975
2216-2-8: 23 Older Women Fight for Their Rights 1975
2216-2-8: 24 Sexism in the 70's 1970-1975
2217-2-2: 13 United Methodist Clergy Women's Consultation 1983
2217-2-2: 14 Developing and Strengthening the Ethnic Minority Local Church 1983
2217-2-2: 15 St. Paul School of Theology Sexism Workshop 1982
2217-2-3: 1 Inter-Ethnic Women's Consultation 1983
2217-2-3: 2 Sex Discrimination Complaint Procedure 1980-1984
2217-2-5: 11 Sexism and Racism Task Force 1974
2217-2-5: 12 Sexism and Racism Task Force - June 1975
2217-3-7: 17 Women's Survival Manual 1972
2217-3-7: 18 Women's Concerns in the United Methodist Church - May 1974
2217-3-7: 19 Women's Caucus 1974
2217-3-7: 20 Center for Parish Development Newsletter 1974
2217-3-7: 21 National Consultation of Ordained Women - Oral History Transcript 1978
2217-3-7: 22 Third World Essays 1974
2217-3-7: 23 Guidelines for Nonsexist Language 1975
2217-3-7: 24 National Consultation of Ordained Women in the United Methodist Church 1975
2217-3-7: 25 Articles and Speeches 1972
2217-5-5: 1 Language and Gender Information Sheets 1973-1988
2217-5-5: 2 Newspaper Clippings - March 7 1975
2217-6-14: 7 Situation of Ordained Women Minister in the United Methodist Church - Jacqueline M. Tuell 1969-1970
2218-2-5: 4 Native American Women's Consultation 1987
2218-2-5: 5 Seminary Monitoring Reports 1987
2218-4-5: 22 Position Papers, Articles, and Statements 1969-1972
2218-4-5: 23 Perkins Theological Seminary 1970
2218-4-5: 24 News Releases 1972-1975
2218-4-5: 25 Conferences 1972-1979
2218-4-5: 26 An Intelligent Woman's Guide to Dirty Words - Volume 1 1973
2218-4-5: 27 Advocacy Procedures 1976-1977
2218-4-5: 28 Equal Rights Amendment 1977
2218-4-5: 29 Language Usage Clippings 1980-1983
2218-4-5: 30 Nancy Richardson 1981
2218-4-5: 31 Nancy Richardson - Folder 1 1982
2218-4-5: 32 Nancy Richardson - Folder 2 1982
2218-4-6: 1 Results of Questionnaires to Local Church Secretaries 1972
2218-4-6: 2 Position Papers, Articles, and Statements 1973-1975
2218-4-6: 3 Task Force on Participation of Lay Women in the Church 1974
2218-4-6: 4 Resolution on Bicentennial Celebration 1981
2218-4-6: 5 Women's Seminary Statistics Undated
2218-4-8: 29 Women Working Toward a New Society: Alan Pifer 1976
2218-4-8: 30 Equal Rights Amendment Support Project Newsletter - May 1977
2218-4-8: 31 Ethnic Minority Local Church Statement and Guide 1977
2219-2-5: 5 Hispanic Women's Pamphlets 1983-1984
2219-2-5: 6 Hispanic Women's Workshop 1985
2219-2-5: 8 Orientation to Inclusive Language by Carolyn Henninger Oheler 1985
2219-2-5: 9 Equal Rights Amendment Advocacy 1980-1985
2219-2-5: 10 Ethnic Women Prioritization Team 1986
2219-2-5: 11 Ethnic Strategy Development Group 1988
2219-2-5: 12 Identifying the Roots of Oppression in the Church 1977-1978
2219-2-5: 13 Native American Women's Consultation 1987
2219-2-5: 14 Native American Concerns 1984-1986
2219-2-5: 16 Asian Women Theologians 1985
2219-2-5: 17 Asian Women in the Church 1973-1977
2219-2-5: 18 Korean American Clergywomen 1986
2219-2-5: 19 Consulta de Mujeres Hispana 1985-1986
2219-2-5: 21 Asian American Clergywomen Consultation 1982-1990
2219-2-5: 22 Biblical and Theological Project 1974-1975
2219-2-6: 1 Racism and Sexism: A Collective Struggle 1972-1975
2219-2-6: 2 Kids Letters 1986
2219-2-6: 3 Scaritt College 1977-1979
2219-2-6: 5 Words That Hurt and Words That Heal: Language About God and People 1984-1985
2219-2-6: 6 Power Dynamics Workshop 1979
2215-7-6: 19 The Plain Dealer Newspaper Clipping - Gay and Lesbian Sexuality 1988

Series: Audio Visuals

Sub-series: Audio Cassettes

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2217-5-7: 1 Friday Evening Plenary, Task Force Reports on Annual Conference, Sharon Rader - February 24 1978
2217-5-7: 2 Friday and Saturday Plenary, Consultations of Clergy Women Discussions - February 24-25 1978
2217-5-7: 3 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Reverend Sharon Brown Christopher - The Resurrection 1979
2217-5-7: 4 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Ms. Annette Hutchins-Felder - Tape 1 1979
2217-5-7: 5 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Ms. Annette Hutchins-Felder - Tape 2 1979
2217-5-7: 6 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Ms. Annette Hutchins-Felder - Tape 3 1979
2217-5-7: 7 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Ms. Annette Hutchins-Felder - Tape 4 1979
2217-5-7: 8 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Reverend Doris Moreland Jones 1979
2217-5-7: 9 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Reverend Leontine Kelly, The Promise 1979
2217-5-7: 10 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Reverend Jeanne Audrey Powers - Tape 1 1979
2217-5-7: 11 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Reverend Jeanne Audrey Powers - Tape 2 1979
2217-5-7: 12 United Methodist Clergywomen Convocation: Reverend Tallulah Fisher Williams, The Spirit 1979
2217-5-7: 13 COSROW Meeting: Sharon Howell's Sermon - February 17 1980
2217-5-7: 14 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 22 - Tape 1 1988
2217-5-7: 15 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 22 - Tape 2 1988
2217-5-7: 16 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 22 - Tape 3 1988
2217-5-7: 17 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 22 - Tape 4 1988
2217-5-7: 18 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 22-25 1988
2217-5-7: 19 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 23 1988
2217-5-7: 20 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 23-25 - Tape 7 1988
2217-5-7: 21 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 24 - Tape 1 1988
2217-5-7: 22 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 24 - Tape 2 1988
2217-5-7: 23 COSROW Organizing Meeting - September 25 1988
Sub-series: Compact Discs

