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Methodists United For Peace With Justice

Tiago Dos Santos, Jordan Aussicker and Daisy Wiggins King, Student Assistants and Mark C. Shenise, Associate Archivist

United Methodist Archives and History Center
General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church


Overview of Collection

Record Creator: Methodists United For Peace With Justice
Title: Methodists United For Peace With Justice
Date Span: 1965-2010
Abstract: Methodists United For Peace With Justice (MUPWJ) is an educational and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. Their formation grew out of the Foundry United Methodist Church's Foundry Peace Mission to support the UMC's Council of Bishops pastoral letter "In Defense of Creation: The Nuclear Crisis and a Just Peace". Later it evolved to be ecumenical in nature in both membership and glocal issues. The fight against nuclear proliferation of arms and testing makes up the majority of the records. Other peace issues, however, are still an important segment of the collection such as non-violent pacifism, poverty, especially children and youth, along with changing priorities in the U.S. federal budget.
Extent: 18.99 cubic feet
Identification: gcah.rg.5849

History Note

Methodists United for Peace and Justice (MUPWJ) roots began with the Foundry United Methodist Church's Foundry Peace Mission ( In 1987, The group focused on creating a national organization to support The United Methodist Church's Council of Bishops pastoral letter In Defense of Creation: The Nuclear Crisis and a Just Peace. This document called for the end of the philosophy and policies supporting nuclear deterrence amongst nuclear armed countries. To replace idea of nuclear deterrence the bishops called for greater witness for peace and justice as a more permanent solution to the safety and security of global populations. MUPWJ became a staunch lobbying advocate on not only this issue but others such as ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and Chemical Weapons Convention, halting all research and development of nuclear weapons, enforcement of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, as well as other related topics. Other peace and justice issues include cutting federal budget spending for the military, United States military action in the Middle East and Afghanistan, redirecting government funding to meet human needs in the US and the developing world as part of its ongoing mission.

MUPWJ education and advocacy work manifests itself in their Peace Leaf and Justice Alert publications as well as various seminars. They also would advocate government leaders and groups around the world but their primary focus is on United States government offices. The group originally focused on United Methodist members. Later it expanded to include other Methodist denominations and like minded ecumenical groups. Their headquarters is currently located in Washington, D.C.

Howard W. Hallman, Executive Director and Chair of MUPWJ, helped to establish and worked within the organization since its inception. Hallman has spent most of his adult working for peace with other organizations as well. He held various MUPWJ leadership roles while becoming the primary driving force for its global partnership with like organizations. It was his worldwide vision of peace and justice that drove MUPWJ to become a credible voice for the movement. Hallman is also a prolific author. His work has appeared in more than 250 articles and al least nine books. The collection is primarily Hallman's office and personal files which include several manuscripts, correspondence, plays, screen plays and novels whose primary plots involve aging, sports and interpersonal relationships.

Scope and Content Note

Currently the collection's MUPWJ documentation comes solely from Howard Hallman's office. Both paper and digital born records illustrate how MUPWJ started out as a small, volunteer group of United Methodist clergy and laity to give voice against nuclear weapons and support the idea of mutual destruction deterrence. The records show how Hallman's drive to make a larger coalition amongst other religious bodies and then like-minded nonprofit, non-governmental organizations that share MUPWJ core values in order to create a more unified strong voice for justice and peace in the world.

The records show how far reaching MUPWJ and its coalition organizations cajoled, lobbied and confronted from lowest to the highest levels of government in order to halt nuclear testing, end nuclear deterrence policies and chemical weapons development and their usage. The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and Non-Proliferation Treaty ratifications make up a majority of the records going into and beyond the 21st century. There are also documents related to stopping the spread of nuclear weapons expansion in non-nuclear countries with India and Pakistan serving as case tests. Additionally, there are emails discussing the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Further documents record how MUPWJ took an active role in trying to block any American military activity in Afghanistan and the Gulf region as it continued to escalate under various presidential administrations. Once war became inevitable, MUPWJ called for quick endings to all fighting with just resolutions. They augmented their antiwar stance in order to achieve a sustainable peace by lobbying the United States government and other first world powers through coalition building of like-minded groups by lobbying both in personal visits and writing government leaders.

By 2004, documents show there was a series of conferences, recommended publications, outreach programming to local church study groups and other venues to discuss the idea of a theologically just war concept in light of theological pacifism. As a result the subsequent discussions and advocation of peace were filtered through Albert Outler's intellectual Wesleyan Quadrilateral of four theological categories: Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience in order to create a deeper and more relevant theological construct to change or reject the idea of a just war. As typical of Hallman's leadership, the conversation ranged across a broad spectrum led by ideas from prominent scholars representing related disciplines and multi-denominational peace statements. Also documented is how in the late 1980s MUPWJ took up the cause to end the Reagan era Star Wars Strategic Defense Initiative as part of its larger anti-nuclear proliferation goal.

Peace Leaf, along with the shorter Peace/Justice Alert are the official MUPWJ publications. Letter and later email campaigns to Methodist Church leaders, domestic and foreign political officials and staffs, various forms of news outlets, local church programs, special events and a robust website enabled MUPWJ to further its mission.

There are complete manuscripts and supporting documents of Hallman’s personal writings and subsequent submissions to various agents or publishers.


Materials have been arranged in the following manner.

Board Meetings and Members
Global Gatherings
Digital Working Documents
Electronic Mail
Building a Wesleyan Theology of Peace for the 21st Century
Nuclear Disarmament
Peace and Related Issues

Preferred Citation

When citing material from this collection please use the following format: Direct reference to the item or its file folder, Methodist United for Peace With Justice Records, United Methodist Church Archives - GCAH, Madison, New Jersey. Do not make use of the item's call number as that is not a stable descriptor.

Access Restrictions

There are no restrictions on this collection.

Use Access

Detailed use restrictions relating to our collections can be requested from the office of the archivist at the General Commission on Archives and History. Photocopying is handled by the staff and may be limited in certain instances. Before using any material for publication from this collection a formal request for permission to publish is expected and required.

Related Material

Administrative records of the Division of Ministry of God's Human Community of the General Board of Church and Society.

