Transcription: 64941 Kunisawa Shimbei, Vice President of South Manchurian Railway,Dairen. Alumnus of Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, and perhaps holds the highest positon of any Alumnus of Aoyama. Aoyama, of which Methodism is justly proud, could accept only 200 out of 390 in the MIddle School Dept. in 1918. Why cannot every boy be given what he wants? Dr. Goucher paid $6,000 which was then about the same figure in Yen, for the 25 acres in the fall of 1882. Was it not a good investment? $500,000 could be obtained for it today. The Goucher faith much continue.
64942 Ume Tsuda with the statement in her own hand writing as follows;"Only by Christian Education can the women of Japan be elevated and saved."
90206 Liet. Colonel Yamamuro Gumpei, Tokyo. In 1915 received the decoration of Legion of Honor in recognition of his 20 years of labor with the Salvation Army of Japan. Born in 1872 in Okayama Province. In 1887 came to Tokyo with 8 cents in his pocket. Converted at an open air meeting. Hearing of Joseph Niijima and Doshisha at Kyoto, he went to Kyoto, entered, studied amid great difficulties, graduated and labored with Mr. Ishii in his great work for orphans in Okayama. Was introduced to the Salvation Army Officers from England in 1895, and started to work with them. Author of "The Common People's Gospel," now in its 128th thousand and scores of other books and tracks. In Aug. 1917 visited the Japanese on the Pacific Coast holding 48 meetings in 15 centers, bringing 850 to the foot of the Cross.
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