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2217-4-4: 1 COSROW Annual Meeting Plenary Task Force Reports, Constitution of Clergywomen Talk - February 24 1978
2217-4-4: 2 COSROW United Methodist Women Convocation - Folder 1 1979
2217-4-4: 3 COSROW United Methodist Women Convocation - Folder 2 1979
2217-4-4: 4 COSROW United Methodist Women Convocation - Folder 3 1979
2217-4-4: 5 COSROW United Methodist Women Convocation: Folder 4 - 1979, Meeting - February 17, 1980 1979-1980
2217-4-4: 6 COSROW Asian-American Convocation - 1980, Native American Women Worship - November 6 1980-1987
2217-4-4: 9 COSROW General Conference, COSROW Interviews with Bishop Matthews and Kelly - March 2, 1985 1984-1985
2217-4-4: 11 COSROW Native American Women Reports and Closing Communion - November 9, General Conference Morning Worship - May 2 1987-1988
2217-4-4: 14 COSROW Organizational Meeting, Folder 1 - September 22 1988
2217-4-4: 15 COSROW Organizational Meeting, Folder 2 - September 22 1988
2217-4-4: 16 COSROW Organizational Meeting, Folder 3 - September 22 1988
2217-4-4: 17 COSROW Organizational Meeting, Folder 4 - September 22 1988
2217-4-4: 18 COSROW Organizational Meeting - September 23-25 1988
2217-4-4: 19 COSROW Organizational Meeting - September 24, Taking the Gift Seriously 1988
2217-4-5: 1 Inclusive Language, Leavenworth United Methodist Church - November, General Conference Women's Orientation 1 - 1988 1986-1988
2217-4-5: 2 Native American Women - November 9 1987
6027-3-4: 31 Election of Marjorie Matthews 1980
6027-3-4: 32 Memorial Service for Marjorie Matthews - July 3 1986
6027-3-4: 33 Retirement Greetings for Kiyoko Kasai and Nancy Grissom Self 1973-1995
Sub-series: DVD's

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
Sub-series: Filmstrips

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2217-4-6: 2 Music: Peace Songs 1983
2217-4-6: 4 Women: Perspectives on a Movement 1973
2217-4-7: 2 Words That Bring Us Together 1986
2217-4-8: 1 Fairytale: Carole A. Etzler and Fran Burst Ternella 1974
2217-4-8: 2 Methodist Women in All the World, Coming Up Right, Triple Jeopardy 1985
Sub-series: Negatives

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2217-5-4: 11 COSROW Meeting - September, General Conference - May - Folder 1 1983-1984
2217-5-4: 12 General Conference, - May - Folder 2, COSROW Fall Organizing Meeting 1984
2217-5-4: 13 Women's Consultation - November, COSROW Meeting - February 28-March 3 1984-1985
2217-5-4: 14 COSROW Meetings - February and September, Native American Women Consultation - November 1987
2218-4-5: 21 Annual Conference 1988
2219-2-2: 1 Northeast Jurisdiction Commission on Archives and History Annual Meeting - Oversize Negatives 1981
Sub-series: Photographs

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2216-2-7: 8 World Service Pictures Set, Number 8 1972-1975
2216-2-7: 9 World Service Pictures Set, Number 10 1972-1975
2216-2-7: 10 World Service Pictures Set, Number 12 1972-1976
2217-4-1: 7 World Council of Churches: Vancouver, District Superintendents and Council Directors 1983
2217-4-1: 13 Miscellaneous Photos 6 Undated
2217-4-1: 14 Miscellaneous Photos 7 Undated
2217-4-1: 15 Miscellaneous Photos 8 Undated
2217-5-3: 5 General Conference - 1980, COSROW - September 1981 1980-1981
2217-5-3: 6 General Conference - Baltimore - Folder 1 1984
2217-5-3: 7 General Conference - Baltimore - Folder 2 1984
2217-5-3: 8 General Conference - Baltimore - Folder 3 1984
2217-5-3: 9 Native American Women Consultation 1987
2217-5-3: 10 RTE - Orlando 1987
2217-5-3: 11 General Conference - Folder 1 1988
2217-5-3: 12 General Conference - Folder 2, General Secretary After Nairobi 1988
2217-5-4: 3 Marydale-Erlanger, Kentucky - September 25, 1977, Consultation - 1985 1977-1985
2217-5-4: 4 St. Benedict's - September 1982, Ethnic Women's Convocation 1982
2217-5-4: 5 Nelle Morton Lectures - March, GRCS - March 1984-1986
Sub-series: Slides

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-2-1: 1 COSROW Office 1972
2215-2-1: 3 Cinderella is Dead Slide Show 1973-1983
2215-2-1: 4 The Labels and Reinforcement of Sex Role Stereotyping Slide Show: Part 1 and Part 2 1973-1983
2215-2-1: 5 You Are the Branches Slide Show 1979
2215-2-1: 6 Women in Text Books: A Better View 1972
2215-2-2: 1 General Conference in Atlanta, Georgia 1972
2215-2-2: 2 Doris Handy and Sharon Howell at General Conference in Atlanta, Georgia 1972
2215-2-2: 6 Nancy Self Workshops 1979-1984
2215-6-5: 1 COSROW Meeting 1982
Sub-series: Video Tapes

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2217-6-12: 4 Images of God - Kay Shroder-Hacklander - Prospect Park United Methodist Women Performance, Minneapolis, Minnesota - May 10 1986
2217-6-13: 1 Election of Marjorie Matthews 1980
2217-6-13: 2 Election of Marjorie Matthews 1980
2217-6-13: 3 Included Out Undated
2217-6-13: 5 Glancing Vision of God 1988
2218-3-1: 1 Questions and Answers From Carolyn Oehler's Speech at Scarritt College - March 19 1983
2218-3-1: 2 General Conference: COSROW Worship with Baltimore Clergywomen's Leadership 1984
2218-3-1: 3 COSROW Meeting: Goal Setting - Friday, Carolyn Oehler on Language - February 1985
2218-3-1: 4 COSROW Meeting: Goal Setting - Friday and Saturday, Carolyn Oehler - February 1985
2218-3-1: 5 Leavenworth First United Methodist Church - November 1986
2218-3-1: 6 Bishops Matthews and Kelly - March 2, Nan Self, Tape 1 - August 24 1985-1987
2218-3-1: 7 Bishops Matthews and Kelly - March 2 - Nan Self, Tape 2 - August 24 1985-1987
2218-3-1: 8 Native American Women, Opening Worship, Eslinger, Evening Keynote, Tape 1 - November 6 1987
2218-3-1: 9 Native American Women, Talent Show, Albuquerque, New Mexico - November 8 1987
2218-3-1: 10 Native American Women, Agency Presentations, Albuquerque, New Mexico - November 9 1987
2218-3-1: 11 Native American Women, Circle Reports, Closing Communion Service - Albuquerque, New Mexico - November 9 1987
2218-3-1: 12 Women's Division Orientation for Women Delegates to General Conference - Tape 1 1988
2218-3-1: 13 General Conference Morning Worship - May 1 1988
2218-3-1: 14 General Conference Morning Worship, St. Louis, Missouri - May 1 1988
2218-3-1: 15 COSROW Organizing Meeting, Lincolnwood, Illinois, Tape 1 -September 22 1988
2218-3-3: 1 Reverend Beverly Shamana, KNXT-TV Evening News - July 6 1980
2218-3-3: 2 United Methodist Church North Central Jurisdictional Conference, Dayton, Ohio - July 15-17 1980
2218-3-3: 3 Nan Self, Tape 1 - March 2 1985
2218-3-3: 4 Nan Self, Tape 2 - March 2 1985