Harrisburg Episcopal Area Records

Index Terms

Subject Terms
Armed Forces
Church and social problems
Church and state
Human rights
International Relations
Nuclear disarmament
Social justice
Geographic Terms
Middle East
United States
Washington (D.C.)
Genre Terms
Annual reports
Financial records
International Agreements
Added Names - Persons
Hallman, Howard W.

Container List

Series: Administration
Sub-series: Board Meetings and Members
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-4-3: 4 MUPWJ Board Meetings Background 1 1989-1990
1308-4-3: 5 MUPWJ Board Meetings Background 2 1989-1990
1308-4-4: 9 GBCS - P/J Guide 1986
1308-4-4: 10 Helm Walk 1987
1308-4-4: 11 MUPWJ 1987
1308-4-4: 12 MUPWJ: Issues Committee 1987
1308-4-4: 13 MUPWJ 1988
1308-4-4: 14 MUPWJ: Membership Campaign 1988
1308-4-4: 15 MUPWJ: Membership Reports 1988-1989
1308-4-4: 16 MUPWJ Steering Committee 1988
1308-4-4: 17 Letters to Steering Committee 1988
1308-4-4: 18 Activities 1989-1990
1308-4-4: 19 Board Handouts 1989
1308-4-4: 20 Board Material 1989
1308-4-4: 21 Board Meeting 1989
1308-4-5: 1 Board Minutes 1989
1308-4-5: 2 Membership Renewal 1989-1990
1308-4-5: 3 MUPWJ Board of Director Meeting Material 1986-1989
1308-4-5: 4 MUPWJ Correspondence with Members 1 1989-1990
1308-4-5: 5 MUPWJ Correspondence with Members 2 1989-1990
1308-4-5: 6 MUPWJ Membership Campaign 1989
1308-4-5: 7 Membership Recruitment 1989
1308-4-5: 8 Replies to contributors, dissenters 1988-1989
1308-4-5: 9 Returned membership forms - change of address 1989-1990
1308-4-5: 10 MUPWJ Witnessing for Peace and Justice 1989
1308-4-5: 11 Board Agenda 1989-1990
1308-4-5: 12 Board of Directors - Minutes for October 1990
1308-4-5: 13 Board Mailing 1990
1308-4-5: 14 Board Mailing - May 1990
1308-4-5: 15 Board Mailing - June 1990
1308-4-5: 16 Board Mailing - September 1990
1308-4-6: 1 Board of Directors 1990
1308-4-6: 2 Board of Directors 2 1990
1308-4-6: 3 Executive Committee Minutes 1990
1308-4-6: 4 Goals for International Peace Undated
1308-4-6: 5 Letters to Membership 1990
1308-4-6: 8 Membership Invitation Letters 1990
1308-4-6: 9 Membership 1990
1308-4-6: 10 Membership Recruitment 1990-1991
1308-4-6: 11 Meeting of Board of Directors Minutes - March 1990
1308-4-6: 12 MUPWJ Boards Bernice Smith's reactions 1990
1308-4-6: 7 Material to Send to Board Undated
1308-4-6: 6 Major Decision of Board - March 1990
1308-4-6: 13 MUPWJ Board of Directors - Material for March 1991
1308-4-6: 14 MUPWJ Board of Directors - March 1990
1308-4-6: 15 MUPWJ Board Material 1990
1308-4-6: 16 MUPWJ Board Meeting 1990
1308-4-6: 17 MUPWJ Executive Committee 1989-1990
1308-4-6: 18 MUPWJ Membership Reports 1990
1308-4-6: 19 New Member Letter Undated
1308-4-6: 20 MUPWJ Invite to Membership 1990
1308-4-6: 21 Peace Agenda of MUPWJ 1990
1308-4-6: 22 Peace and Justice in the 1990s 1990
1308-4-6: 23 Letters of Donations 1990
1308-4-7: 1 Board Meeting 1991
1308-4-7: 2 Board Membership 1990-1991
1308-4-7: 3 Background 1990-1991
1308-4-7: 4 Board Meeting 1991
1308-4-7: 5 Board Minutes 1991
1308-4-7: 6 Board of Directors 1991
1308-4-7: 7 Correspondence with Members 1991
1308-4-7: 8 Membership Information Set 1991
1308-4-7: 9 Board of Directors Minutes - March 1990-1991
1308-4-7: 10 MUPWJ Issues Agenda 1991
1308-4-7: 11 Resolutions: Arab-Israeli Conflict Iraqi Relief 1991
1308-4-7: 12 Activities Report to Board of Directors 1992
1308-4-7: 13 Board of Directors 1992-1996
1308-4-7: 14 Board Meeting 1992
1308-4-7: 15 Membership 1992
1308-4-7: 16 MUPWJ 1992-1993
1308-4-7: 17 Membership 1994
1308-4-8: 1 Board of Directors 1994
1308-4-8: 2 MUPWJ Board Meeting 1995
1308-4-8: 3 MUPWJ Board of Directors Meeting in Atlanta 1995
1308-4-8: 4 MUPWJ Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting 1995
1308-4-8: 5 MUPWJ Board of Directors Minutes 1995
1308-4-8: 6 MUPWJ Board of Directors 1995
1308-4-8: 7 MUPWJ Membership 1995-1996
1308-4-8: 8 Membership Mailing 1995