Series: Connectional Ministries

Sub-series: General Conferences

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-2: 8 General Conference Report 1988
2215-3-4: 1 General Conference Reports: Lay Members to Annual Conference 1986-1988
2215-3-4: 2 General Conference Reports: Lay Members to Annual Conference 1986-1987
2215-3-4: 3 General Conference Reports: Lay Members to Annual Conference 1986-1987
2215-7-6: 5 Yellow Ribbon 1988
2216-2-7: 3 Reports 1984-1987
2216-2-8: 13 Report on the Role of Women Requests 1972-1973
2217-2-2: 3 Baltimore "10" - COSROW Team to General Conference 1984
2217-2-2: 4 Legislation 1984
2217-2-5: 13 Annual Meeting 1974
2217-2-6: 1 Annual Meeting 1974
2217-2-6: 2 Steering Committee - December 5-8 1974
2217-2-6: 3 Mailing of Minutes and General Council on Ministries Report 1975
2217-2-6: 4 Minutes of Steering Committee 1975
2217-2-6: 5 Minutes 1976
2217-2-6: 6 Floor Communications 1976
2217-3-6: 2 Disciplinary Changes 1971-1972
2217-3-6: 3 Subcommittee to Study Legislation 1971
2217-3-6: 4 General Conference Correspondence 1972
2217-3-6: 5 Report to General Conference 1972
2217-3-6: 6 Revised Report and General Conference Actions 1972
2217-3-6: 7 Discriminatory Legislation Replies 1971
2217-3-6: 8 Legislative Notes 1976
2217-3-6: 9 COSROW Judicial Council Brief 1976
2217-3-6: 10 General Conference Report 1976
2217-3-6: 11 Legislation Changes 1975
2217-3-7: 1 General Conference 1976
2218-2-2: 18 Legislation 1980
2218-2-3: 1 Study Commission Reports 1979
2218-2-3: 2 General Conference 1980
2218-2-4: 15 General Conference 1988
2218-4-5: 5 Mailings and Resolutions 1972
2218-4-5: 6 Evaluation 1976
2218-4-5: 7 Women's Center 1976
2218-4-5: 8 Mandate 1980
2218-4-5: 9 Planning Documents 1980
2218-4-5: 10 Mailings, Human Sexuality 1980
2218-4-5: 11 Planning Documents 1983-1984
2218-4-5: 12 Planning Documents - Folder 1 1984
2218-4-5: 13 Planning Documents - Folder 2 1984
2218-4-5: 14 Survival Kit 1984
2218-4-5: 15 Inspirational Bookmarks 1984
2218-4-5: 16 General Conference 1988 Planning Documents - Folder 1 1987
2218-4-5: 17 General Conference 1988 Planning Documents - Folder 2 1987
2218-4-7: 10 Women's Orientation 1980
2218-4-7: 11 Caucus Newsletters 1980
2218-4-7: 12 General Conference 1980
2218-4-8: 1 Ad Hoc Study Group 1978-1979
2218-4-8: 2 Original Petitions 1979
2218-4-8: 3 COSROW Legislative Proposals Responses - July 1979
2218-4-8: 4 Preparation for 1980 General Conference Legislative Committee Meeting - July 13-15 1979
2218-4-8: 5 Legislation Transmitted Since COSROW - September 1979
2218-4-8: 6 Legislation Transmitted to COSROW Meeting - September 26-30 1979
2218-4-8: 7 1980 Press Briefing - November 2-4 1979
2218-4-8: 8 Legislation Substitute to Leonard - November 25 1979
2218-4-8: 9 Legislation Committee 1980
2218-4-8: 10 Petition on Equitable Salaries 1980
2218-4-8: 11 COSROW Representatives 1980
2218-4-8: 12 General and Jurisdictional Conference, Ethnic Minority Delegates 1980
2218-4-8: 13 Women Delegates 1980
2218-4-8: 14 Legislation Mailing to Annual Conference COSROW, Original Letter and Content Sheet 1980
2218-4-8: 15 Legislation Requests 1980
2218-4-8: 16 Yellow Ribbon, Social Questions Bulletin (SQB) 1980
2218-4-8: 17 Reflections 1980
2219-2-6: 7 General Conference Petition Votes 1977-1980
2219-2-6: 8 Mailings and Petitions 1987-1988
2219-2-6: 9 Mailings 1986-1988
2219-2-6: 10 Orientation Planning Committee - Saint Louis, Missouri 1980-1988
2219-2-6: 11 Legislative Worksheets 1976-1979
Sub-series: General Boards and Commissions

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-2: 3 General Board of Church and Society 1975-1976
2215-3-2: 4 Bishop's Resource Packet 1972-1974
2215-3-2: 5 Bishops' Call 1973-1976
2215-3-2: 6 Episcopacy 1972-1974
2215-3-5: 12 General Agencies Evaluations 1981-1987
2215-3-6: 1 General Agencies Evaluations 1981-1986
2215-6-3: 8 General Commission on Religion and Race 1985-1988
2215-7-4: 7 Monitoring Church and Society 1985
2215-7-4: 8 Monitoring General Board of Discipleship 1985-1986
2215-7-4: 9 Monitoring General Board of Publications 1985-1986
2216-3-3: 8 Agency Self-Evaluation and Review and Proposed Process 1979-1980
2216-4-2: 1 Liaisons to Agencies: Board of Discipleship 1979-1986
2216-4-2: 2 Liaisons to Agencies: General Board of Global Ministries 1981-1984
2216-4-2: 3 Liaisons to Agencies: General Board of Global Ministries 1980-1981
2217-2-2: 9 Liaisons 1980-1984
2217-2-2: 10 Self-evaulations 1981-1984
2217-2-2: 11 General Council on Ministries: COSROW - The First Quadrennium 1982
2217-7-1: 5 Bishop Marjorie Matthews 1980-2000
2217-7-1: 9 General Council on Ministries - Original Guidelines for Eliminating Racism, Ageism, Handicappism, and Sexism 1984
2218-2-3: 3 General Board of Global Ministries Ethnic Concerns 1975-1979
2218-2-3: 4 General Commission on Archives and History 1983-1985
2218-2-3: 5 General Commission on Religion and Race Presentation 1976
2218-2-3: 6 General Council on Ministries Correspondence 1976-1979
2218-2-3: 7 General Council on Ministries Evaluation of COSROW 1977
2218-2-3: 8 General Council on Ministries Reports, Reviews and Evaluations 1978
2218-2-4: 16 General Board of Church and Society 1985-1988
2218-2-4: 17 General Commission on Religion and Race 1985
2218-2-4: 18 General Council on Ministries Evaluation and Reviews 1985
2218-2-4: 19 General Council on Ministries Preliminary Evaluation and Review Report 1986
2218-2-4: 20 General Council on Ministries Self Evaluation and Review 1987
2218-4-4: 26 General Board of Global Ministries and United Methodist Women Memos and Discussion Papers 1971-1972
2218-4-4: 27 General Board of Christian Social Concerns Correspondence 1972
2218-4-4: 28 General Council on Ministries Correspondence, Reports 1974-1981
2218-4-4: 29 Council of Bishops, Marjorie Matthews Consecration Service 1980
2218-4-4: 30 General Commission on Archives and History 1980-1981
2218-4-4: 31 General Council on Finance and Administration Correspondence 1981
2218-4-5: 1 General Commission on Archives and History Correspondence 1974-1975
2218-4-5: 2 General Commission on Religion and Race Correspondence 1977
2218-4-5: 3 General Council on Ministries Report 1977
2218-4-5: 4 General Secretaries Staff Training 1981
Sub-series: Jurisdictions

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-4-5: 3 Western Jurisdiction 1984-1988
2215-4-5: 4 Western Jurisdictional Conference 1984
2215-5-3: 6 North Central Asian American Fellowship 1981-1984
2215-5-3: 8 North Central Lay and Clergy Women 1984
2216-4-2: 4 North Central 1972-1988
2216-4-2: 5 North Central 1980-1987
2216-4-2: 6 North Central Pool and Elections 1980-1984
2216-4-2: 7 Western 1980-1986
2217-3-7: 2 North Central Jurisdiction 1975
2217-3-7: 3 Northeastern Jurisdiction 1976
2217-3-7: 4 South Central Jurisdiction 1976
2217-3-7: 5 Southeastern Jurisdiction 1976
2218-4-4: 20 Western Jurisdiction Clergywomen List 1980
2216-4-5: 3 Northeastern Pool 1979-1981
2216-4-5: 4 Northeastern Pool 1975-1981
Sub-series: Annual Conferences

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-2-3: 10 Eastern Pennsylvania 1976-1980
2215-2-4: 14 Iowa 1989-1996
2215-2-4: 19 Southwest Texas 1974
2215-4-4: 2 Annual Conferences and Constituents Services 1988
2215-4-4: 7 Conference Council Director's Survey 1987
2215-4-5: 12 Desert Southwest 1986-1987
2215-4-6: 1 Pacific Southwest 1984
2215-4-7: 3 South Georgia 1973-1986
2215-4-7: 5 Red Bird Missionary 1982-1987
2215-4-7: 11 Kansas East: Clergy Family Study 1985
2215-4-7: 12 Missouri East: Historical Play 1983
2215-4-7: 13 Missouri East 1973-1980
2215-4-8: 1 Missouri East 1977-1981
2215-4-8: 2 Kansas East 1982-1988
2215-5-1: 1 West Michigan 1982-1986
2215-5-1: 3 South Indiana 1983-1988
2215-5-1: 7 Northern Illinois 1983-1988
2215-5-1: 9 Minnesota 1984
2215-5-2: 3 Iowa 1984-1986
2215-5-2: 5 Detroit 1976-1988
2215-5-2: 6 Detroit 1973-1977
2215-5-2: 8 Central Illinois 1972-1983
2215-5-7: 1 West Michigan 1981-1984
2215-5-7: 2 West Michigan 1979-1982
2215-5-7: 3 West Michigan 1973-1979
2215-5-7: 4 West Ohio 1977-1985
2215-5-7: 5 West Ohio 1973-1977
2215-5-7: 6 Wisconsin 1980-1986
2215-5-8: 1 Wisconsin 1976-1981
2215-5-8: 2 Wisconsin 1970-1976
2215-5-8: 3 West Michigan 1983-1984
2215-5-8: 4 South Dakota 1973-1982
2215-5-8: 5 South Indiana 1973-1983
2215-5-8: 6 Southern Illinois 1974-1983
2215-5-8: 7 Northern Illinois 1979-1983
2216-2-8: 14 Annual Conference Commissions 1977-1980
2216-4-2: 8 Northern Illinois: Chicago Women in Ministry 1977
2216-4-2: 9 Northern Illinois: Bishop Paul Washburn 1980
2216-4-3: 1 Dakotas 1973-1981
2216-4-3: 2 Detroit 1980-1984
2216-4-3: 3 East Ohio 1980-1986
2216-4-3: 4 East Ohio 1973-1979
2216-4-3: 5 Pacific Southwest 1974
2216-4-3: 6 Pacific Southwest 1974-1975
2216-4-3: 7 Pacific Southwest 1976-1982
2216-4-4: 1 Pacific Southwest 1975-1976
2216-4-4: 2 Pacific Southwest 1982-1983
2216-4-4: 3 Alaska Missionary 1974-1980
2216-4-4: 5 California-Nevada 1973-1978
2216-4-4: 6 California-Nevada 1975-1978
2216-4-4: 7 California-Nevada 1975-1979
2216-4-5: 1 California-Nevada 1974-1978
2216-4-5: 2 California-Nevada 1974-1983
2216-4-5: 5 Baltimore 1973-1983
2216-4-5: 6 Eastern Pennsylvania 1973-1983
2216-4-5: 7 Central New York 1974-1981
2216-4-5: 8 Maine 1974-1984
2216-4-6: 1 Central Pennsylvania 1973-1983
2216-4-6: 2 New York 1973-1983
2216-4-6: 3 New York 1975-1983
2216-4-6: 4 Northern New Jersey 1976-1980
2216-4-6: 5 Northern New Jersey 1980-1983
2216-4-6: 6 Northern New York 1973-1978
2216-4-6: 7 Puerto Rico 1973-1983
2216-4-6: 8 Southern New England 1973-1976
2216-4-6: 9 Southern New England 1977-1983
2216-4-7: 1 Southern New Jersey 1977-1983
2216-4-7: 2 Southern New Jersey 1975-1980
2216-4-7: 3 Troy 1973-1981
2216-4-7: 4 West Virginia 1978-1984
2216-4-7: 5 West Virginia 1973-1984
2216-4-7: 6 Western New York 1973-1984
2216-4-7: 7 Western Pennsylvania 1974-1984
2216-4-7: 8 Wyoming 1976-1982
2216-4-7: 9 Peninsula 1974-1981
2216-4-8: 2 California-Nevada Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1984-1988
2216-4-8: 3 East Ohio Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1985-1987
2216-4-8: 7 Minnesota Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1987
2216-4-8: 8 Missouri East Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1986
2216-4-8: 9 Missouri West Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1980-1988
2216-4-8: 10 New Mexico Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1976-1988
2216-4-8: 11 North Alabama Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1988
2216-4-8: 12 North Carolina Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1987
2216-4-8: 13 North Indiana Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1988
2216-4-8: 14 Northern Illinois Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1985-1988
2216-4-8: 16 South Dakota Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1988
2216-4-8: 17 Southern Illinois Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1985-1988
2216-4-8: 18 Southern New England Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1988
2216-4-8: 20 West Ohio Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1977-1987