1308-4-8: 9 MUPWJ Board Roster 1995
1308-4-8: 10 MUPWJ Board Minutes 1996
1308-4-8: 11 MUWPJ Board of Directors Meeting 1996
1308-4-8: 12 MUWPJ Board Meeting 1996
1308-4-8: 13 MUWPJ Board 1996
1308-4-8: 14 MUWPJ Board of Directors 1998-1999
1308-4-8: 15 MUWPJ Board Meeting 1998
1308-5-1: 1 MUPWJ Terms of Directors 1997
1308-5-1: 3 MUPWJ Board 1996-1997
1308-5-1: 4 MUPWJ Membership 1997
1308-5-1: 5 MUPWJ Membership 2 1997
1308-5-1: 6 MUPWJ Membership 1999
1308-5-1: 7 MUPWJ Board Meeting 1999
1308-5-1: 8 MUWPJ Membership 2000
1308-5-1: 9 MUPWJ Membership to be processed 2000
1308-5-1: 10 MUPWJ Board of Directors 2000
1308-5-1: 2 MUPWJ Board Meeting 1997
1308-5-1: 11 MUPWJ Board of Directors 2002
1308-5-1: 12 Board of Directors 2002
1308-5-1: 13 Membership 2003
1308-5-1: 14 MUPWJ Board of Directors 2004-2005
1308-5-1: 15 Pan-Methodist-MO/VA 2004
1308-5-1: 16 MUPWJ Membership 2006-2007
1308-5-2: 1 MUPWJ Membership 2005
1308-5-2: 2 MUPWJ Membership 2007
1308-5-2: 3 MUPWJ Membership Undated
1308-4-6: 21 Peace Agenda of MUPWJ 1990
1308-5-3: 8 Board of Directors Meeting: Hallman Documents Binder - Folder 1 1988-1989
1308-5-3: 9 Board of Directors Meeting: Hallman Documents Binder - Folder 2 1988-1989
1308-3-7: 1 Methodist United for Peace with Justice 1 1987-1988
1308-3-7: 10 NAC 1988
1308-3-7: 11 MUPWJ and United Methodist General Board of Church and Society 1988
1308-3-7: 14 MUPWJ: C-4 by laws (drafts) 1988
1308-3-8: 7 MUPWJ by-laws Updates Undated
1308-3-8: 11 MUPWS History 1987-2010
1308-3-8: 12 Articles of Incorporation Updated Undated
1308-3-8: 13 Bulk Permit Application 1990
1308-3-8: 16 Information about Methodist United for Peace and Justice 1990
1308-3-8: 18 NAC 1990
1308-3-8: 19 NAC 2 1990
1308-4-1: 1 Organization of MUPWJ 1990
1308-4-1: 6 NAC 1991
1308-4-1: 7 NAC 1992
1308-4-1: 8 United Methodist General Boards and Caucuses 1992
1308-4-1: 11 MUPWJ By laws Amendments 1994
1308-4-1: 13 MUPWJ National Advisory Committee 1995
1308-4-2: 3 MUPWJ 1999-2000
1308-4-2: 6 MUPWJ Board Meeting 2001
1308-4-2: 8 MUPWJ: Nationals, Advisory Committee 2002
1308-4-2: 16 Methodist Denominations 2005
1308-3-7: 3 Methodist United for Peace with Justice 2 1987-1988
1308-3-7: 3 Methodist United for Peace with Justice 3 1987-1988
1308-3-4: 30 Miscellaneous File 1989
Sub-series: Finance
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-4-3: 7 Budget Hearing Proposal 1989
1308-4-3: 8 MUPWJ Budget Material 1989
1308-4-4: 1 MUPWJ Records Financial 1987-1992
1308-4-3: 9 MUPWJ Early History 1990-1993
1308-4-4: 2 GBCS Grant 2004
1308-4-4: 3 Ruth Mott Fund 1990
1308-4-4: 4 MUPWJ Fundraising 1995
1308-4-4: 5 MUPWJ Grant Request to GBCS 1995-1996
1308-4-4: 6 A.J Muste Memorial Institute 1990-2005
1308-4-4: 7 Winston Foundation 1989-1992
1308-4-4: 8 Winston Foundation 2 1989-1992
1308-3-7: 7 Structure of MU 1987
1308-3-7: 8 Finances 1988
1308-3-8: 8 Financial Statement 1989
1308-3-8: 9 MU Peace Justice Education Fund 1989
1308-3-8: 15 Budget Options 1990
1308-4-1: 3 Treasurer's Report 1990
1308-4-1: 5 Financial Statement 1991
1308-4-1: 9 Treasurer 1993
1308-4-1: 10 MUPWJ Financial Statement 1993
1308-4-1: 12 MUPWJ Treasurer 1994-1996
1308-4-1: 18 MUPWJ Treasurer 1996
1308-4-1: 19 MUPWJ Financial Reports 1997-2003
1308-4-1: 20 Treasurer 1997-1998
1308-4-2: 1 MUPWJ Treasurer 1998
1308-4-2: 2 MUPWJ Treasurer 1999
1308-4-2: 5 MUPWJ Treasurer 2000
1308-4-2: 7 MUPWJ Treasurer 2001
1308-4-2: 9 MUPWJ Treasurer 2001-2002
1308-4-2: 10 MUPWJ Treasurer 2003
1308-4-2: 11 MUPWJ Treasurer 2004
1308-4-2: 12 MUPWJ Treasurer 2005
1308-4-2: 13 MUPWJ Treasurer 2006
1308-4-2: 14 MUPWJ Treasurer Reports 2010
1308-3-7: 6 Office Space Agreement Use of Bids 1987
1308-3-7: 4 Finance 1987-1988
1308-3-7: 5 Finances through Capitol Hill Untied Methodist Church 1987
1308-3-8: 14 Financial Conditions 1990
Sub-series: Global Gatherings
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-5-2: 4 United Methodists Council of Bishops 1991
1308-5-2: 5 MUPWJ Membership Recruitment Spring 1992
1308-5-2: 6 Pan-Methodist Commission 1993
1308-5-2: 7 Gathering Roster 1993
1308-5-2: 8 Gathering Follow-up 1993
1308-5-2: 9 Musical Notes of Gathering 1993
1308-5-2: 10 MUPWJ Gathering - Plenary Leaders 1993
1308-5-2: 11 MUPWJ Gathering - Plenary Sessions 1993
1308-5-2: 12 MUPWJ Gathering - Workshop Leaders 1993
1308-5-2: 13 MUPWJ Gathering - Workshop 1992-1993
1308-5-2: 14 MUPWJ Gathering - Bishops 1994
1308-5-2: 15 MUPWJ Gathering - Painting 1992-1994
1308-5-2: 16 MUPWJ Gathering - Hotel 1993
1308-5-2: 17 MUPWJ Gathering - Meeting Notes Steering Committee 1993
1308-5-2: 18 MUPWJ Gathering - United Methodist Church Caucuses 1993
1308-5-2: 19 MUPWJ Gathering - Travel Arrangements 1993
1308-5-2: 20 MUPWJ Gathering - Publicity 1993
1308-5-2: 21 MUPWJ Gathering - Workshop Overview 1993
1308-5-2: 22 MUPWJ Gathering - Flyer Mailings 1993
1308-5-2: 23 MUPWJ Gathering - Holiday Inn 1993
1308-5-2: 24 MUPWJ Gathering - Holiday Inn 2 1993
1308-5-3: 2 Gathering Intervention Workshop 1994
1308-5-3: 3 MUPWJ Gathering in Texas 1994
1308-5-3: 4 Pan-Methodist 2002
1308-5-3: 5 Methodist Family Gathering 1 2003
1308-5-3: 6 Methodist Family Gathering 2 2003
1308-5-3: 7 MUPWJ Methodist Family 1999-2003
Sub-series: Digital Working Documents
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-5-4: 1 ABOLISH 1-10, L01-L31, August-October 1995
1308-5-4: 2 ABOLISH 11-17, L32-L76, August-January 1995-1996
1308-5-4: 3 ABOLISH 18-26, L77-L111, January-March 1996
1308-5-4: 4 ABOLISH 27-35, L112-L149, April-June 1996
1308-5-4: 5 ABOLISH 36-44, L150-L218, June-October 1996
1308-5-4: 6 ABOLISH 45-49, L219-L270, October-December 1996
1308-5-4: 7 ABOLISH 50-334, December-March 1996-1999
1308-5-4: 8 ABOLISH 335-374, 37-68, June-June 1996-1997
1308-5-4: 9 ABOLISH 375-413, 69-76, June-October 1996-1997
1308-5-4: 10 Abolish 77-86, Abolishl 414-449, October-November 1997
1308-5-4: 11 Abolish 87-76, Abolishl 450-492, December-February 1997-1998
1308-5-4: 12 Abolish 97-103, Abolishl 493-543, January-February 1998
1308-5-4: 13 Abolish 104-111, Abolishl 544-579, February-March 1998
1308-5-5: 1 Abolish 112-124, Abolishl 580-612, March-April 1998
1308-5-5: 2 Abolish 125-126, Abolishl 613-646, April 1998
1308-5-5: 3 Abolish 127-137, Abolishl 647-690, April-May 1998
1308-5-5: 4 Abolish 138-149, Abolishl 691-727, May-June 1998
1308-5-5: 5 Abolish 150-163, Abolishl 728-776, June-September 1998
1308-5-5: 6 Abolish 164-182, Abolishl 777-808, September-January 1998-1999
1308-5-5: 7 Abolish 183-200, Abolishl 809-852, Senate Field Office, January-March 1999
1308-5-5: 8 Abolish 201-205, Abolishl 853-911, March-May 1999
1308-5-5: 9 Abolish 206-224, Abolishl 912-952, May-September 1999
1308-5-5: 10 Abolish 225-299, Abolishl 953-995, October 1999
1308-5-6: 1 Abolish 245-260, Abolishl 996-999, ABL 001-022, Abolish 14, November-April 1999-2000
1308-5-6: 2 ABL 023-059, Abolish 261-279, April-August 2000
1308-5-6: 3 Abolish 280-291, ABL 060-095, August-September 2000
1308-5-6: 4 Abolish 292-311, ABL 096-108, 01102-6 to 11, Some older Abolish, September-December 2000
1308-5-6: 5 Abolish 312-341, Abolish 109-115, December-March 2000-2001
1308-5-6: 6 ABL 118 to ABOLISH 342-341, March-September 2001
1308-5-6: 7 Abolition-Religious, August-November 1997
1308-5-6: 8 Advocacy Days 2004 2003-2004
1308-5-6: 9 Advocacy Days 2005 2004
1308-5-6: 10 Arsenal and Treaties 2002
1308-5-6: 11 Biblical 2004-2005
1308-5-6: 12 Budget 01-L35 1989
1308-5-6: 13 Call Undated
1308-5-6: 14 Call 2 Undated
1308-5-6: 15 CIVIC1 1991-1993
1308-5-7: 1 CIVIC2 1991-1993
1308-5-7: 2 CIVIC3 1991-1993
1308-5-7: 3 Civil Sector 2003
1308-5-7: 4 Conference 2005-2006
1308-5-7: 5 CONSENT 001-07, L01-L25, R01 1992-1994
1308-5-7: 6 CONSENT 5 1993-1994
1308-5-7: 7 CONSENT 6 1994
1308-5-7: 8 CONSENT 7 1996
1308-5-7: 10 CONSENT 1234-2 1992-1995
1308-5-7: 11 CONSENT 1234-3 1992-1995
1308-5-7: 9 CONSENT 1234-1 1992-1995