2216-4-8: 22 Western Pennsylvania Ethnic Minority Local Church Missional Priority 1985-1988
2216-4-8: 24 Thirtieth Anniversary of the Ordination of Women Model Letter 1986
2216-4-8: 25 Central Conference Correspondence 1978-1980
2216-4-8: 28 West Ohio 1984-1988
2216-5-1: 1 Northern Illinois 1972-1987
2216-5-1: 2 Northern Illinois 1975-1978
2216-5-1: 3 North Indiana 1973-1983
2216-5-1: 4 North Dakota 1973-1985
2216-5-1: 5 Minnesota 1977-1983
2216-5-1: 6 Minnesota 1977-1983
2216-5-1: 7 Iowa 1978-1988
2216-5-2: 1 Iowa 1973-1982
2216-5-2: 2 Iowa, COSROW and General Commission on Religion and Race Joint Conference Evaluations 1982
2216-5-7: 12 Northern New York 1985-1986
2216-5-8: 1 Western New York 1985-1987
2216-5-8: 3 Wyoming 1973-1979
2216-5-8: 9 New Mexico 1984-1988
2216-5-8: 10 North Arkansas 1985-1986
2216-5-8: 12 Northwest Texas 1986-1988
2216-5-8: 14 Rio Grande 1983-1987
2217-2-2: 12 Southwest Texas 1981
2217-2-5: 8 Annual Conference Omissions and Committees - May 1974
2217-2-5: 9 Commission or Conference Committee Mailings - December 1975
2217-2-5: 10 Mailing - March 1976
2217-3-7: 6 Guidelines for Emerging Annual Conference Commissions 1974
2217-3-7: 7 Task Force Members 1975
2217-3-7: 8 California-Nevada - Vivian McFadden 1975
2217-3-7: 9 Missouri West 1974
2217-3-7: 10 Nebraska 1974
2217-3-7: 11 New York - Evelyn Newman 1976
2217-3-7: 12 Southern California-Nevada - Wayman's Ordination 1974
2218-2-3: 9 Task Force Members and Mailings 1973-1977
2218-2-3: 10 Baltimore 1974
2218-2-3: 11 California-Nevada 1973-1975
2218-2-3: 12 California-Pacific 1976
2218-2-3: 14 Detroit 1972
2218-2-3: 15 East Ohio Newsletter 1975-1978
2218-2-3: 16 Iowa 1976-1985
2218-2-3: 17 Kentucky 1975
2218-2-3: 18 Little Rock 1979
2218-2-3: 19 Minnesota 1973-1977
2218-2-3: 20 North Alabama 1975-1977
2218-2-3: 21 North Arkansas 1974
2218-2-3: 22 North Carolina 1973
2218-2-3: 23 North Indiana 1974
2218-2-3: 24 Northern New Jersey 1976
2218-2-3: 25 Oklahoma 1974
2218-2-3: 26 Rocky Mountain 1976
2218-2-3: 27 South Dakota 1972
2218-2-3: 28 Southern California-Arizona 1973
2218-2-3: 29 Southern New England 1976-1977
2218-2-3: 30 Southwest Texas 1976-1977
2218-2-3: 31 West Michigan 1973-1974
2218-2-3: 32 Western North Carolina 1976
2218-2-3: 33 Wisconsin 1973-1976
2218-2-4: 1 West Virginia Bridgeport United Methodist Church 1978
2218-2-4: 2 Women Who Have Been Placed in Positions Through Talent Bank 1977
2218-2-4: 3 Talent Bank Evaluation 1976
2218-2-4: 4 Board Membership Talent Bank Press Release - March 22 1976
2218-2-4: 5 Talent Bank 1977
2218-2-4: 6 Homosexuality 1975-1979
2218-2-4: 7 A Day to Explore the Developing Roles of Women and Men Brochure 1977
2218-2-4: 8 The Christian Woman Brochure 1973
2218-2-4: 9 Women Employment in the United Methodist Church 1973-1975
2218-2-4: 10 United Methodist Clergy Couples 1970-1980
2218-2-4: 11 Training Events 1979
2218-2-4: 12 Sexism-Racism Strategy Form 1976
2218-2-4: 13 New York Theological Seminary Women's Center 1974
2218-2-4: 14 Graduate Theological Union Office of Women's Affairs 1974
2218-4-4: 21 Northern Illinois 1971-1972
2218-4-4: 22 Board of Ministry Open Letter 1972
2218-4-4: 23 Kansas East 1972
2218-4-4: 24 Pacific Northwest 1972
2218-4-4: 25 Regional Training Events 1977
2218-5-9: 4 Holston Women A Journey of Faith - 50th Anniversary of Clergywomen Celebration 1984
2217-2-4: 8 Annual Conference Commissions - August 8 1975
Sub-series: Local Churches

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2217-3-7: 13 Chicago: Parish of the Holy Covenant 1974
2217-3-7: 14 New York City: Park Avenue 1974
2217-5-5: 17 Guidelines for Leadership in the Local Church Whole: Status and Role of Women 1985-1988
Sub-series: Ecumenical

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-6: 2 Unitarian Universalist Women 1974-1976
2215-3-6: 3 Lutheran Women 1971-1977
2215-3-6: 4 Ad Hoc Group on Racism, Sexism, and Classism 1976
2215-3-6: 5 World Council of Churches, Geneva - January 1977
2215-3-6: 6 International Association of Women Ministers 1973-1976
2215-3-6: 8 Church Women United 1973-1975
2215-3-7: 2 Ecumenical Women's Centers 1975-1977
2215-3-7: 3 American Baptist 1969-1977
2215-3-7: 4 National Council of the Churches of Christ Commission on Women in Ministry 1975-1976
2215-3-7: 5 Atlanta Committee on Women in Religion 1971
2215-3-7: 6 United Church of Christ 1971
2215-3-7: 7 Michigan Church Women's Groups 1970-1980
2215-3-7: 8 Women's Caucus for Campus Ministry 1972-1974
2217-2-3: 7 National Council of Churches Commission on Women in Ministry (COWIM) Delegates and Alternates Mailing 1975
2218-2-2: 3 Ecumenical Women's Symposium 1974
2218-2-2: 4 Coalition Task Force on Women and Religion 1974-1975
2218-2-2: 5 Ecumenical Women's Center 1973
2218-4-5: 19 World Council of Churches Women in a Changing World 1975