1308-5-8: 1 CONSENT 1234-4 1992-1995
1308-5-8: 2 Conversation 1 to 11-12-2004 2004
1308-5-8: 3 Conversation 2, 11-12-2004 to 4-1-2005 2004-2005
1308-5-8: 4 Conversation 3, 4-2-2005 to 7-2005 2005
1308-5-8: 5 Conversation 4 2005
1308-5-8: 6 Conversation 5 2005
1308-5-8: 7 Democracy 1 1994-1996
1308-5-8: 8 Democracy 2 1994-1996
1308-5-8: 9 Democracy 3 1994-1996
1308-6-1: 1 Democracy 4 1994-1996
1308-6-1: 2 Democracy 5 1994-1996
1308-6-1: 3 Disarm 01-20, L01-L44 1989-1995
1308-6-1: 4 Disarm 20-27, L45-L89 1991
1308-6-1: 5 Disarm 28-30, L90-L99, L100-L141 1991-1992
1308-6-1: 6 Disarm 31-36, L142-L179 1992
1308-6-1: 7 Disarm 37-40, L180-L228 1993
1308-6-1: 8 Disarm 41-L137, L229-L256 1993-1996
1308-6-1: 9 Email 1997
1308-6-1: 10 Email Lists 2001
1308-6-1: 11 Europe 07-L09, IPO1-L14, Mideast 01-L14 to Monday 01-02 1989-1994
1308-6-1: 12 Forum 2005
1308-6-1: 13 Global Peace 2004
1308-6-1: 14 Global Statement 2003 2003-2004
1308-6-1: 15 Grants 1-13, L01-L08 1989-1990
1308-6-2: 1 Grants 14-L24 1990
1308-6-2: 3 Grants 29-L86 1991
1308-6-2: 2 Grants 23-28, L25-60 1990-1991
1308-6-2: 4 Hallman Peacemaking 2006
1308-6-2: 5 How to Get to Zero 1-Deep Cuts 2002-2003
1308-6-2: 6 How to Get to Zero 2- Model Treaties 1998-2004
1308-6-2: 7 ICLT, INP, 7-19-2003 to 12-05-2003 2003
1308-6-2: 8 ICLT 038-051, ICND 020-046 2000
1308-6-2: 9 ICLT 052-101, ICND 047-067 2000-2001
1308-6-2: 10 ICLT 071-101, ICND 068-089 2000-2001
1308-6-2: 11 ICLT 163-176, ICND 108-121 2001
1308-6-2: 12 ICLT 176-184, ICND 122-131 2001-2002
1308-6-2: 13 ICLT 185-219, ICND 132-138 2002
1308-6-2: 14 ICLT 220-223, ILND 141-143 2003
1308-6-2: 15 ICND 1-24-2004 to 2004-2005
1308-6-2: 16 ICND, III, 11-17-2003 to 1-23-2004 2003-2004
1308-6-2: 17 ICND 085-098, ICLT 102-129, 10516-10 to 25 2000-2001
1308-6-3: 1 ICND 099-107, ICLT 130-162, Jones Ploughshares 2001
1308-6-3: 2 IPN 011 to ICND-19, IPLT 001 to ICLT 037 1999-2000
1308-6-3: 3 Iraq 2002-2003
1308-6-3: 4 Just Peacemaking 2004-2005
1308-6-3: 5 Letter to Congress, ICLT 141-152 2001
1308-6-3: 6 Losing Destiny - Folder 1 1994-1996
1308-6-3: 7 Losing Destiny - Folder 2 1994-1996
1308-6-3: 8 Losing Destiny - Folder 3 1994-1996
1308-6-3: 9 Losing Destiny - Folder 4 1994-1996
1308-6-4: 1 Losing Destiny - Folder 5 1994-1996
1308-6-4: 2 Losing Destiny - Folder 6 1994-1996
1308-6-4: 3 Membership 2003 2003
1308-6-4: 4 MIMWJ Issues, Nuclear Disarmament, Iraq 2003
1308-6-4: 5 Moral Appeal, 1-2004 to 3-2-2004 2002-2004
1308-6-4: 6 Moral Appeal, 3-3-2004 to 2004
1308-6-4: 7 MU 1-13, MUFLYER, MURPT 1-39 1987-1990
1308-6-4: 8 MU 14-57, C 140 LST NAME PF_MUBYL_MUCHP_MUFUND 1990-1995
1308-6-4: 9 MU 86a-103, MULT 40-70 1998-1999
1308-6-4: 10 MU 104-114, MULT 71-102 1999-2000
1308-6-4: 11 MU 116-124, MULT 103-148 2001-2003
1308-6-5: 1 MU 125-, MULT 148-, to 2-21-2005 2002-2005
1308-6-5: 2 MU Board of Directors Minutes 1990
1308-6-5: 3 MU, MULT 1-22-2005 to 2005
1308-6-5: 4 MUALERT, MUFIN 01-03, MUFLYER, MU FUND, MUSP 1-3, MUMEM, MUNEWS 01 1988-1989
1308-6-5: 5 MUALERT, MUNEWS 1989-1994
1308-6-5: 6 MUBD, MUMEM, MUNAC, MUPAYABLE 1989-1994
1308-6-5: 7 MUCONF 1-64 1993
1308-6-5: 8 MUCONF 66-77, MULTR 654-656 1993-1995
1308-6-5: 9 MULT 01-39, MU 75-85, BD List 4-3-1997 1997-1998
1308-6-5: 10 MULTR 1-68 1989-1990
1308-6-5: 11 MULTR 14, 138-218 1990
1308-6-5: 12 MULTR 69-137 1990
1308-6-5: 13 MULTR 219-291, 197-198, 221 1990
1308-6-5: 14 MULTR 292-362, BUDGET 1A5 1989-1991
1308-6-5: 15 MULTR 363-477 1991
1308-6-6: 1 MULTR 478-536 1991-1992
1308-6-6: 2 MULTR 546-618 1993-1995
1308-6-6: 3 MULTR 619-691 1995
1308-6-6: 4 MULTR 692-757, ABOLISH 152-157 1995-1996
1308-6-6: 5 MULTR 758-825 1996-1997
1308-6-6: 6 MUPWJ 01-52 1988-1989
1308-6-6: 7 MUPWJ 11-31, PCLF4, PL 501-805 1988-1989
1308-6-6: 8 MUPWJL L53-186, TREAS 809-903, STC, MUPWJLPRI, MUPWJNC 88 1988-1989
1308-6-6: 9 MUPWJ or Home Page 2003
1308-6-6: 10 MUPWJ Website, Methodist Family 1993-2003
1308-6-6: 11 MURPT 40-79 1989-1991