Series: Printed Matter

Sub-series: Publications

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-5: 9 The Flyer 1978-1985
2216-2-7: 11 The Legacy of Mary McLeod Bethune 1974
2216-2-7: 12 Equal Rights for Women: A Call to Action 1973
2216-2-7: 13 Devotional Booklet 1975-1976
2216-2-7: 14 Sexual Harassment in Mother Jones 1978
2216-2-7: 15 "His Girl" No Longer in Mother Jones 1978
2216-2-8: 1 Women's Colleges 1975
2216-2-8: 2 International Decade of Women Nairobi Clippings 1976-1986
2217-2-2: 5 Regional Training Event Script 1983
2217-3-5: 14 Yellow Ribbon - Folder 1 1972
2217-3-5: 15 Yellow Ribbon - Folder 2 1972
2217-3-6: 1 The Flyer 1978-1979
2218-2-2: 6 Yellow Ribbon 1977
2218-2-2: 7 Survey of Black Women in the United Methodist Church by Annette Hutchins-Felder 1976
2218-2-5: 6 God Did Not Bring Us This Far To Leave Us 1983
2218-5-5: 1 The Flyer, Volume 1 1978-1979
2218-5-5: 2 The Flyer, Volume 2 1980
2218-5-5: 3 The Flyer, Volume 3 1981
2218-5-5: 4 The Flyer, Volume 4 1982
2218-5-5: 5 The Flyer, Volume 5 1983-1984
2218-5-5: 6 The Flyer, Volume 6 1984-1985
2218-5-5: 7 The Flyer, Volume 7 1985-1986
2218-5-5: 8 The Flyer, Volume 8 1986-1987
2218-5-5: 9 The Flyer, Volume 9 1987-1988
Sub-series: Worship

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-1: 7 Worship Celebration Materials 1974
2215-3-1: 8 Songs, Litanies, Stories 1975
2215-3-1: 9 Songs, Litanies, Stories 1973-1974
2215-3-1: 10 Worship Celebration 1972
2215-3-1: 11 Women's Liturgy, Songs and Sermons 1969-1973
2215-3-1: 12 Women's Liturgy, Songs and Sermons 1972
2215-3-1: 13 Women's Liturgy, Songs and Sermons 1972
2215-3-2: 1 Reformation Sunday 1971-1972
2215-7-8: 15 Annual Meeting Materials 1974
2217-3-7: 15 Liturgy and Sermon 1975
2218-2-5: 7 Songbook Materials 1985
2218-2-5: 8 Originals for Songbook 1985
2218-2-5: 9 Songbook Permissions 1984
2218-2-5: 10 Songs of the Soul Songbook 1984
2218-4-4: 1 Carole Etzler and Other Poet and Singers 1970-1977
2218-4-4: 2 Sexism and Racism Resources 1970-1987
2218-4-4: 3 Liturgy and Order of Service 1972-1977
2218-4-4: 4 Litany of Our Sisters in the Faith 1973
2218-4-4: 5 The Priesthood of All Believers Sermon by Charles V. Willie 1974