1308-6-6: 13 MUTEX, PJALERT, MU58-74 1992-1996
1308-6-6: 12 MURPT 80-102 1991-1995
1308-6-7: 1 MUTRES 1989-1992
1308-6-7: 2 Nonviolence Pacifism Website 2001-2005
1308-6-7: 3 Pan Methodist 1 1999-2004
1308-6-7: 4 Pan Methodist 2 2004
1308-6-7: 5 Peace Leaf 1 1989-1991
1308-6-7: 6 Peace Leaf 1- 2003 to 2003
1308-6-7: 7 Peace- Justice Alerts, Email 21212-05 to 11217-01 2001
1308-6-7: 8 Political and Military Leaders Statements 2002
1308-6-7: 9 Prep Com Briefings Presentations, Email 805-14-24 to 805-21-07 - Folder 1 1998
1308-6-7: 10 Prep Com Briefings Presentations, Email 805-21-07 - Folder 2 1998
1308-6-7: 11 Presidential Candidates 2005-2006
1308-6-7: 12 Signers - Moral Appeal 2003
1308-6-7: 13 Theology Web Page 1 2004-2005
1308-6-7: 14 Theology Web Page 2 2005
1308-6-7: 15 Theology Web Page 3, 10-12-2005 2005
1308-6-7: 16 Theology, Philosophy, Miscellaneous - Folder 1 1988-1997
1308-6-8: 1 Theology, Philosophy, Miscellaneous - Folder 2 1988-1997
1308-6-8: 2 Theology, Philosophy, Miscellaneous - Folder 3 1988-1997
1308-6-8: 3 Theology, Philosophy, Miscellaneous - Folder 4 1988-1997
1308-6-8: 4 UUA 2002
1308-6-8: 5 Zero-Nukes_Dealerting and NPR 2002
1308-6-8: 6, Correspondence and Homepage 2002
1308-6-8: 7, Correspondence, Feedback Page, Site Index, Statistics 2002-2003
1308-6-8: 8 Zero-Nukes-org, Material on Website 2002
1308-6-8: 9 Zero-Nukes-org, Religious Statements 1 2002
1308-6-8: 10 Zero-Nukes-org, Religious Statements 2 1999-2002
1308-6-8: 11 Zero-Nukes-org, Religious Statements 3 2002-2004
Sub-series: Electronic Mail
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1310-2-1: 1 2-12-97 to 3-10-97 - Folder 1, February 1997
1310-2-1: 2 2-12-97 to 3-10-97 - Folder 2, February-March 1997
1310-2-1: 3 3-17-97 to 3-24-97 - Folder 1, March to 407-01 1997
1310-2-1: 4 3-17-97 to 3-24-97 to 407-01 - Folder 2, March-April 1997
1310-2-1: 5 407-02 to 513-09 - Folder 1, April 1997
1310-2-2: 1 407-02 to 513-09 - Folder 2, April-May 1997
1310-2-2: 2 5130 to 710-01 - Folder 1, May 1997
1310-2-2: 3 51310 to 710-01 - Folder 2, May-June 1997
1310-2-2: 4 51310 to 710-01 - Folder 3, June-July 1997
1310-2-2: 5 726-01 to 1103-15 - Folder 1, July-October 1997
1310-2-2: 6 726-01 to 1103-15 - Folder 2, August-October 1997
1310-2-3: 1 726-01 to 1103-15 - Folder 3, August-November 1997
1310-2-3: 2 1104-02 to 1228-02 - Folder 1, November 1997
1310-2-3: 3 1104-02 to 1228-02 - Folder 2, November-December 1997
1310-2-3: 4 1230-01 to 80232-05 - Folder 1, December-January 1997-1998
1310-2-3: 5 1230-01 to 80232-05 - Folder 2, January-February 1998
1310-2-3: 6 1230-01 to 80232-05 - Folder 3, February 1998
1310-2-4: 1 80223-06 to 80404-06 - Folder 1, March-April 1998
1310-2-4: 2 80223-06 to 80404-06 - Folder 2, March-April 1998
1310-2-4: 3 80223-06 to 80404-06 - Folder 3, March-April 1998
1310-2-4: 4 80223-06 to 80404-06 - Folder 4, March-April 1998
1310-2-4: 5 80404-7 to 80514-33 - Folder 1, April 1998
1310-2-4: 6 80404-7 to 80514-33 - Folder 2, April-May 1998
1310-2-5: 1 80404-7 to 80514-33 - Folder 3, May 1998
1310-2-5: 2 80522-01 to 80619-09, 80623-01 - Folder 1, May-June 1998
1310-2-5: 3 80522-01 to 80619-09, 80623-01 - Folder 2, June 1998
1310-2-5: 4 80522-01 to 80619-09, 80623-01 - Folder 3, June 1998
1310-2-5: 5 80619-10 to 80810-04 - Folder 1, July 1998
1310-2-5: 6 80619-10 to 80810-04 - Folder 2, July 1998
1310-2-5: 7 80619-10 to 80810-04 - Folder 3, July-August 1998
1310-2-6: 1 80810-05 to 80925-01 - Folder 1, August 1998
1310-2-6: 2 80810-05 to 80925-01 - Folder 2, August-September 1998
1310-2-6: 3 80810-05 to 80925-01 - Folder 3, September 1998
1310-2-6: 4 80925-02 to 81116-05 - Folder 1, September-October 1998
1310-2-6: 5 80925-02 to 81116-05 - Folder 2, October-November 1998
1310-2-6: 6 80925-02 to 81116-05 - Folder 3, November 1998
1310-2-6: 7 81116-06 to 90106-02 - Folder 1, November 1998
1310-2-7: 1 81116-06 to 90106-02 - Folder 2, November-December 1998
1310-2-7: 2 81116-06 to 90106-02 - Folder 3, December-January 1998-1999
1310-2-7: 3 90106-032 to 90310-01 - Folder 1, January-February 1999
1310-2-7: 4 90106-032 to 90310-01 - Folder 2, February 1999
1310-2-7: 5 90106-032 to 90310-01 - Folder 3, February-March 1999
1310-2-7: 6 90310-02 to 90517-03 - Folder 1, March-April 1999
1310-2-7: 7 90310-02 to 90517-03, Folder 2 - April-May 1999
1310-2-7: 8 90310-02 to 90517-03 - Folder 3, April-May 1999
1310-2-8: 1 90517-04 to 90830-01 - Folder 1, May-June, September 1999
1310-2-8: 2 90517-04 to 90830-01 - Folder 2, June-July 1999
1310-2-8: 3 90517-04 to 90830-01 - Folder 3, July-August 1999
1310-2-8: 4 90830-02 to 91011-01 - Folder 1, August-September 1999
1310-2-8: 5 90830-02 to 91011-01 - Folder 2, October 1999
1310-2-8: 6 91011-02 to 91231-03 - Folder 1, October-November 1999
1310-2-8: 7 91011-02 to 91231-03 - Folder 2, November-December 1999
1310-3-1: 1 91011-02 to 91231-03 - Folder 3, December 1999
1310-3-1: 2 91231-04 to 00128-04 - September-January 1999-2000
1310-3-1: 3 00128-05 to 00315-01 - Folder 1, January-February 2000
1310-3-1: 4 00128-05 to 00315-01 - Folder 2, February-March 2000
1310-3-1: 5 00316-01 to 00516-07 - Folder 1, March-April 2000
1310-3-1: 6 00316-01 to 00516-07 - Folder 2, April-May 2000
1310-3-1: 7 00516-08 to 00616-14 - Folder 1, May-June 2000
1310-3-2: 1 00516-08 to 00616-14 - Folder 2, June 2000
1310-3-2: 2 00616-15 to 00729-05 - Folder 1, June-July 2000
1310-3-2: 3 00616-15 to 00729-05 - Folder 2, July 2000
1310-3-2: 4 00724-06 to 00821-15, Folder 1, July-August 2000
1310-3-2: 5 00724-06 to 00821-15 - Folder 2, August 2000
1310-3-2: 6 00821-17 to 00914-21 - Folder 1, August-September 2000
1310-3-2: 7 00821-17 to 00914-21 - Folder 2, October 2000
1310-3-3: 1 00914-22 to 01013-13 - September-October 2000
1310-3-3: 2 01013-11, 01014-01 to 01121-07, 01009-10, 01011-11 - Folder 1, October 2000
1310-3-3: 3 01013-11, 01014-01 to 01121-07, 01009-10, 01011-11 - Folder 2, November 2000
1310-3-3: 4 01121-08 to 10103-02, 00908-03 - Folder 1, November-December 2000
1310-3-3: 5 01121-08 to 10103-02, 00908-03 - Folder 2, December-January 2000-2001
1310-3-3: 6 10103-03 to 10125-07 - January 2001
1310-3-4: 1 10126-01 to 10208-10 - January-February 2001
1310-3-4: 2 10208-11 to 10226-13 - January-February 2001
1310-3-4: 3 10226-14 to 10312-07 - March 2001
1310-3-4: 4 10312-08 to 10327-01 - March 2001
1310-3-4: 5 10327-02 to 10501-01 - March-April 2001
1310-3-5: 1 10501-02 to 10607-09 - May-June 2001
1310-3-5: 2 10607-05 to 10709-04 - June-July 2001
1310-3-5: 3 10709-05 to 10726-03 - July 2001
1310-3-5: 4 10726-04 to 10910-05 - July-September 2001
1310-3-5: 5 10910-06 to 11001-06 - September-October 2001
1310-3-6: 1 11001-07 to 11019-13 - October 2001
1310-3-6: 2 11022-01 to 11121-02, October-November 2001
1310-3-6: 3 11122-01 to 20102-19 - December-January 2001-2002
1310-3-6: 4 20103-01 to 20208-03 - January-February 2002
1310-3-6: 5 20208-03 to 20311-16 - February-March 2002
1310-3-7: 1 20311-17 to 20326-08 - March-April 2002
1310-3-7: 2 20326-09 to 20418-08 - April-July 2002
1310-3-7: 3 20418-09 to 20501-11 - April-May 2002
1310-3-7: 4 20501-11 to 20510-01 - May 2002
1310-3-7: 5 20510-02 to 20531-04 - May-June 2002
1310-3-8: 1 20601-01 to 20612-22, - June 2002
1310-3-8: 2 20613-01 to 20620-04 - June-July 2002
1310-3-8: 3 20620-05 to 20717-02, 2017-04 to 20178-13 - July 2002
1310-3-8: 4 20719-01 to 20811-01, 1-23-02 - July-August 2002
1310-3-8: 5 20812-02 to 20822-06 - August 2002
1310-3-8: 6 20823-01 to 20911-05 - August-September 2002
1310-4-1: 1 20911-03 to 20921-06 - September-October 2002
1310-4-1: 2 20921-07 to 21007-04 - October 2002
1310-4-1: 3 21007-05 to 21022-04 - October-November 2002
1310-4-1: 4 21022-05 to 21029-12 - November 2002
1310-4-1: 5 21029-13 to 21119-01, 21030-02 to 21104-19 - November-January 2002-2003
1310-4-1: 6 21202-05 to 21207-02 - December 2002
1310-4-1: 8 21119-02 to 21202-04 - November-December 2002