Series: Finance and Administration

Sub-series: Commission Members

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-3-7: 9 Lynne Josselyn 1976-1986
2215-3-7: 10 Walter Kimbrough 1978-1979
2215-3-8: 1 Jeanne Audrey Powers 1973-1974
2215-3-8: 2 Jeanne Audrey Powers 1974-1975
2215-3-8: 3 Joan Clark 1978-1979
2215-3-8: 4 Gladys Cocke 1977-1979
2215-3-8: 5 Claude Cox 1977-1979
2215-3-8: 6 Gregory Cummings 1977-1978
2215-3-8: 7 Mary Dingman 1978-1980
2215-3-8: 8 Royal Fishbeck Jr. 1980-1982
2215-3-8: 9 Tom Graves 1973-1979
2215-3-8: 10 Karen Greenwaldt 1980
2215-3-8: 11 Doris Handy 1974-1979
2215-3-8: 12 Mable Haught 1978
2215-3-8: 13 Ellen Kirby 1972-1981
2215-3-8: 14 Janie Locklear 1974-1978
2215-3-8: 16 Sharon Maeda 1977-1983
2215-3-8: 17 Rafael Martinez 1975-1983
2215-3-8: 18 Mary May 1976-1980
2215-3-8: 19 Pamela Mercer 1980-1981
2215-3-8: 20 Abraham New 1977-1979
2215-3-8: 21 John Okamoto 1978-1979
2215-3-8: 22 Victor Ortiz 1977-1980
2215-3-8: 23 Gaille Pike 1980
2215-3-8: 24 Wesley Palmer 1978-1979
2215-3-8: 25 Mary Hurmence 1976-1980
2215-3-8: 26 Cathy Jones 1981
2215-3-8: 27 Cornelius Henderson 1977-1978
2215-4-1: 1 Pam Baker Lineberger 1985-1986
2215-4-1: 2 Harlan London 1981-1985
2215-4-1: 3 Lyndon Te Ma 1981-1982
2215-4-1: 4 Virginia McGilbray 1980-1987
2215-4-1: 5 Wilma Meier 1985-1988
2215-4-1: 6 Josephine Merrill 1980-1982
2215-4-1: 7 Margaret Misal 1984-1987
2215-4-1: 8 Maria Fisher Oliver 1981-1982
2215-4-1: 9 Delbert Paulson 1980-1983
2215-4-1: 10 Jackie Pennington 1986
2215-4-1: 11 Samuel Philips 1987-1988
2215-4-1: 12 Milca Plaud 1984-1987
2215-4-1: 13 Joe Pool 1985-1988
2215-4-1: 15 Barbara Riddle 1984-1988
2215-4-1: 16 Dixie Robertson 1981-1983
2215-4-1: 18 Ruby Navarrete de Santibanez 1985-1988
2215-4-1: 19 Rey Valencia Shuman 1985-1986
2215-4-1: 20 Beverly Shamana 1976-1982
2215-4-1: 21 Chiquita Smith 1979-1982
2215-4-1: 22 James Smith 1980-1984
2215-4-1: 23 Ruth Steach 1982-1987
2215-4-1: 24 Charles Stewart 1980-1986
2215-4-1: 25 Forrest Stith 1984-1988
2215-4-1: 26 Karl Strandberg 1982-1984
2215-4-1: 27 Alfred Thompson 1980-1988
2215-4-1: 29 E. Paul Unger 1984-1988
2215-4-1: 30 Ernest Valvarde 1982-1987
2215-4-1: 31 Kenneth Vining 1980-1985
2215-4-2: 1 James Walker 1980-1983
2215-4-2: 2 Georgiana Ward 1980-1988
2215-4-2: 3 Melvin Wheatley 1979-1984
2215-4-2: 4 Esther Witherspoon 1980-1985
2215-4-2: 5 Nancy Yamasaki 1983-1987
2215-4-2: 6 Velma Yemoto 1983-1987
2215-4-2: 7 Angella Current 1986
2215-4-2: 8 Christine Brewer 1981-1983
2215-4-2: 9 Marilyn Farmer 1984-1987
2215-4-2: 10 Carolyn DeSwarte Gifford 1984-1988
2215-4-2: 11 Peggy Halsey 1981-1982
2215-4-2: 12 Robert Huston 1986-1988
2215-4-2: 14 Harriet Miller 1980
2215-4-2: 15 Donna Morton Stout 1981-1984
2215-4-2: 16 Kathy Nickerson 1980-1988
2215-4-2: 17 Yolanda Pupo-Ortiz 1982-1988
2215-4-5: 2 Orientation Materials for New Members 1984
2216-3-1: 1 Gerald Heilman 1978-1986
2216-3-1: 2 Sharon Howell 1973-1982
2216-3-1: 3 Ellie Amico 1977-1986
2216-3-1: 4 Beverly Berry 1981-1983
2216-3-1: 5 Hoyt Hickman 1982-1983
2216-3-1: 6 Leonard Perryman 1981-1984
2216-3-1: 7 Arthur Campney 1980-1984
2216-3-1: 8 Robert Carpenter Jr. 1976-1979
2216-3-1: 9 Young Man Chu 1977-1979
2216-3-1: 10 Gladys Church 1977-1980
2216-3-1: 11 Alfred E. Thompson 1980
2216-3-1: 12 Barbara Troxell 1970-1985
2216-3-1: 13 Linda Vance 1977-1981
2216-3-1: 14 George Walters 1975-1984
2216-3-2: 1 Ramonita M. Rivera DeValez 1977-1980
2216-3-2: 2 Henry Walter Willis Jr. 1980-1981
2216-3-2: 3 Marti Zimmerman 1976-1978
2216-3-2: 4 Dixie Robertson 1979-1985
2216-3-2: 5 John Russell 1980-1984
2216-3-2: 6 Randy Rutland 1979
2216-3-2: 7 Lydia Saenz 1972-1988
2216-3-2: 8 Daniel Salazar 1977
2216-3-2: 9 Erwin Schweiber 1974-1980
2216-3-2: 10 Chiquita Smith 1979
2216-3-2: 11 Owsley Spiller 1973-1981
2216-3-2: 12 Evelyn Strong 1978-1982
2216-3-2: 14 Barbara Thompson 1978
2216-3-2: 15 Lucy Austin 1973-1978
2216-3-2: 16 Frank Battle 1977
2216-3-2: 17 David Bayle Jr. 1977-1979
2216-3-2: 18 Tom Bickerton 1976-1978
2216-3-2: 19 Elaine Blinn 1976-1980
2216-3-2: 20 Robert Bolander 1977-1982
2216-3-2: 21 Louise Branscomb 1973-1975
2216-3-2: 22 H. Sharon Howell 1977
2216-3-2: 23 General Council on Ministries Representation 1977-1979
2216-3-3: 1 Nominations Letter Response 1980
2216-3-3: 2 Membership 1977-1981
2216-3-3: 3 Inventory 1978-1980
2216-3-3: 4 Membership Responses 1978
2216-3-3: 5 Inventory Forms 1978-1980
2216-3-3: 6 Guests at Commissions Meetings 1978-1980
2216-3-3: 7 Kay Henderson Cottrell 1979-1980
2216-3-3: 9 Fred Allen 1980-1984
2216-3-6: 17 Suzette Marino 1987
2216-3-6: 22 United Methodist Communications Liaison - Laura Okumu 1986-1987
2216-3-7: 11 Aurea Alejandro 1980-1982
2216-3-7: 12 William Amos 1980-1986
2216-3-7: 13 Resie Bass 1980-1986
2216-3-7: 15 Sung Lai Boo 1984-1987
2216-3-7: 17 Minerva Carcano 1979-1985
2216-3-7: 18 Steve Catt 1980-1984
2216-3-7: 19 Bruce Copeland 1980-1982
2216-3-7: 21 Thomas Dahl 1980-1987
2216-3-7: 22 Barry Duggan 1985-1987
2216-3-7: 23 Laura Echols 1984-1987
2216-3-7: 24 Dayton Edmonds 1980-1987
2216-3-7: 26 Ruth Everett 1987-1988
2216-3-7: 27 Sharon Everhart 1979-1986
2216-3-8: 1 Ondina Gonzalez 1979-1983
2216-3-8: 2 Edwin Barrington 1985
2216-3-8: 3 Eulon Harris-Winton 1976-1986
2216-3-8: 5 Nilda Hernandez 1981-1982
2216-3-8: 6 Sharon Howell 1985-1988
2216-3-8: 7 Sharon Howell 1985-1988
2216-3-8: 8 Mary Hurmence 1980-1982
2216-3-8: 9 Tapuni Loelu 1981-1985
2216-3-8: 11 Charlene Kammerer 1980-1986
2216-3-8: 12 James Kardos 1980-1987
2216-3-8: 13 Charles Lamar 1987-1988
2216-3-8: 14 Nelia Kimbrough 1978-1984
2216-3-8: 15 Ted Leach 1978-1986
2217-2-4: 4 Commission Members and Liaison Friends, Including Sermon by Charles V. Willie 1974
2217-2-4: 5 Commission Mailing - August 1974
2217-2-4: 6 Members and Liaisons - October 18 1974
2217-2-4: 7 Members Mailing - June 6 1975
2217-2-4: 9 Mailings - February 1976
2217-2-4: 10 Commission Members and Annual Conference Chairpersons Mailings - May 1976
2217-2-4: 11 Mailings to Commission Members, Annual Conference Chairpersons and Contact Persons - May 1976
2215-3-7: 11 Barbara Thompson 1973-1985
2215-3-7: 12 Barbara Thompson 1981-1985
2215-3-7: 13 Jeanne Audrey Powers 1975-1982
Sub-series: Committees

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-4-3: 1 Nominating Committee 1988
2216-2-7: 17 Steering Committee 1977-1978
2216-2-8: 3 Legislative Committee 1977-1978
2216-2-8: 4 Committee on the Role of Women - Des Plains, Illinois 1971
2216-2-8: 5 Committee on the Role of Women - Des Plains, Illinois 1971
2216-2-8: 6 Committee on the Role of Women - Des Plains, Illinois 1971
2216-2-8: 7 Committee on the Role of Women - Des Plains, Illinois 1971
2216-2-8: 20 Guidelines 1977
2217-2-2: 6 Coordinating Committee 1983
2217-2-4: 12 Administrative Committees - March 1973
2217-2-4: 13 Administrative Committees - September 1973
2217-2-4: 14 Minutes - September and October 1972
2217-2-4: 15 Steering Committee Mailings 1973
2217-2-4: 16 Steering Committee Mailings 1974
2217-2-5: 1 Steering Committee Mailings - August 1974
2217-2-5: 2 Steering Committee Originals - September 1974
2217-2-5: 3 Steering Committee Mailing - November 1974
2217-2-5: 4 Steering Committee 1975
2217-2-5: 5 Steering Committee - January 1976
2217-2-5: 6 Steering Committee 1976
2217-2-5: 7 Steering Committee Mailing - June 1976
2217-3-5: 10 Coordinating Committee 1988
2217-6-4: 13 Research and Monitoring Committee General Agencies Liaisons 2004-2007
2218-2-2: 8 Steering Committee Mailings and Correspondence 1977-1978
2218-2-2: 9 Coordinating Committee Mailing 1981
2218-4-4: 11 Steering Committee Minutes 1972-1979
2218-4-4: 12 Planning Committee 1975
2218-4-4: 13 Steering Committee 1975-1976
2218-4-6: 6 Committee to Study Women's Participation Minutes and Articles 1968-1970
2218-4-6: 7 Committee to Study Women's Participation Minutes and Articles 1971-1982
2218-4-8: 37 Steering Committee Mailing 1977
Sub-series: Financial Records

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-4-4: 1 The United Methodist Church Financial Commitment 1988
2216-2-8: 11 Quadrennial Budget 1976
2217-2-1: 2 General Conference Response 1988
2217-3-7: 16 Financial Statements 1974
2218-2-2: 10 Quadrennial Budget Planning 1978
2218-2-2: 11 Budget Request 1977-1980 1977
2218-2-5: 3 General Council on Ministries Budget Hearings 1986
2218-4-4: 8 Budget 1978
2219-2-3: 7 Financial Statements - December-May 1987
2219-2-3: 8 Financial Statements - December-July 1988
Sub-series: Minutes and Reports

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2215-4-3: 2 Nominating Committee Minutes 1988
2216-2-8: 8 Des Plaines, Illinois 1974
2216-2-8: 9 Loveland, Ohio 1974
2216-2-8: 10 Georgia Harkness Memorial Fund 1975
2217-2-2: 7 Annual Meeting 1983
2217-2-2: 8 Annual Meeting 1984
2217-3-4: 8 Fall Minutes 1988
2218-2-2: 15 Joint Planning Session Minutes 1985
2218-2-2: 16 Staff Reports 1973-1979
2218-2-2: 17 Non-Staff Reports 1977-1979
2218-2-5: 1 Coordinating Committee Minutes 1987
2218-2-5: 2 Words that Hurt/Words that Heal Report 1985
2218-4-2: 8 Commission Minutes - Folder 1 1970-1976
2218-4-2: 9 Commission Minutes - Folder 2 1970-1976
2218-4-2: 10 Liaisons to Boards and Commissions, Staff Deployment 1973-1978
2218-4-2: 11 Steering Committee Minutes 1976-1980
2218-4-2: 12 Coordinating Committee Minutes 1980-1982
2218-4-2: 13 Coordinating Committee Minutes 1983-1986
2218-4-3: 1 Minutes 1977
2218-4-3: 2 Minutes 1978
2218-4-3: 3 Minutes 1979-1980
2218-4-3: 4 Minutes 1981
2218-4-3: 5 Minutes 1982-1983
2218-4-3: 6 Minutes 1984-1985
2218-4-3: 7 Minutes 1986
2218-4-3: 8 Minutes 1987
2218-4-4: 16 Organizing Meeting Minutes 1972
2218-4-4: 17 Minutes 1973-1975
2218-4-4: 18 Summary of Actions at Annual Meeting - September 21-23 1973
2218-4-4: 19 Talent Bank Project 1974-1976
2218-4-7: 9 Original General Conference Report 1980
2218-4-8: 35 Special Associate Report 1977

Series: Office of the General Secretary

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
2216-2-7: 16 Mailings 1973-1980
2216-2-8: 15 Correspondence 1973-1977
2217-2-3: 3 General Secretaries Table Minutes 1980
2217-2-3: 4 President's Reflections 1983
2217-2-3: 5 10th Anniversary Celebration 1982
2217-2-3: 6 Resume of COSROW 1981
2217-2-3: 8 Full Commission Mailings 1972-1973
2217-2-3: 9 Fall Meeting - September 21-23 1973
2217-2-3: 10 Letters and Newsprints 1973
2217-2-3: 11 Correspondence 1973
2217-2-3: 12 Staff Report - September 1973
2217-2-3: 13 Commission Meeting 1974
2217-2-3: 14 Liaisons and Press 1974
2217-2-3: 15 Questionnaire 1974
2217-2-3: 16 Cover Letter 1974
2217-2-3: 17 Legislation for General Conference 1974
2217-2-3: 18 Evaluations 1974
2217-2-3: 19 General-Executive Secretary Mailing 1974
2217-2-3: 20 Evaluation - September 1975
2217-2-3: 21 Liaison Letters Annual Meeting 1975
2217-2-4: 1 Representatives Correspondence for February Meeting 1975-1976
2217-2-4: 2 Overlap Meeting 1976
2217-2-4: 3 Quadrennium Concluding Meeting 1976
2217-3-5: 7 Mailing 1988
2217-3-7: 26 Commission Press Releases 1973
2217-3-8: 1 Women Site Information Conference 1973
2217-3-8: 2 Women Site Conference 1973
2217-3-8: 3 Office Notes 1974
2217-3-8: 4 Location File 1974
2217-3-8: 5 Location File 1977-1978
2217-3-8: 6 COSROW 1977-1980
2217-3-8: 7 Formation and History 1970-1980
2217-3-8: 8 Talent Bank News Release 1975
2218-2-2: 12 Correspondence 1973-1981
2218-2-2: 13 Annual Meeting 1978
2218-2-2: 14 Interview Questions 1975
2218-2-4: 21 Annual Meeting 1986
2218-2-4: 22 Annual Meeting 1987
2218-2-4: 23 Annual Meeting 1988
2218-4-1: 2 Evaluations 1973-1979
2218-4-1: 3 Correspondence 1974-1977
2218-4-1: 4 Annual Meeting 1976
2218-4-1: 5 Annual Meeting - Folder 1 1977
2218-4-1: 6 Annual Meeting - Folder 2 1977
2218-4-1: 7 Annual Meeting - Folder 3 1977
2218-4-1: 8 Executive Secretariat Report - February 24 1978
2218-4-1: 9 Tenth Anniversary Celebration - September 23-26 1982
2218-4-2: 6 Memorandums 1973-1979
2218-4-7: 1 Chapel Keepsakes 1982-1987
2218-4-7: 2 Chapel Keepsakes 1988
2219-2-3: 5 The Flyer 1979-1987

Series: Personnel and Investigations - Restricted

Sub-series: Personnel Records RESTRICTED

Call Number Folder Title Date(s)