Series: Issues
Sub-series: Building a Wesleyan Theology of Peace for the 21st Century
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-3-1: 1 Armageddon 1999-2005
1308-3-1: 2 Conference and Website Related Papers 2006 2005
1308-3-1: 3 Conference Summary 2006
1308-3-1: 4 Conference 2003-2006
1308-3-1: 5 Conference Registration Packet 2006
1308-3-1: 6 Conference 2004-2006
1308-3-1: 7 Crusades Undated
1308-3-1: 8 Dealing with Adversaries 2004-2005
1308-3-1: 9 Discipleship 2005
1308-3-1: 10 Evangelical United Brethren Church Undated
1308-3-1: 11 Forum 2005
1308-3-1: 12 Long-Early Christianity 1996
1308-3-1: 13 Presbyterian Peacemaking 1980
1308-3-1: 14 Methodist 2004
1308-3-1: 15 Old Testament 2005-2006
1308-3-2: 1 Just Peace Undated
1308-3-2: 2 Just War 2005
1308-3-2: 3 Liberation Theology 2004-2005
1308-3-2: 4 Conference Papers 1991
1308-3-2: 5 Pacifism 1965-2005
1308-3-2: 6 Pentecostal Pacifism Undated
1308-3-2: 7 Peter and Paul 2007-2008
1308-3-2: 8 Schuyler Rhodes 2005-2006
1308-3-2: 9 Study Groups 2005
1308-3-2: 10 Theology of Peace Conference 2008 2006-2008
1308-3-2: 11 Theology of Peace Notes 2002-2006
1308-3-2: 12 Theology of Peace and War 2004
1308-3-3: 1 Theology-Writings 1 2004-2005
1308-3-3: 2 Theology-Writings 2 2004-2005
1308-3-3: 3 Theology-Writings 3 2004-2005
1308-3-3: 4 Writers 2005
1308-3-3: 5 Young People's Ministry 2006
Sub-series: Newsletters
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-3-5: 1 MUPWJ: Peace Leaf 4 - Star Wars Background 2 1988
1308-3-5: 2 Peace Leaf 5 1988
1308-3-5: 3 Peace Leaf 6 1988-1998
1308-3-5: 4 Peace Leaf 7 1989
1308-3-5: 5 Peace Leaf 8 1988-1990
1308-3-5: 6 Peace Leaf 9 1990
1308-3-5: 7 Peace Leaf 10 1990-1991
1308-3-5: 8 Peace Leaf 11 Mailing List 1991
1308-3-6: 1 Peace Leaf Set 1 1987-1991
1308-3-6: 2 Peace Leaf Set 2 1987-1991
1308-3-6: 3 Peace Leaf Set 3 1987-1991
1308-3-6: 4 Peace Leaf Set 4 1987-1991
1308-3-6: 5 Peace Leaf Set 5 1987-1991
1308-3-5: 9 Peace Leaf Article Sign up Undated
1308-3-5: 10 Peace Leaf 1993-2003
1308-3-4: 1 MUPWJ - News Releases - United Methodist News Contacts 1989-1991
1308-3-4: 2 Peace and Justice Alert Series 1989-1995
1308-3-4: 3 Peace and Justice Alerts 2001
1308-3-4: 4 Letters to District Leader and Senator 1988-1989
1308-3-4: 5 Peace and Justice Alert 1 1989
1308-3-4: 6 Peace and Justice Alert 2 1989
1308-3-4: 7 Special Alerts (Summer) 1989
1308-3-4: 8 Peace and Justice Alert 3 1989
1308-3-4: 9 Peace and Justice Alert 4 1989
1308-3-4: 11 Peace and Justice Alert 6 1989
1308-3-4: 12 Peace and Justice Alert 7 1990
1308-3-4: 13 Peace and Justice Alert 8 1990
1308-3-4: 14 Peace and Justice Alert 9 1990
1308-3-4: 15 Peace and Justice Alert Special (Summer) 1989
1308-3-4: 16 Peace and Justice Alert 10 1990
1308-3-4: 17 Peace and Justice Alert 11 1990
1308-3-4: 18 Forum on Genocide and Ethnic 1992-1995
1308-3-4: 19 Special Alert to Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Iowa 1990
1308-3-4: 20 Peace and Justice Alert 12 1990
1308-3-4: 21 Peace and Justice Alert 13 1990
1308-3-4: 22 Special Alerts 1989 1989
1308-3-4: 23 Peace and Justice Alert 14 1991
1308-3-4: 25 Peace and Justice Alert 15 1991
1308-3-4: 27 Peace and Justice Alert 16 1991
1308-3-4: 28 Peace and Justice Alert 17 1991
1308-3-4: 29 Special Alerts on Appropriations 1991
1308-3-4: 31 Peace and Justice Alert 18 1991
1308-3-4: 32 Alert B2 1991
1308-3-4: 33 Peace and Justice Alert 19 1992
1308-3-4: 34 Special Alerts 1992
1308-3-4: 35 Peace and Justice Alerts 21 1994
1308-3-4: 36 Peace and Justice Alerts 22 1995
1308-3-4: 37 Peace Leaf 1 1987
1308-3-4: 38 Peace Leaf 2 1987
1308-3-4: 39 Peace Leaf 3 1988
1308-3-4: 40 Peace Leaf 4 - Folder 1 1986-1988
1308-3-4: 41 Peace Leaf 4 - Folder 2 1986-1988
1308-3-4: 42 Peace Leaf 4 - Stars Wars Background - Folder 1 1988
Sub-series: Nuclear Disarmament
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-3-6: 6 United Methodist Church Bishops Committee on Nuclear Crisis 1984-1986
1308-3-6: 7 United Methodist Church on Peace and War 2004-2005
1308-3-6: 8 United Methodist Church: Statements at Bishops Hearing 1 1985
1308-3-6: 9 United Methodist Church: Statements at Bishops Hearing 2 1985
1308-3-6: 10 United Methodist Church: Statements at Bishops Hearing 3 1985
1308-3-6: 11 Call on Budget Priorities 1989
1308-3-6: 12 Call: Copies 1989
1308-3-6: 13 MUPWJ: Call for Shift in Budget Undated
1308-3-6: 14 Call: Signers Undated
1308-3-6: 15 Call: Correspondence 1989
1308-3-6: 16 Call: Miscellaneous 1989
1308-3-6: 17 Federal Budget Issues 1995
1308-3-6: 18 MUPWJ Activities on Nuclear Disarmament 1989-2010
1308-3-6: 19 MUPWJ and Gulf War 1990-1991
1308-3-7: 9 General Conference 1988
1308-3-7: 12 MUPWJ: Background on petition 1988
1308-3-7: 13 MUPWJ: Contacts with bishops 1988
1308-3-7: 15 MUPWJ: General Conference Follow-Up 1988
1308-3-7: 16 MUPWJ: Petition on Peace with Justice 1988
1308-3-7: 18 General Conference: MUPWJ Peace with Justice Petition 1988
1308-3-8: 1 General Conference: Miscellaneous Handouts 1988
1308-3-8: 2 United Methodist General Conference 1 1988
1308-3-8: 3 United Methodist General Conference 2 1988
1308-3-8: 4 General Conference 1988
1308-3-8: 5 General Conference Resolutions sponsored by MUPWS 1988-2008
1308-3-8: 6 General Conference: Worship Material 1988
1308-3-8: 10 MUPWJ contact with United Methodist Bishops 1989
1308-4-1: 4 United Methodist Council of Bishops 1990
1308-4-1: 14 Nuclear Abolition General Conference Resolution 1996
1308-4-1: 15 United Methodist General Conference Resolution 1996
1308-4-1: 16 United Methodist General Conference P/J Breakfast 1996
1308-4-1: 17 United Methodist General Conference 1996
1308-4-2: 4 MUPWJ Nuclear Abolition Campaign 2000
1308-4-2: 15 General Conference 2008
Sub-series: Peace and Related Issues
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-3-3: 6 Call for Peacemaking 2006-2008
1308-3-3: 7 The Progressive Income Tax 1990
1308-3-3: 8 Peacemaking-Missional Priority 1 2005-2008
1308-3-3: 9 Peacemaking-Missional Priority 2 2005-2008
1308-3-3: 11 Beebee Demonstration Undated
1308-3-3: 12 MUPWJ -- Resource Material 1988
1308-3-3: 13 A Proposal for World Peace in Our Time 1987
1308-3-3: 14 Delaware Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1989
1308-3-3: 15 Medre Contacts 1989-1991
1308-3-3: 16 New World Order 1986-1991
1308-3-3: 17 New World Order 2 1986-1991
1308-3-3: 10 Peacemaking-Missional Priority 3 2005-2008
1308-3-3: 6 Call for Peacemaking 2006-2008
1308-3-4: 10 Crispus Attucks Association, Incorporated 1989
1308-3-4: 24 Congress to Vote on Gulf War 1991
1308-3-4: 26 Forest Hill Parkway Area Council 1991
Sub-series: Personal Writings
Call Number Folder Title Date(s)
1308-4-1: 2 Proposal for Chapters 1990